Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1952 Special Chapter The Vigilant 2 (Part 2)

Chapter 1952 Special Chapter. The Awakener 2 (Part 2)

5 hours ago

Hua Shen was sitting at the door of a hospital a little tired. He had just completed more than ten operations. He needed to rest for a few minutes before continuing the operation.

The chill in the air was biting. Hua Shen pressed the sides of his aching forehead tiredly. Today's climate has made many people sick. In such sub-zero temperatures, the situation will only get worse.

Medical students were assigned by Huashen to help in several mid-rise hospitals. A lift whizzed past and soon stopped on the roof of the hospital, and new patients were brought in.

At this time, a member of Section 4 ran out.

"Dr. Huashen, please come here quickly. There is a heart surgery that needs to be performed immediately."

"I see."

Hua Shen raised his hands that were almost unable to be lifted. He turned around and returned to the hospital. He went directly to the operating room on the 6th floor. There were several doctors performing operations inside. Outside the operating room, many doctors were huddled. On the chair, fell asleep directly.

After Hua Shen went in, he saw an old man who was dying with his mouth open in pain. Some cold medical instruments around him were testing various values. Soon Hua Shen knew what was wrong and took the light and shadow scalpel.

More than ten minutes later, the operation was over. Hua Shen looked tiredly at the values ​​on the light and shadow panel. He did not leave until the patient's values ​​returned to normal.

Returning to the entrance of the hospital again, this is the place with the fewest people. The coolness can make Hua Shen wake up a little. He has not had much rest for 48 consecutive hours.

Now several doctors have woken up and have begun to operate. Huashen plans to rest for a while and then continue to help.

Hua Shen didn't know how far the city's problems had developed. Although he was a member of the administrative department, he was just an ordinary director, responsible for everything in the medical school.

Huashen didn't want to know what stage things had developed, because Gene would solve all problems and the sun would rise tomorrow. This was what Gene told Huashen before he came to the hospital.

Apart from surgery recently, Hua Shen doesn't think much about other things. His burning head is now a little calmer. Hua Shen looks at the dark city in the distance, the sporadic lights, and the rays of light that pop up from time to time.

This city has been like this in the past. Although there have been great changes in the architecture, compared with the past, Huashen does not seem to have changed too much. Huashen once asked his adoptive father, if life changes in the future. Everyone should be happier now that he is getting better, but the adoptive father just smiled and said that nothing will change, and it will even get worse.

"There's no choice anymore, isn't there!"

A voice sounded, and Huashen turned around. Frye walked over slowly, and he sat next to Huashen with a tired look on his face.

Frye was doing all the drug distribution work in the entire hospital, and even in several nearby hospitals. Most of the doctors were busy performing surgeries.

"Do you think so?"

Huashen asked relaxedly, but his expression was not relaxed. Frye nodded.

"In order to maintain capital, we can only give up some things. It is true that capital can feed everyone, lift the entire city, keep the city running, and allow everything to continue to develop. But if things like people sometimes break suddenly, It can't be fixed anymore, people are not machines."

Huashen did not answer. It can be seen that Frye is very dissatisfied with everything now, and it was the same in the past. After going through some things, Frye has changed a lot, but he is still the same as before. Has a kind nature.

No one informed him about this incident, but he came over voluntarily.

"It doesn't matter if you're in a mental hospital!"

"It's okay. There are two people over there who will take care of all the patients."

Huashen hummed, and Frye took out a cigarette and handed it over. Huashen hesitated for a few seconds before catching it.

"The nicotine might help relieve my fatigue now."

Huashen raised his hand and lit his and Fry's cigarettes, and the two smiled helplessly.

"Now I finally understand why you always look at many things from the perspective of an observer and are indifferent to many things."

"Why is this?"

Huashen asked, and Frye hummed.

"You don't want your spirit to be disturbed, so you can devote all your energy to medicine, continue to develop new drugs, innovate surgical systems, and teach students."


Fry smiled and stood up.

"There is nothing more painful than looking at hope, only to see despair."

Frye blew out a puff of smoke, put out the cigarette butt, turned around and started walking.

"Maybe one day something will change in me, and then I hope you can stop me if I'm no longer who I am."

Huashen looked at Frye with some doubts, and he raised his hand and waved.

"How will you change? Fry."

Huashen did not think carefully about what Frye said, because in Huashen's eyes, Frye is a kind person, but also a stubborn person. He has taken on a lot of things, and is the least needed in the bright city. But where someone needed to take over, Frye filled the gap.

Hua Shen has also thought about this problem. He does not have the endurance to take care of those patients as Fry.

Huashen returned to the office and watched patient diagnosis reports coming in one after another. After Frye sat down, he continued to work.

Lolita and Crystal were guarding the hospital, so it was okay for the time being, and no one would notice that place on such a cold night.

Frye felt terrible during this period. If the underlying problems could have been improved earlier, such a serious problem would not have occurred.

There were obviously opportunities and time to improve all this, but no one took action. Fry just said that the gods had missed the best opportunity.

On the issue of economic development or urban justice, the gods chose the economy. The city has indeed developed, and technology has been advancing, but the price is that most people at the bottom have suffered a price that they cannot bear.

Suffering will eventually break out completely one day, and the current results reflect the choices of the gods for more than half a century.


Fry slapped the table. He was very angry. He could imagine what the occupied areas would look like in a few hours.

"It's still the same as before, nothing can be done."

Frye is very clear about the importance of stability, but there have never been many changes in this stability. In Frye's opinion, this is not completely impossible, but a matter of willingness or unwillingness. This solidified system, If there is a change, it will be accompanied by turbulence, but if there is no change, such things will continue to happen in the future, and such tragic events will be staged over and over again.

