Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2024 The Lost Land 3 (Part 2)

8:09 am

Li Chu stood quietly on the balcony of his home. This is an apartment that slowly rotates 24 hours a day. It is 40 stories high and each floor will rotate slowly over time. This apartment was designed by Li Chu of.

The builder is the Phoebus family, and this is the only real estate owned by the Phoebus family. The house rotates at the same speed as the earth rotated in the past. It will rotate slowly throughout the day, and you can see a different scenery every day because of the different angles. , many scenery you look at will be different.

The cost of building this apartment is also very expensive, more than 30,000 yuan per square meter, because everything in the house is fully mechanical, the light and shadow material access points have been prepared long ago, and it is very simple to re-build the layout, because it is Wide frame structure.

Li Chu has lived here a long time ago and he likes it very much. It is located in District 6 on the upper floor and can overlook the southeast, west and east. The scenery at night is even better.

Li Chu lives on the 40th floor, the highest floor, and it is a single-story apartment. The middle is the only passage down, but Li Chu has never walked through it.

In a few months, it will be Li Chu's turn to work again. Li Chu actually hates that kind of working life because he has to deal with countless documents that are meaningless in Li Chu's eyes but of great significance to the city.

"That bastard Jean is really good at hiding."

Nowadays, the final processing point for everything in the Brilliant City Congress is the 6 gods. Each god takes turns to be on duty for a quarter. They are constantly rotating. Time always flies. When Li Chu is fine, he will be in the room and continue to deal with the affairs of the Brilliant City. The AI ​​system was improved, and then he went out for a walk on the street without any friends, unlike a few other guys.

The only person who is very similar to him is Gu Yi. Guyi spends his days immersed in various researches within 10 subjects. Deguna has the job of the director of Angel Paradise, Tang Rao runs a flower house, Werther has his own farmland, and Luo Si runs her own dessert workshop, and Jean has countless friends. There are Jean's friends in every district in the city. Jean will visit these friends every day when he has nothing to do, but Li Chu himself has nothing.

Li Chu smiled to himself.

"It's still the same as before."

Today, Li Chu's life is the same as 200 years ago. He is in the world of information and data every day. But in the past, he was not very free and had a lot of pressure every day. Now he is very free.

Everything about his relatives was still vivid in his memory. Li Chu missed his sister, grandma, and wife all the time. However, they had turned into dust with the coming of heaven's punishment. He should have died with them, but there When he was on an asteroid, Li Chu had thought about it. Under the threat of Dr.

Not only did Li Chu survive, but he also watched the drastic changes taking place on the entire planet. Thinking carefully about it, Li Chu was the luckiest person besides Jean. At any rate, when they returned to that independent technological country, they did find He lost his relatives, but they were already dead.

Li Chu didn't know what the meaning of his survival was. He raised his hands and looked at the sunlight shining on his palms, smiling slightly sadly.

"It doesn't matter now to think about the meaning of survival."

However, Li Chu still has some expectations. After the city develops to a certain extent and the era of universal mechanization comes, humans can achieve automated management with the help of AI systems. Problems that would have led to the destruction of humans in the past will no longer exist. will become a thing of the past.

The entire world will be programmed, and the mechanization of human society will completely eradicate all problems in the long history of mankind. Li Chu stood on the edge of the balcony with his chin in his hand, and closed his eyes comfortably, but he opened them the next second eyes, grinning in greeting.

"Good morning"


With a loud noise, Li Chu flew in, and red particles overflowed instantly, fixing Li Chu in the air. The red particles seemed to have been violently impacted, and spontaneous combustion continued to occur. Jean squatted. On the edge of the balcony, Li Chu looked at Li Chu angrily.

"Where did you lead Team B1189 to? Tell me."

"How on earth did you find out?"

Li Chu pressed his cheek, which had been completely dented and his eyes popped out, but it slowly returned to its original shape, and he said with a grin.

"It hurts so much. It really hurts. It's been so long since I last saw you and you came up and punched me like this."

Gene jumped down, took out a cigarette, lit it and looked at Li Chu with a serious expression. Li Chu raised his hands and said.

"I don't want to fight you. After all, I don't like being beaten."

Li Chu noticed some unusual dust on Jean's clothes. This was something from the barrier area. He should have gone to the barrier area to find that team.

"Tell me, where are they?"

"Wait until you hear what I have to say."

