Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2063 No One Knows 1 (Part 2)

10:03 pm

The streets and alleys are crowded with people, and many people gather in places with performances. Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the New Year.

This year, all the councilors in the district are well prepared. There are a dazzling variety of activities, but most of the attractions are those with cash prizes. Most of these activities are organized by businessmen.

A woman in a red trench coat walked through the noisy crowd. She pulled the collar high, put her hands in her pockets, and remained silent.

Liu Yu is going to meet a person who is crucial to Liu Yu's current investigation. Liu Yu has already investigated a lot of things, which Liu Yu will definitely make public someday in the future.

Since receiving the information sent by the mysterious person, Liu Yu has conducted a lot of investigations based on the information, and indeed found something. Congress concealed everything, and Section 3 even tampered with some things. Team B1189 was not caused by an accident at all. Almost completely destroyed, but it was man-made.

Liu Yu can now be 100% sure of this. Ren Jia and the others were involved in a special incident in the mine. Their deaths were related to this incident. Although this incident was classified as a case, Liu Yu conducted a long-term investigation. After six months of investigation, it was determined that this was not an accident, but man-made.

What happened in that private mine cannot be explained by accidents.

Liu Yu was still looking around on the street. This was District 59 in the north, close to the mining area. It was very lively here tonight. Young people who had gone to the western factory area had all returned.

Soon Liu Yu saw the tavern that a former gang member mentioned before. Liu Yu walked directly in. The tavern was bustling with people. Liu Yu finally saw the man named Munch at a small round table in a corner.

This tall, thick-set man looked shabby and dusty. He must have just come up from the mine.

"Did you bring the money?"

Liu Yu nodded, took out a small paper bag from his pocket, and immediately handed it over. Meng looked around nervously, and then he confirmed 10,000 yuan under the table.

"This is what you want."

Meng said and handed a memory storage block to Liu Yu. Liu Yu nodded, and then Meng said immediately.

"That's it. I don't want to get involved in these things anymore. After all, I still want to live."

Liu Yu's expression was solemn, and Meng started to talk. The dead mining manager Chen An had a relatively close relationship with them in the past. Meng had only recently been released after serving a year in prison after the large-scale criminal investigation last year.

Then I heard about Chen An's death, and this memory block contained some data from the previous private tunnel mine, including relatively complete excavation records, as well as a construction plan, which was customized for them by a structural engineer. According to the plan, the excavation went smoothly and the structure of the tunnel was very stable and impossible to collapse.

The miners under Chen An all died in the collapse, which is obviously impossible. Munch heard from some miners nearby that he had seen before, and it can be confirmed that some people from Section 3 forcibly invited them to enter. Mine.

As he said this, Meng took out a few more photos. Liu Yu saw clearly that these were surveillance photos. It was very clear that Tianhen Renjia and the others went down to the mine together with Chen An and others.

"This is all I know, miss. No matter what the purpose of your investigation is, I remind you, it is very dangerous."

After Munch finished speaking, he stood up and left, while Liu Yu ordered something and planned to sit here quietly, eat something and drink a drink, and then go back.

Now everything is basically clear, and there is evidence. Ren Jia and the others suffered accidents in the barrier area because they participated in the killing of people in the mines. Tianhen and Xima who survived knew the truth, but they Choose silence.

Nowadays, Tian Hen is already a section officer, and Xima has been promoted to squad leader. Next year, Tian Hen will be a director officer, and Xima will be a section officer. Liu Yu has had a better relationship with Ren Jia in the past. Some Section 3 members confirmed it.

The whole incident has become clear in Liu Yu's mind. Liu Yu knows that once she publishes these things, she will be forcibly arrested. She wants to tell the matter to several congressmen who are close to her. This is the only way. .

What follows will be extremely dangerous. In this city full of lies, everyone needs the truth, but often times, everyone does not need the truth. They only need a truth that satisfies their hearts. .

Originally, Liu Yu wanted to ignore this matter and just continue to live his life, but in the end Liu Yu started to open the things he got that night.

After a while, Liu Yu became a little drunk. It was already 11 o'clock, and the year would be over in less than an hour. At this time, Liu Yu was still hesitant about whether to continue. If he continued, maybe it would really be like this. Munch said it was dangerous.

Time passed by, and the sound of footsteps made Liu Yu alert. She saw a pair of beautiful high heels, and a scent of fragrance filled her nostrils. Many people in the tavern became excited.

As soon as Liu Yu raised his head, he saw a C-shaped smile with a beautiful curve. A very beautiful woman with long hair and voluptuous and sexy clothes. A drunk man came over in the pub, and the woman dismissed her casually. , and then sat down directly.

"You don't mind sharing a table, ma'am."

Liu Yu nodded. After all, he occupied a table large enough for 6 people. Then the woman directly ordered some food and drinks. At this time, Liu Yu smelled a smell. There was a little fishy smell in the aroma, which seemed to be blood. Liu Yu didn't care about the smell.

People still keep coming to strike up a conversation, but they are all rejected by women. Nowadays, it is different from the past. Although many people are a little drunk, sober people will try their best to remind them not to cause trouble.

People from Section 5 pass by on the street from time to time, and they come in from time to time to check on the situation.

"How do you call me miss? My name is Lar."

The woman in front of her who called herself Lal said, and Liu Yu said her name.

“The city is so much better now.”

Liu Yu hummed. It is indeed much better now than before. There is no need to worry about being in danger when traveling at night. It’s just that everyone only sees the good side, and in the darkness, there are still many things that no one knows about. thing.

Lal always kept a smile and started chatting with Liu Yu. When it was close to 12 o'clock, Lal suddenly asked.

