Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2023 The Lost Land 3 (Part 2)

There was a strong and pungent smell in the wind. Tian Hen looked at the few old people who poked their heads out of the room in front of him. They looked a little panicked, with fear in their eyes. At this time, he put a hand on the muzzle of the gun. Wen took off his goggles and walked over with a smile.

"Old sir, don't worry, we are just staying here for one night."

At this time, an old man stretched out his hand and asked.

"Is there anything to eat, adults?"

As soon as Owen reached for his backpack, he was stopped by Tianhen, but he still couldn't defeat Owen. Owen brought some food to these old people, and they kept saying thank you.

Soon the old men started talking. They all spent seven or eight days going to the southern guard station to collect food, and another seven or eight days to come back. They would not live here for more than half a month, and those gang members They used to come here every now and then to ask them to pay taxes, but now they basically don’t come here anymore.

Owen asked in detail. Several old men were talking about how to get there. Owen began to record it. Tian Hen sat tiredly outside the house, listening to the laughter inside. Tian Hen often heard it in the barrier area in the past. This kind of laughter is just because of the sudden evil thoughts of the other party, Tianhen no longer believes in these elderly people.

"How about we rest for a few hours and then leave."

As Owen said, Tian Hen hesitated because he could not guarantee that they could escape the encirclement smoothly, because if they wanted to go east, they would definitely meet some people gathered on the edge of the mountains, and according to several old men, the east side Near the large mountain range that blocked the light of Brilliant City, there were a lot of people controlled by the Northern Red Tide.

This armed force, which has been completely crushed and wiped out once by the Xingke Branch, still exists on this land. In the past, Tianhen would hear some people talk from time to time that one day he could return to the city to live, because the barrier area has gradually have become a threat to the city, and the only way to solve these problems is to let them return to the city.

Tianhen naively thought that such a thing would really happen, but after entering Section 3, Tianhen knew more things. The reason why the barrier area can continue to survive is because the barrier area is still useful. The purpose is to stimulate domestic demand in some cities and create many jobs in the city.

Because of the problem of barrier zones, a lot of demand has been born, so companies will naturally recruit people, the economy will flow, and the 3 subjects have substantial significance.

Owen is still asking some questions from the old people. It is true that they can arrive at the southern guard station in seven or eight days, and they are still old people, but there is a prerequisite that determines that they can definitely arrive. They have lived in the barrier area for too long. , the longest is more than 30 years.

Although Tianhen and the others are young and have excellent physical strength, they are running away, and if there is not enough food, they will not be able to persist for a long time. Once they encounter armed forces, they will be doomed.

Judging from the enemy's actions, the enemy wanted to catch them very much. Tianhen regretted a little. If the problem could have been discovered a day ago, nothing would have happened today.

Everyone was very nervous now. Tianhen had to think of a way to get the 29 people back to the city intact. It would be very risky to go on foot, and the two cars below couldn't drive long distances at all.


Owen shouted, Tianhen stood up, Owen pointed at the mountains opposite and said.

"We have to leave now."

Tianhen sneered.

"If we hike for so many days, we won't have enough food and water, and there are many armed forces near the mountains. Once we encounter them, we will be doomed."

"Then just sit here and wait to die?"

Tianhen smiled and said.

"Didn't you say before that you would wait for rescue?"

Owen shook his head.

"I've asked these old gentlemen in detail. There won't be much problem with the route they take. This is the route they often take."

Tianhen looked at some fragmented road maps on Owen's light and shadow screen, and immediately dismissed Tianhen's issue. The first thing now is to let everyone get enough rest and recharge before making plans.

Owen then ran directly to the basement where they were going. Tianhen knew what he wanted to do and grabbed him.

"We will have a chance. As long as we grab the transportation from the enemy, we can set off immediately."

Owen paused.

"What if it fails?"

"It won't fail."

Tianhen said with a solemn expression, and then added.

"I'll go alone."

Owen put away the map, and after the two returned to the basement, many people fell asleep. Xima was still on guard outside with people, when Ren Jia came over.

"We can go back Tianhen!"

Tianhen snorted, Ren Jia's expression was still serious, but at this moment, accompanied by bursts of footsteps, Xima ran down.

"The enemy is coming."

In an instant, many people who had already relaxed became nervous.

"Everyone takes up arms and occupies a powerful position. Be sure to save bullets and shoot when the enemy is close."

Tianhen turned around and ran out with Xima. Soon he saw a place not far away from here, with flashing car lights. There were a large number of enemies coming towards this side, and the same thing happened behind him.

Despair instantly filled everyone's face. Tianhen looked back and forth from time to time. For a moment, he lost his attention. Not only the front, but also people coming from behind. At this time, a team member angrily grabbed the person who was following them. Ma Ming pulled him over.


Irving stopped the player in time, and Ma Ming kept explaining.

"Move quickly."

Tianhen roared, and the members of the team began to move. Tianhen moved quickly, but Xima grabbed him.

"What are you going to do, Captain Tianhen?"

"Xima, I'll leave this to your command."

After saying that, Tianhen threw away his weapons and backpack, and only took two tactical sabers. Such weapons are very lethal in the hands of mutants, but Xima still held Tianhen's arm tightly. Owen also leaned over.

"What can you do if you go down alone?"

At this time, the scavengers who lived on this ridge all came out of their houses. Many people took their things and left directly after seeing this array.

Owen turned around and went to the back with a gun and several team members. Soon they found a place with a good view. The number of enemies coming from behind didn't seem to be many. What worried Owen the most was how many there would be. Mutants come over.

Time passed by, and after a few minutes, the enemies coming from both sides stopped 200 meters away from the ridge. There were many enemies.

