Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2062 No One Knows 1 (Part 2)


With a loud noise, a hole was blown open on a hill with lava, and then the ground shook, with falling gravel everywhere. In the distance, there was a camp with thousands of people. The camp is still being set up.

The wind and sand were a bit fierce. After the explosion for a while, someone immediately came towards the mountain wall. Agata was walking at the front, followed by a large number of mutants. Everything in front of Agata was extremely familiar. This was when she was young. A cave that once lived in for a while.

There are already a number of cave planting bases in the north. With the help of weak and improved light, crops have been successfully grown. However, many of the equipment are seriously insufficient. This reminds Agata of this desperate place in the past.

The entrance to the cave has been opened, and Agata arrived at the entrance first. The inside is still very spacious, but the mudflow nearly ten meters high has completely blocked everything. The metal tower is still vaguely visible, and there are many surrounding areas. The cave has already been dug and reinforced.

Many young people ran in in surprise. Agata immediately ordered the people below to come up and work day and night to clear out the stones in the cave.

This place can still be used as a base in the future, and behind this mountain range, there is a secret passage. Agata has not told anyone about this passage, and has already entered the passage to cover up everything.

Soon, many leaders came over with their people. Many people were assigned primitive and crude mining tools, and the sound of banging began. There used to be relatively abundant coal mines in this mountain range. As long as they were inspected and repaired, they That thermal power station can generate electricity.

Agata plans to use this place as a base again. It is impossible for the Xingke Branch to launch any large-scale attacks now. The city's economy absolutely does not allow them to do so.

Establishing her own kingdom in this dark land has always been what Agata has wanted to do. Now she has successfully done it. The 79 bosses under her command cover a large area from the northwest to the north. under her jurisdiction.

Life is like this. Agata escaped from devastating blows three times, which made her feel more and more that she might have a certain mission, so God wanted her to survive.

When he was young, Agata survived the annihilation operation in Dongjizhigrad, and then endured hell-like torture in this base. In the end, he survived tenaciously, and finally carried out a large-scale sweep in the Altan Ula Mountains in the north. At that time, Agata was lucky enough to escape.

Agata is 90 years old. She doesn't know how many years she still has, but recently Agata feels more and more energetic. Watching them digging lazily, Agata walks in slowly.

"Everyone get out of the way."

Following Agata's order, the people who were still digging moved away to both sides. Agata suddenly jumped up high, and orange particles overflowed. In an instant, the orange particles condensed into a handle. The blade slashed instantly.

There was a loud bang, and a bottomless hole was cut directly into the ground. Orange particles were poured into the ravine. Then the scabbed rocks began to crack. Within a few minutes, a large number of particles appeared on the ground. crack, the next excavation work was very simple, and many people cheered.

Agata mastered this thing called the power of God a few years ago. This power is much more powerful than before, but for a person like Agata, it is extremely ironic.

More than 5,000 people came to Agata this time. It took a month for the place to be cleaned up and put into use. Many people worked hard, including many children, women, and some elderly people, because Agata They were promised that as long as they worked hard, they would have the right to live here without having to endure cold and hunger day and night.

Trucks are coming one after another in the distance, and some supplies are being carried over. Tomorrow, you can go to the guard station to get some food and water. This is not far from the guard station. Agata plans to use the car to pull them there and let them Go get your own food.

Agata has dispatched more than 500 vehicles under his command, and it only takes a few hours to use the vehicles to reach the northern guard station.

The city's control has become more and more strict recently, and many materials flowing out of the city's black market have become less and less, so Agata thought of coming here. There is still a relatively rich material reserve here.

When Agata set foot here again and saw everything inside, she felt inexplicably calm. This place was her lingering nightmare in the past, tormenting her for many years. She still could not forget that feeling. despair.

The screams in the darkness and the stench mixed with various smells can almost kill people.

Now all this doesn't matter. For Agata, those nightmares in the past have long ended. She plans to wait for a few days for the place to stabilize and then go to the city of Rebellion in the south to discuss something with Potter.

Nowadays, there are more and more people in the barrier area, and it is no longer possible for the administrative department to clean up like in the past. Losers are still being expelled from the city. The age distribution of the city's population has reached a very uncomfortable stage. , in another 10 years, an aging society will gradually begin.

The number of newborns has dropped to a very low level due to past restrictions. Agata knows everything in the city. Everything in the future has its own conclusion. Agata no longer thinks about hatred. , continue to survive, and live better into the future, because one day in the future, there will be a chance.

Looking at the extinguishing sun in the distance, Agata smiled slightly. The wind began to calm down. This year is coming to an end, and the city will be very lively tonight.

Agata still remembers the past in the city. On the first New Year's Eve, she stayed up all night and played wildly with her friends on the street all night. At that time, every household would directly Tables and chairs are set up on the streets and banquets begin. Today’s New Year is no exception, but this scene can only be seen on the ground floor.

Many memories kept coming back. Agata had already ordered his men to make some potato stew and mashed meat for everyone tonight. This is a rare food in this land, but each person can only get one. small spoon.

Many people have already gone to the guard station, waiting for the food distribution early tomorrow morning. In the past, the guard station would cook some food for people coming over, but now it is no longer available.

Now only those who received the medicine last month can get more liquid food. Agata sat on a hill and recalled some things from her childhood, some of which Agata could no longer remember clearly.

"I wonder if that guy Li Ji is still alive."