"Miss Liu Yu, do you think it's better to live a stable life or a bumpy life?"

Liu Yu was a little surprised that this talkative woman would ask such a question.

"Of course it's good to live a stable life."

Lar laughed and nodded.

"I used to do a very dangerous job, but now I live a very stable life. We should all cherish this hard-won stable life."

Liu Yu was a little strange. At this time, Lal stood up, paid the bill and left, but Liu Yu's face was very bad. At this moment, the brilliance lit up the night sky, and there were shouts everywhere.

Bunches of violent fireworks were launched into the sky, the roar was endless, various colors were changing, and the city was boiling instantly. The year 2248 was here.

"Lal" returned to a nearby small apartment building and quickly walked up the corridor. Within a few minutes, he returned to a small apartment and turned on the light after entering.

In the room, Munch was tied up, his mouth was sealed, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his teeth fell aside, and C tied up his hair.

"Congratulations Mr. Monk, you didn't lie."

Munch shook his head in despair. He looked at C pleadingly. C picked up 10,000 yuan, then took some away, spilled some on the ground, and started wearing plastic gloves. Red particles were scattered in the room. Raging.

Munch seemed to know what was going to happen. He struggled desperately, but to no avail. He originally took 10,000 yuan, but Munch wanted to call for some special services. In the end, the beautiful woman in front of him came over and they talked. After agreeing on the price, Munch took him to his home.

After C arranged everything, he took out some things from his pocket and put them in Munch's room.

"How about I give you two paths Mr. Monk."

Munch whimpered and nodded, and C pulled off the tape on Munch's mouth.

"Either you go to jail for possessing contraband, or you die from a home invasion."

Munch immediately started to tremble.

"I really just gave her the stuff and I didn't know anything else about it, really, really didn't know."

C laughed, and then took the small package he took out of the bag into his hand.

"Sorry, Mr. Monk, you made the wrong choice."

Munch immediately wanted to struggle, but his mouth was blocked by red particles.

"Just teach that little girl a lesson. By the way, Mr. Monk, you have sold a lot of things on the black market in the past few years, and you have also been involved in several murders, so I think there is no need for you to continue living. After all, there is too much garbage, and the city will only get worse."

As soon as C finished speaking, Munch's chest was instantly pierced as if by a blade. A large amount of blood overflowed after a moment. Munch died within a few minutes. C quickly completed the layout of the scene and then took out the Telephone.

"Teacher Li Chu, we have basically determined who has the things in their hands. I have already taken care of the scene. You can ask the people from Section 2 to come over and take care of it."

C said and threw the small bag in the room again. The cause of the man's death became a dispute during a black market gang transaction and he died. C also had some traces of a fight in the room.

As for the blood that flew out, C also used telekinesis to cover the room, and everything was perfect.

C plans to keep an eye on Liu Yu. Tonight is just a reminder to her. If she still persists, C will decisively deal with her.

No matter right or wrong, no matter what the truth is, the darkness of the past should have been buried deep underground and must not be used as a bargaining chip for those with ulterior motives to cause trouble for the city.

Recently, C has discovered some small problems, and there is something secretly about to move, but C has not found anything yet. C looked back at the dead Munch, originally wanting to give him a chance, but when he thought of Munch before By betraying many people, his sentence was reduced. In the past, he was a key member of a gang. He had participated in many gang fights and participated in several murders.

So C feels that such a guy has no future. Even if he has figured it out now and wants to live a peaceful life, everything he has done in the past has not been erased from C's point of view.

Didi didi

Just when C was about to leave, a call came over. The number was 0002.

"You bastard."

"Hey, little lazy boy."

C walked to the window and lit a cigarette. Mo Xiaolan's tone sounded a little angry, but she soon calmed down.

"Leave this matter to our 2nd Division."

"What else can you do? To an ordinary kind citizen who is helpless."

Mo Xiaolan fell silent and exhaled a puff of smoke happily.

"Just leave it to me. You don't need to do this kind of thing. Just let me, the hound, do it. If that woman understands, she will naturally let go of everything, and this matter will eventually be settled. If she doesn't If you understand what stability is, but still want to have your own way, let me do it."

"What are you going to do?"

Mo Xiaolan said in a serious tone.

"I will completely and clearly arrange a crime for her. It's a simple question, isn't it?"

"Let me handle it, I'll figure it out."

C laughed.

"The solution? This city has suffered over and over again, Xiaolan. Just bury these dark facts deep in the ground. There is no need to bring them out again, so that the city, which is already filled with a lot of negative emotions, will be affected by these things again. The city needs more smiles than bitter smiles."

C hung up the phone directly. Everything was a foregone conclusion. When Liu Yu started to intervene in the investigation of this matter, she had no future.


Liu Yu came out of the tavern. She was a little drunk. Looking at the lively scene on the street, Liu Yu felt sad inside. She wanted to go back and have a good sleep, although her friends all hoped that Liu Yu could go over to them. They celebrated the New Year together there, but Liu Yu had no intention of doing so.

Liu Yu has not planned to contact her friends since she started investigating. She will gradually alienate everyone.

What the truth is is very important to Liu Yu. Even if these things are worthless to other people, Liu Yu plans to go to those congressmen in a few days. He can only go through them. Once he announces these things, he will definitely Will be arrested.

At this time, Liu Yu thought of the girl who shared the table with her today and smiled helplessly.

"A stable life!"

At this moment, a young student passed in front of him.

"You're going to die soon, miss."

Liu Yu's face turned solemn for a moment, and then a woman hugged Liu Yu with great strength.

"Go over there and talk Miss, if you still want to live."

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