Tian Hen was lying on his knees quietly, holding a sniper rifle in his hand. Xima beside him finally persuaded Tian Hen. The enemy may have known that they had no means of asking for help, otherwise they would have launched signal bombs, and they would have gotten up early. The plane has arrived.

The initial battle had already exposed the team's strength, and as long as the other party brought over some experienced mutants, they would be unable to break through.

Less than 40 minutes after they arrived here, the enemy was already chasing them, without even a chance to breathe. Being able to find them so accurately was enough to show that this was the only place nearby where they could temporarily stop.

Someone began to move towards this side, Tian Hen squeezed the trigger tightly, and Xima next to him moved.

But Tianhen soon discovered that many of the people approaching were elderly people. They looked a little timid and walked very slowly. Behind them were some young armed men with guns. , was shouting, and seemed to be forcing these people to come over.

At this time, the scavengers who ran down the ridge had already approached a leader. They pointed up while talking, but the two people who passed by were shot dead in the next second.

The person in front of him was getting closer and closer. Tianhen closed his eyes and pulled the trigger the next second.


With the sound of a gunshot, one of the people who came over instantly lay down. For a moment, the people around him panicked and lay on the ground, but the next second the gang members shot from behind, and some people just He could continue to get up and move towards this side.

Tianhen kept pulling the trigger, and one person fell to the ground. The gunshots began to rise gradually, and soon they became one. The people below also shot at them with weapons, but relying on the favorable terrain, those who shot People kept falling.

As Xima continued to act, she shot and stared at the hillside. If there were mutants coming up, she would stop them immediately and notify everyone.

Compared to the west, the place from the east didn't move at all. He was still watching from 500 meters away. Owen was sweating coldly. The sound of gunshots behind him made him feel scared. He was really scared. It was a painful childhood. The memory resurfaced again, and the team members around him were the same at this time. Everyone didn't want to die.

The gunfire stopped briefly, and those who wanted to come from the front began to scatter around. Tianhen immediately arranged people to defend from the side. This ridge is not long, only less than 300 meters, and the width is not much. to 20 meters.

The reason why Tianhen doesn't want to leave is because this place can withstand attacks in a short period of time. In addition, there are some damaged bunkers on the edge of the ridge in the past. Once they get down there, they can only be defeated one by one in an environment surrounded by wasteland. tragic fate.

The sound of gunfire gradually subsided, and it seemed that no one was willing to come over with bullets. At this time, the armed forces also began to move. Some mutants came directly towards this side, and Tianhen stood up.

There is only one thought in Tianhen's mind, and he must not let too many mutants come up. Once they come up, they will be finished.

The surroundings became quiet, and after a short period of silence came the storm. Tianhen had already disappeared and began to move downwards. His sister's words continued to echo in his mind.

But soon Tian Hen forgot about these things, but soon Tian Hen saw that the other party lifted an old-fashioned artillery piece from a truck, and someone was carrying ammunition, and there were many people. Small missile launchers were taken out. These were weapons that were eliminated 20 years ago.

Although not too advanced, the lethality was huge, and Tianhen ran wildly.


Jean looked at the resting team in front of him. The captain of the B1127 team was standing in front of him. Jean looked at their road map. Now he could determine the road map Tianhen and his team were taking. It should be not far away from here. to 2 km.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The team leader immediately bowed and saluted. Jean turned around and ejected directly, turning into a blue light and traveling quickly. A few minutes later, Jean stood on Tianhen's route. Tianhen and the others should not have arrived yet. , Gene started running in the opposite direction of the route.

"It seems that girl's hunch is accurate."

Jean took out a cigarette. There were some residents of the barrier area nearby. This was a small town that Tianhen and the others were passing through. He asked some people who came out. They did not see Tianhen and the others. There was no one acting here. Ke's team passed by. According to the distance and route, Tianhen and the others had rested in this place and then moved on.

Jean was a little worried, so he speeded up and continued moving in the opposite direction of the route. However, Jean stopped soon. In more than a day, Tianhen and the others traveled up to 100 kilometers, and this was the first third of the route. , Gene already felt something was wrong.

This march is difficult, because there have been many exchanges of fire on the east and west routes, but where Tianhen and the others are is the problem. Jean is a little at a loss. Although he is familiar with the barrier area, everyone in the barrier area is at a loss. Gene is familiar with every inch of the land. He used to run back and forth on this land like this, and it's the same now.

Jean looked at the marching route of the B1189 team that Osman passed to him. Uncertain, Jean's only way was to go directly back to the southern guard station.

After making up his mind, Jean moved quickly. It was not difficult to get back to the southern guard station here, the distance was less than 60 kilometers.

At 7:59 in the morning, Jean entered Osman's office, and Osman was processing documents.

"What's wrong, principal? Didn't you go to the barrier area to confirm?"

Gene shook his head.

"I didn't find Team B1189."

Osman stood up suspiciously. After a while, Osman made a call directly to the front line, but now the entire march route was a bit chaotic. Many teams deviated from their routes during the exchange of fire with armed forces.

Jean stared at the road map, and he was thinking about where Tianhen and the others would go, because Tianhen is the kind of person who is very thoughtful and should not take the initiative to provoke armed forces, and he did not find any fighting along the way. trace.

"By the way, principal, when he was recommending department officials, Cook recommended Tian Hen, but he revoked it yesterday."

Gene's expression became serious and he took out the phone.

"Principal, I didn't expect you to call me."

The sound of children playing came from the phone.

"Why was Tianhen's recommendation as a scientific officer revoked?"

"This is the principal. Teacher Li Chu came yesterday. He said that Tianhen would be transferred to subject 7 or 9, so I canceled it."

Before Cook finished speaking, Gene hung up the phone. Before Osman could speak, Gene rushed out of the office and went directly to the top floor. This time, Gene called a lift to come up. He drove the lift directly towards the upper level.

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