Frye raised his trembling hands. He was still the same as before, without the courage to change everything.

"I'm sorry for inviting you over when you're so busy."

Wu Qun smiled and held the door open with one hand, making a gesture of greeting with one hand. Gene said yes and walked in. Just after he came out of Section 10, he received a call from Wu Qun.

"Lord Jean."

Yin Xianglin said with a smile on his face. There were drinks on the coffee table, and Gene took the wine glass handed by Wu Qun.

"Xiang Rin, please go up first. I want to have a good talk with Mr. Jean."

After Jin sat down, Wu Qun sat opposite him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jean. Let me just say it straight. We must take advantage of this incident to reform the entire administrative department."

Gene nodded, and Wu Qun raised his glass and took a sip.

"In my opinion, the Executive Branch no longer has the dominance it had when Alpha was still there."

Gene hummed, and he knew very well that after Alpha left, it was a huge blow to the entire department. Everything originally connected by Alpha had collapsed, and there were always countless problems.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

Wu Qun said with a smile.

“Just create a position.”

"General Affairs Department!"

Jean said, Wu Qun was a little surprised.

"It seems that you also know where the problem lies. Set up a position smaller than the section chief, but greater than the secretary, to oversee the secretary. The authority of the section chief does not need to change much. The future course of action within the section should still be decided by the section chief. , and some things that are responsible for the department are managed by the secretary and assigned to the director. In the end, the secretary can directly communicate with the official of the General Affairs Department. "

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for understanding Mr. Jean, but the key point now is the candidate for the section chief of Section 5. Although I am not sure about it, I will understand it after thinking about it for a moment. Is it Michelle?"

Gene nodded. When he came out, several other guys had unanimously decided that only Michelle had the ability to deal with the huge problems currently arising in the 5th department, solve the problems within the 5th department, and those related to the 5th department. problems between subjects.

Gene thought it was okay at first, but in the process of coming down, he felt that Michelle might not be suitable for this position, because he thought of the Alpha in the past, and the reason why Michelle was qualified was because she was too good. My working ability has been perfectly demonstrated in this month.

The same goes for Alpha in the past. Like Michelle, he had a very strong working ability and was able to handle and coordinate matters in various subjects. Some of the plans he formulated were so convincing that it was difficult for people to find fault with him.

"I don't think Michelle is suitable for the position of chief of Section 5."

As Wu Qun was talking, there was a car squeaking outside the house.

Gene turned his head slightly, the door to the room that was not closed was pushed open, and a chill entered the room.

"The change of power has begun, Mr. Jean."

Jin smiled and Wu Qun sighed.

"You're late, Su Li."

Su Li smiled and bowed slightly. After walking over, she picked up the wine bottle and took a big sip, with a smile on her cheeks that were red from the cold.

Gene was a little surprised that Su Li would come at this time.

"Sully and I discussed it, and we both thought Nia would be a good candidate."

Gene looked at the two of them with some surprise. He had not considered Niya. He had already brought her to this point, breaking away from everything in the past. She had to walk the road now by herself.

"What's the reason?"

Su Li said with a smile.

"If Niya becomes the section chief of Section 5, our Su family, including the 129 families, will fully support her. Is it enough?"

Gene laughed loudly, and Wu Qun smiled helplessly.

"In the eyes of many people, this is the same as gambling, but today's cities have become so rotten that gambling may be the only way out in the future."

Gene smiled helplessly.

"Okay, let's just bet once."

After saying that, Gene drank the wine in the glass, the two stood up and bowed. Gene walked slowly, and Su Li seemed to already know that after this matter was over, it was time to act in Bright City. When the internal power of the city changes, the change of power will mean the future development direction of the city.

Power can change, but there must never be a vacuum. Everyone knows this truth.

"If there is another reason, maybe it is my personal opinion. She is more talented than Alpha. The world is not just black and white, there are also gray places, and this gray place is the part that connects gray and white. , is the place where black and white blend. That girl was born to stand in that position. She is not like her sister, who was born to be like the dazzling sun. She is just the shadow reflected by the sun when it rises."

Gene walked out with a smile, his mind filled with what Niya had done in the past.

"This may make many people's jaws drop in shock, haha, it seems quite fun."

Looking at Jean leaving, Wu Qun sighed and looked at Su Li's expression becoming serious.

"I agree with your idea, that's why I agree with what you say."

"We both have what we need. After all, you also proposed a position prepared for Freya's daughter, a position suitable for Michelle. It would be better for her to stay with Locke, at least it would make her more A little more stable."

Wu Qun hummed, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and sat down comfortably.

"In the future, what this city needs is capable managers, not geniuses or elites, but managers who have the ability to manage the city well."

Wu Qun hummed.

The two of them realized the direction of Brilliant City when this incident started, so they talked a lot during this time.

"Let's wait and see how that girl performs in the future."

Wu Qun said, and Su Li giggled.

"You're still the same as before, but I want to remind you Wu Qun, as for the MP faction, the future may be the same. What are you going to do?"

Wu Qun scratched his head.

"The monster of capital will continue to grow bigger in any era, and we can only take it one step at a time."

Jean walked quietly across the rooftops, and the first person he contacted was Gu Yi.

"This really surprises me. I didn't expect you to agree."

"Have you forgotten, Gene, what exactly did I experience and see in the past? If you want to shake something, you need an existence that can break common sense, not an existence that conforms to everything."

"I'm sorry. Please find a suitable time and help me convey it to the other guys. I'm going to go over and deal with the matter."

Gene ended the call and stood on top of a building.

"Maybe that girl is good, at least she can lead a lot of people by the nose!"

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