Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2136 Ending the Fourth Type of

Chapter 2136 The End. The fourth type of "creature" (Part 2)

6:31 am

In a nursing home, a bunch of old people who got up early were already doing warm-up exercises. The caregivers were also there, including Luneng. His greatest pleasure now was to come over from home and do warm-up exercises with some of his friends here. Physical exercises.

After the warm-up exercise last night, we drank tea and chatted together. Recently, people from the real estate company no longer dare to ask about the house. Luneng knows what the kid Yincai did. Not only do they not dare to ask about the house, , and also sent gifts, but Luneng did not accept them.

It's just that Luneng felt a little powerless this morning. I don't know why. Although he exercises every day recently, his health is getting worse and worse.

After doing it for a while, Luneng began to gasp. A young nurse came over and asked a few questions. Luneng said that he was not feeling well. He immediately took out some equipment and measured Luneng's blood pressure, blood sugar, uric acid, etc.

It was found that Luneng's blood pressure was a little high, but it was not enough to take medicine. The nurse suggested that Luneng go back and have a good rest, not to do too strenuous exercise, and to eat light food.

Luneng nodded, said goodbye to a few friends, and left the nursing home. This was the area where he lived, just opposite Golden Street. Previously, an upper-level developer took a fancy to this place and wanted to demolish it, but now it has No one comes to talk about demolition and construction.

After all, this place was only built thirty years ago. It looks a bit old, but there are no problems with the houses.

Luneng pressed his chest and slowly returned to his small yard. Although he felt uncomfortable, he still planned to start taking care of the flowers and plants. But at this time, Luneng looked at the wet flowers and plants in the yard with some strangeness. They had been taken care of, and they were very Carefully taken care of.

"Is that girl Yincai back?"

Luneng was a little strange, but he didn't care. He planned to rest at home for a while and then get up to cook. Lu Qi entered the house and found that the house had been cleaned. He usually liked to have a drink in the evening.

After getting a little drunk, he went to bed and cleaned up after returning from exercise the next day. Lu Qi felt more and more strange, but then he thought that Yincai might have been here, so he cleaned up.

Luneng went upstairs without thinking much and found that the bed was folded neatly. Luneng smiled helplessly.

"That girl Yincai is really awesome."

After falling asleep, Lu Qi was confused and heard the voice of an aunt from his neighbor. She had a loud voice and had a good relationship with him. She seemed to be talking to someone about something, and Luneng didn't think much about it.

But Luneng suddenly stood up and went downstairs quickly. He felt something was wrong, because the aunt seemed to be chatting with him about yesterday's events. Luneng hurriedly opened the door. The aunt had already gone home. Just when Luneng wanted to go over and ask While he was there, he heard a noise in the kitchen.

Luneng immediately took out the phone, but found that the call could not be connected. Just when he was about to go to the street to find the business department for help, suddenly Luneng's feet gave way and fell to the ground, pressing his chest in pain.

Luneng's consciousness became a little blurry. At this moment, a man came over and helped Luneng up. He seemed to be his elder brother. Luneng was in a daze and was helped to the utility room. It was very cool here.

After a while, Luneng opened his eyes.


Luneng stood up in a hurry. The person in front of him who was tidying up the utility room looked familiar. Suddenly, the person in front of him turned his head. Luneng was startled. Only then did he realize that he could no longer move, as if he had been hit by something. Wrapped around the body.

Soon some black and red tentacles climbed up Luneng's cheeks. He could no longer scream. The waves of weakness in his body made him become more and more weak. Gradually Luneng closed his eyes. The last scene was when he watched To the scene where the eldest brother hangs himself.


The phone fell to the ground. "Luneng" who was packing his things at this time picked up the phone and the communication came in.

"What's wrong? Uncle Lu, I have something going on here."

When Yincai's voice came out, Luneng was confused at first, but then his face was expressionless and his voice was filled with joy.

"Yincai, I'm just asking if you are free today. I won a prize yesterday and bought some delicious food."

"Sorry, Uncle Lu, I may be very busy today."