In my memory, Li Ji was Agata's childhood playmate. Li Ji once pursued Agata, but Agata didn't agree. After all, Agata was still very beautiful at that time. Last I heard, Li Ji Agata still feels a little regretful about marrying a fat woman from time to time.

Li Ji has been learning pastry making from his parents since he was a child. He is honest and considerate, but not very good on the outside. If Agata had agreed to Li Ji and married him at that time, she might have a family full of children and grandchildren by now.

According to Agata, life is spent in constant choices, and once the wrong path is chosen, everything in the future will end in the worst possible outcome.

At this time, Agata thought of the wise man again. That guy is still alive and has been imprisoned in prison. He will never have a chance to come out until he dies.

"Boss, would you like some wine? The sorghum wine produced in our sorghum base over there and the distiller's yeast are obtained from the city."

A young leader said and leaned over. Agata smiled and took a small glass bottle handed over by the leader. After opening it, a mellow smell floated out. After Agata took a sip, she immediately There was a burning sensation in my throat. Although I could drink a little wine from time to time, it had been a long time since I had drunk such a mellow wine.

Most of the wine that can be obtained from the city is industrial fermented wine, inferior wine mixed with some industrial preparations. Agata threw the small bottle to the subordinate behind him and motioned for him to drink. After the subordinate took a sip, he sat down. Next to Agata.

"Head, I think we should introduce some systems in the future."

Agata smiled.

“Imitate the city?”

The subordinate smiled awkwardly.

"Although the system is indeed a good thing and can integrate many things, this is a barrier area. Once a system is in place, it will definitely collapse in the future, because it is people who customize systems and implement them, and they are also people who manage others."

The subordinate nodded in understanding. After Agata took a sip, he handed the wine to the young subordinate.

"This land only needs laws, nothing else is needed."

Once upon a time, Agata was also in the base behind him, customizing the system with some other bosses, but what he saw in the end was the brutal fighting after the system collapsed.

"By the way, you always look at the city quietly by yourself. Are there any relatives of yours in the city?"

Agata smiled and shook her head.

"My relatives are gone. My parents passed away when I was in my twenties, and I could only join a fraud gang and use marriage to defraud."

The young subordinate smiled helplessly. He was a native of the barrier area and had experienced the raids in the Alata Ula Mountains. If Agata had not been there at that time, he would have starved to death. It was Agata who gave them some food and food for the children. Water, teach them knowledge and how to fight.

Everyone here obeys Agata's control and respects her. It is precisely because Agata is here that the north can recover quickly after the sweep.

"Do you want to go to the city?"

Agata asked, and the young leader didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Tell me what you really think."

After hesitating for a while, the subordinate spoke.

"Head, I want to go."

Agata hummed.

"You were born in the barrier area without any criminal record. It's just because you were born in darkness that you became infected with darkness. If you are willing, aren't there 100 places at each guard station every month?"

The young man was a little moved, but he said immediately.

"Boss, if I return to the city, I will definitely try my best to get something to bring out."

Agata slapped his subordinate on the back of the neck.

"Silly boy, if you decide to go to the city, you have to forget everything about the barrier area. You don't need to do anything for us when you go back to the city. You just need to live a stable life."

The young leader was a little shocked. He didn't know why Agata said that.

"What about you, head?"

Agata shook her head.

"It's impossible for me. I will never be able to connect with that city for the rest of my life."

"Boss, after so many years, maybe your criminal record has long since disappeared."

Agata smiled and shook her head.

"This record will not disappear. I carry dozens of lives on my body. It is impossible for me to go back in this life."

After speaking, Agata took another big sip, leaving half the bottle of wine behind. She turned around and walked slowly away. The young leader followed and looked at Agata in front of him. The young men felt that there was a trace of blood all over her body. There is a ray of light, which is rare in the barrier area, this kind of relaxation and comfort, and an unparalleled sense of freedom.

Agata has long since let go of everything in the past. She doesn't want to fight anymore, but chooses to reconcile with her tragic fate. As long as she lives, she will find the answer one day.

Looking at the many stones that had been moved out, as well as many women and children carrying some things from the bottom of the mountain, they moved directly into the grottoes dug out on both sides. At least it was much warmer inside than outside.

The transportation work is still continuing, and they will go to the northern guard station in batches early tomorrow morning to collect food.

Ajia summoned some leaders over and planned to explain some things before setting off. After all, it takes two days to reach the south from the north.

Agata felt that her transformation was a bit fast. This started after the March of Section 3 at the beginning of the year. The last breath she was holding in her heart disappeared without her realizing it. It disappeared after she woke up. Ta figured out a lot of things.

Because although Agata escaped with many people, after returning, she heard several children who had met Jean talking about their "merits". They survived in front of Jean and questioned him. Gene asked something, and then Gene turned his head and left.

The suffering of the previous generation does not need to be endured by the next generation. This is what Agata has thought about most in recent months. She plans to actively encourage young people in her jurisdiction to go to the city in the future.

If such difficulties and hatred continue, this land without any hope will not give birth to any hope, and will only lead to destruction again. Agata thought, if there is no hope, he will come Create hope, be hope.

This land has been suppressed for too long. If there is an opportunity in the future to change everything here and light shines on this land, Agata is willing to reach out and shake hands with the city.

"Maybe one day will come, maybe!"

Agata closed her eyes, and this tiny flame of hope in her heart began to light up again recently.

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