Li Chu made a gesture of invitation, and then began to boil water to make tea.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Gene looked at Li Chu slightly angrily, and Li Chu sighed.

"Due to private excavation at the mine, the Black Mountain Research Institute was exposed, and someone broke into the Black Mountain Research Institute and took pictures of the things inside. Then Section 2 noticed something, so I sent C to investigate. The result After investigation, it turns out that the rats who know the situation inside Montenegro want to sell the things inside to the merchants. You also know that the merchants will definitely be interested in this thing. If one day they plan to let the things in Montenegro What will happen if it is exposed? You must not know!"

Gene put away his angry expression, exhaled a puff of smoke, and Li Chu continued.

"So I originally planned to let C take care of them, but C refused to take care of the rats. It's impossible for me to take care of them myself."

Li Chu moved his fingers as he spoke. A file had been transferred to Gene's mobile phone. After opening it, Gene immediately understood what happened. It was Cook who found Tianhen and used the promotion as a temptation to let Tianhen handle it. Clean, just like what that kid would do.

"It's just that according to my investigation later, the filming document in Montenegro that C got was not the only one. There was another one, and this one probably fell into the hands of that guy Tianhen, so I think it's the only one. Only dead people can't speak, don't you think so, and that boy Tianhen agreed to this kind of deal so easily, I have seen countless such guys, they have no future!"

Gene stood up.


Li Chu raised his hands and told Jean the route he had tampered with. Jean stood up instantly. He knew the seriousness of the matter and did not think much about the seriousness of the matter. Jean had already jumped to the edge of the rooftop.

"If you are willing to take action, I have nothing to say. The northern red tide in the northwest has gathered again. If you want to clean it directly, you will need to invest too much. Section 3 will also pay the price. This deterrent march is actually It doesn’t make much sense.”

Li Chu looked at Jean's cold expression and closed his eyes. He couldn't stand such a purge and massacre. The same was true for several other guys. This kind of executioner-like approach had always disgusted Li Chu in the past, and it's the same now. Yes, only Jean will continue to assume the role of executioner without any hesitation.

"I don't want something like this to happen again, if it happens again."

Li Chu hummed and raised his hands.

"I'll come to you directly next time. You're used to dealing with this kind of thing anyway. What would you do if it were you? If the secrets in Black Mountain were revealed, how big of an impact would it have on the entire human society? "

Jean said without hesitation.

"These things that were in the darkness in the past can only be buried in the darkness! Also, whether Tianhen has a future, please use your eyes to confirm."

Li Chu hummed, and Gene had disappeared from the balcony.

At the same time, 8:10 in the morning

Accompanied by a violent explosion, some enemies who were carrying artillery shells from the truck were swallowed up by the fire in an instant. Explosions sounded one after another, and screams continued to appear.

Tianhen rushed out of the flames. Facing the two menacing mutants, Tianhen raised his fist and struck them. His body was covered with red scabs, but Tianhen knew immediately after the confrontation. These two mutants who release red particles have very rich combat experience.


With a loud noise, Tianhen dodged a telepathic attack from a mutant. After he stood up and faced the menacing mutant, he did not fight head-on. Instead, he turned around and ejected directly. He held it with one hand. The saber didn't hesitate at all. The moment it landed, he waved the saber in his hand.

Blood was flying in the air. The people in front of them looked at Tianhen in disbelief and fell softly. Tianhen took out a grenade from his pocket and threw it directly into the opponent's truck. There was a loud bang, and instantly inside Blood and flesh spattered, and other mutants also attacked Tianhen.

Taking advantage of the gap in the explosion, Tianhen ejected directly in the opposite direction, as if he was playing hide and seek with other mutants. When he saw some ordinary militants holding weapons and trying to escape, Tianhen held up the blade in his hand and quickly He rushed over and swiped the blade directly towards their vulnerable spots.

Corpses fell one after another. Tianhen unscrewed a flash bomb and put on goggles in advance. At the moment when the white light exploded, Tianhen rushed out again from the gap surrounded by several mutants. , the blade in his hand accurately cut through the necks of several ordinary people.

Tianhen had only one thought in his mind at this time, to kill as many enemies as possible. It was too easy to kill those fragile ordinary people. Tianhen did not intend to face the enemy's mutants from the beginning. Confrontation.

The enemies who noticed the situation began to flee, and Tianhen was like a demon, catching up with them easily, slitting their necks directly, and piercing their hearts. Every blow was extremely accurate, without any mistakes.