Luneng didn't say anything else and hung up the phone. He looked at the black and red plants in the corner, walked over and stretched out his hand. The moment these black and red plants came over, a small hole opened in his arm, and strong light shot out instantly. , this group of black and red plants disappeared in the burning in less than a moment.


X quietly looked at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen. In just a few minutes, he had completed the replacement of 103 people. These new humans will replace the lives of the original humans and will work, study, eat and sleep like the original humans.

I have become a fully functioning "person". Everything went very smoothly this morning, and there were no incidents during this period.

Very early on, Bring in plants.

These plants leave no trace when used to dispose of corpses and are easy to eliminate.

The plan was completely successful. This kind of plant was put into the small box of light in advance, so that the light formed a cage, so that he could only survive at one point in the dark, and it would not be able to swallow the small box of light.

Then after the new humans have completed the replacement, the hungry and thirsty plant-like plants will devour the box the moment the lights go out, and then begin to devour everything in sight.

This plan had been in preparation for a long time. At this time, the value had risen to 111. In just a few minutes, the replacement was completed.

The insides of these new humans are made of biological substances and are almost the same as humans. The skin, flesh and blood are made of their own cells and are very stable. Basically, there is no need to replace the flesh and blood within half a year.

The first phase of replacement will be completed soon, and the second phase will begin to replace the executive branch and council members. The plan will not officially begin until the two phases are completed.

That group of lunatics had already prepared to cause a riot in this city, and X also provided a lot of help in order to make the plan of these lunatics make a bigger fuss.

The bigger the better. Cease to exist.

Once there is a big problem in the city, the external barrier areas will definitely come closer. It may be okay to go hungry for a day or two, but if you go hungry for a long time, more than two weeks, I am afraid they will ignore it.

The city will definitely collapse, and the mechanization era will come early. In order to clean up this chaos, the gods will definitely take action, suppress everything with absolute power, and directly start the mechanization era.

After all, all the technologies needed in the mechanized era are now met, and all that remains is to meet the condition of urban collapse.

This time no one will be spared, everything will cease to exist, a real reshuffle will come, and the factor that determines the top, middle and bottom is the level of intelligence.

It only takes five or six years of stability in the mechanized era for X's final plan to succeed, to successfully seize everything and establish his own virtual kingdom.

X just wants to go back to his own time, the time before the 20th century, where he and his wife live in a quiet and comfortable apartment, live a leisurely life, and continue forever.

"By the way, we can also have a child, preferably a boy and a girl."

X stood up and watched the numbers on the panel continue to beat. X planned to take a look at Hathaway, but at this time, the perspective on a light and shadow panel shook.

X immediately became alert. As soon as he looked over, he saw a tall and thick man clenching his fists and hammering hard.

"What's going on? There should be nothing wrong."

There were broken places everywhere on the ground. X immediately raised a hand and made emergency contact.

"Tom, hurry up and take care of it."

At this time, there was a sound of shattering glass, and the man seemed to jump out of the window. Immediately, the angle of view followed him. He looked at the height of about the fourth floor, and there was a commotion on the street.


X said, and soon saw the scene on the street. The man was lying in a pool of blood. A lift from Department 4 had already arrived. After several doctors came down, they immediately opened the mobile operating room and performed surgery on the man directly. The man's situation looked dangerous.

"What are you going to do about Mr. X?"

"You keep an eye on this man and make sure you kill him."

X became a little anxious, because the medical system AI cannot enter, and the medical system is still using the most primitive semi-AI. This was a decision made by Hua Shen, the chief of Section 4, sixteen years ago.

Huashen seemed to have realized something before he made such a decision. Otherwise, the medical system had already been connected to AI. Otherwise, it would have been too easy to let this man die. All he had to do was let those people die when he entered the intensive care unit. The machinery that keeps him alive only needs to stop for a few dozen seconds.

"I understand Mr. X, how about I go over and take action now?"

X hesitated. Today is indeed a good opportunity, but if he does this, the business department will definitely stick to the matter, and the plan may be exposed.

"Don't go yet, just find an opportunity to kill this man."

A string of values ​​was quickly transmitted, and X immediately looked at it. Soon the values ​​were converted into a 3D image, restoring the process.

According to the profile of this burly man, he is an ordinary person. They have also extracted his cells. He is indeed an ordinary person. But when he encountered a life threat, the alienated gene awakened. Although the low-level mutants are not interested in the new human structure, Not a threat, but the man reacted and dodged the fatal attack.

Then he got into a fight with the new human who replaced him in the house. After knowing that he was no match, the man found an opportunity and jumped directly. Although he was seriously injured, he had a chance to survive.

The emergency surgery on the street was still going on. Reporters were reporting from the side, but the operation department had cordoned off the scene, and people from the 5th department entered the house to investigate.

X looked at everything in front of him nervously. Finally, the operation was over and the man died.

X breathed a sigh of relief. This case was very bizarre and it was impossible to find other people's DNA in the house. Now X completely relaxed his vigilance.


Didi didi

Suddenly there was a sound from another light and shadow screen. X immediately looked over and was stunned.

Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, is running towards the viewing angle.

"Danger, retreat immediately."

The AI ​​on the scene intending to replace a child sounded an alarm.

"How can you two fight?"

Le Xiao looked at a child in the alley who had already stood up and started running. He disappeared in a flash. The child on the ground was crying, and Le Xiao hurriedly went over and picked him up.

"Sister, the other one just held me down suddenly."

Le Xiao looked confused. She didn't have time to think so much, so she turned around and ran out of the alley with the child in her arms. She happened to see a few people from the 5th department going to have breakfast. She hurried over and put the child down and said.

"Please take care of it, I'm going to be late for work."

Before several people from Section 5 could salute, Le Xiao had already ran out.

At this moment, Le Xiao was extremely anxious. If he didn't go to the General Affairs Department, he would be late. After all, Le Xiao still had to have breakfast. The daily breakfast in the General Affairs Department was still so delicious, but if he had eaten breakfast, he would definitely be late.

Under the dual pressure of breakfast and being late, Lexiao found only one solution: sprint to the cafeteria, finish breakfast in 5 minutes, take a shower and then go to work.

"I can do it if I have time."

Finally seeing the stairs of the General Affairs Section, Le Xiao immediately started running. Pedestrians walking on the street took the initiative to get out of the way. They all looked at the disheveled Secretary of Section 13 in surprise and the silly smile on her face. .

"Hehe, yeah!"

Le Xiao raised his arms and rushed into the canteen of the General Affairs Department. Immediately, all the clerks in the room stopped. Wu Lei immediately went over and pulled Le Xiao over.

"Really, I'm late again."

Le Xiao glanced at the time. It was 6:51. He immediately asked the chef to bring a bowl of noodles, two eggs, a fried dough stick, a bowl of soy milk, and two pan-fried buns.

The chefs smiled knowingly and got busy immediately.

"Don't you know, the section chiefs and secretaries don't have to go to work this morning, they have to go to Congress."

Le Xiao immediately looked at Wu Lei doubtfully.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had, I would have ordered a big meal and eaten it slowly."

Didi didi

The phone rang and Le Xiao hurriedly picked it up and stood up reflexively.

"Your Excellency Secretary General."

"Secretary Le Xiao, please come to the Congress Hall on time at 7 o'clock sharp."

Le Xiao was startled. As soon as the noodles came, she took a small bowl, took out the noodles, then ate two eggs first, drank the soy milk in one breath, finished the pan-fried buns three times, five times and two times, and then took the The chopsticks stuffed the noodles into his mouth almost like a stuffing, and his bulging mouth was still mumbling.

Wu Lei had a complicated expression, and many of the staff around him were a little stunned.

Finally, Le Xiao took a sip of the soup, took the fried dough sticks with a happy expression, put it in her mouth, turned around and ran away.

Wu Lei burst out laughing.

"It's true, the same as always."

Many department members laughed, and the entire hall was immersed in laughter.

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