Another flash bomb was thrown out, and the mutant people who were chasing after them learned the lesson, but when they stopped, Tianhen had already broken into the crowd, directly dropped a grenade, and quickly moved towards others. Ejected in the direction.

The opponent did not have thermal detection equipment, so Tianhen observed it for a few minutes, and took action at the moment when they planned to fire directly.

This is also Tianhen's consistent method. After surviving in the barrier zone in the past, Tianhen understood a very important thing. He must not have any kindness towards the enemy. Every time he fights against the enemy, Tianhen will do everything possible. The method is to kill all the enemies without leaving any survivors.


After the blade pierced a man's body, it passed directly through the door of a car and got stuck. Tianhen didn't hesitate, let go directly, took the gun from the man who was still stunned and in pain, and turned around Then they fired directly, and the people nearby fell to the ground one by one. After Tianhen threw away the gun, seven or eight mutants came around, and blood-red particles rushed toward Tianhen.

For a moment, Tian Hen felt desperate. The breath of death came towards him. There was a loud buzzing sound. Tian Hen crossed his hands to protect his chest. The scabs covered his body. In an instant, tons of pressure on Tian Hen instantly caused the pressure on Tian Hen's body. There were cracks in the scab, and the ground sank with a rumble. Tianhen gritted his teeth and looked at the several mutants who were attacking.

His mind went blank, and his body seemed to be crushed.

"Stay alive no matter what!"

As Tianhen roared, he noticed that the pressure on the left side was smaller and wanted to twist his body, but a mutant had already attacked in the next second. Tianhen watched as his fist hit his cheek. , the last chance was blocked.

Bang bang

Suddenly Tianhen felt a sudden drop in pressure, and the two mutants who were concentrating on using telekinesis to attack Tianhen were knocked away. Tianhen was finally able to move, and sideways dodged the punch, and his knees flew directly into the air. The mutant in front of him.

"Retreat Captain!"

Tianhen watched Xima bring the two mutants in the team to support him. He didn't think much and rushed forward. At this time, more mutants came over, and Xima and the other two were already planning to escape.

With a few bangs, the confrontation began. Tianhen shook his fists and fought with two mutants who came over. Xima and the others were also blocked. The next second, Tianhen saw a man in the team named Luo Jin's mutant had broken the scabs with the enemy's fists, vomiting blood, and his abdomen was completely dented.

Tianhen struggled to fend off the two mutants and rushed towards Luo Jin, but Xima was already injured at this time.

Who to save!

Tianhen's head buzzed, and his body had already moved. He suddenly turned around, and a large number of light red particles flew around. At the moment when he blocked the chasing mutant, Tianhen had already ejected to Next to Hima, the mutant who was about to attack Hima was kicked away.


As Tianhen spoke, Xima looked at Luo Jin, who had already had an enemy pinch his neck and died, while another team member who had broken through the siege turned back towards them.

"Luo Jin!"

Tianhen's eyes widened and he shouted angrily.

"Don't go there."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the mutant named Oak had already rushed in front of Luo Jin. Four or five mutants rushed over immediately, and Tianhen grabbed Xima's hand.

"Let's go, go quickly!"

Tianhen ejected with Xima, grabbed the little gap, rushed out, and ran continuously and quickly. It was not until he came to the edge of the mountain that Tianhen stopped, his lungs seemed to be It was like it was exploding, and he was panting heavily, while Xima next to him had a lifeless look on his face.

If they didn't come, Tianhen would have been dead, and there was a lot of chaos behind him. The enemy did not pursue him. But at this moment, there were rumbling sounds on the ridge. As soon as Tianhen raised his head, he saw a piece of land on the ridge. In the sea of ​​fire, he didn't think much about dragging Hima and ran towards it.

"Cheer up!"

Tianhen roared, and Xima moved at this time. The two returned to the ridge. At this time, there was a sea of ​​​​fire on the ridge. The explosion did not last long and was an attack from the east.

"Is everything okay?"

Tianhen shouted, but the smoke dissipated in the next second. In the shaking firelight, Tianhen saw several team members lying on the ground. He ran over quickly. Three people were no longer breathing, and two women The body of the team member was completely charred, and only the body of another male team member was left, with his head under a huge stone.

At this time, Tianhen felt a sudden movement, and the enemy to the west had come to the edge of the mountain.

"Pick up your weapons and come to the west, everyone!"

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