Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2137 Ending the Fourth Type of

Chapter 2137 The End. The fourth type of "creature" (Part 2)

7 o'clock sharp

Hu Xue woke up from her deep sleep. Sweat had wet her cheeks. Hu Xue was a little dazed, but after the daze, tears fell. She hugged her legs and couldn't help crying again.

So many days have passed since the marching plan in the barrier area, and Hu Xue still has not come out of the haze. Luo Zhenzhen's death was a huge blow to her.

The sheet was soaked with Hu Xue's tears. Gradually, Hu Xue's expression became serious, with a little anger. She clenched her fists, and her mind was filled with the shadow of Sun Lu. It was this woman who killed Luo Zhenzhen. and other members of the team.

After Hu Xue got up, she banged the table vigorously, venting all the dissatisfaction in her heart. At this time, the door of the room opened, and Hu Youran stood at the door.


Hu Xue's tears that had stopped welled up again, and Hu Youran went over to hug her granddaughter tenderly.

Hu Youran knew that his granddaughter had suffered severe trauma in her heart. This incident might be something she would never let go of. He didn't know how to comfort her.

The whole family is revolving around Hu Xue, but she now shuts herself in the house all day long, and Section 3 has given her a month's leave.

In the past, Hu Youran accompanied his friends to a briefing session for family members who died in the service of Section 3. He felt helpless and sad when he saw those who had lost their family members.

Hu Youran is very clear about the importance of marching in the barrier zone. Firstly, it is to maintain the functions of 3ke. Secondly, it can stimulate domestic demand in the city. After all, 3ke's monthly demand can provide the city with at least 500,000 related jobs. .

The third purpose is to deter the barrier zone and eliminate threats as soon as possible after they are discovered.

Barrier areas have become a problem that cities have to pay attention to, and the 3 subjects have become indispensable from the past.

But precisely because of the existence of the three subjects, it is like an ever-increasing city wall, which will make the distance between the barrier area and the city farther and farther.

Fortunately, this wall is starting to loosen now. Because of Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, the barrier area is bathed in the sun for the first time. After the toxic food problem broke out, the actions taken by Section 4 also made many Everyone in the barrier area saw hope.

Nowadays, Department 4 is still working hard to treat patients in the barrier area. This is much better than in the past. This is also something that could not happen in the past.

It was clear that everything that had been solidified had begun to loosen, but secretly those who wanted to subvert the city emerged. In Hu Youran's view, they just wanted to destroy everything and subvert the city.

Seeing his granddaughter's pain, Hu Youran knew very well that the city would be at an unprecedented point in time, and if the city could not successfully overcome the past, it would definitely collapse.

Although the shortage of liquid food was temporarily alleviated by the Su family's reserves, Hu Youran felt something strange when the Su family acquired a large piece of land more than 20 years ago and began to recruit some women from District 29 to work in the liquid food factory. .

At first, Hu Youran thought that maybe the Su family wanted to get into the food industry, but then the factory seemed to have disappeared without any news. Only now did he understand that these liquid foods that were produced every year and were carefully stored were now played a huge role.

But according to the output of the Su family when the factory was built, these stored liquid foods can last up to half a year, and this half year will become quite demanding.

"Xiaoxue, it's okay."

Hu Youran comforted him, but he also knew that such comfort would not help.

After Hu Xue's mood stabilized for a while, Hu Youran brought over a bowl of hot porridge. After Hu Xue ate, Hu Youran planned to go shopping with her, but Hu Xue refused.

"Grandpa, I'm fine. I want to be alone for a while."

Hu Youran nodded slightly and left the room. Hu Xue sat quietly at the table and turned on the news. Soon she saw some reports about the march in the barrier zone.

Looking at Hu Xue, she couldn't help but feel sad. Especially when she saw Luo Zhenzhen's parents crying and complaining about something in front of reporters, she felt the same.

Hu Xue looked at the light and shadow screen in front of her with dull eyes. At this time, she felt something strange. The corners of her eyes were a little sore and itchy. Hu Xue rubbed them, and a warmth made Hu Xue nervous.

She looked at Yin Hong's palm, which was full of blood. Hu Xue breathed rapidly and hurriedly pulled out a mirror. Hu Xue saw that the corner of her left eye was black, and the blood seeped out from here.

At this time, an extremely unbearable itching made Hu Xue stand up in horror. Something was moving in his eyeballs.

Hu Xue watched in amazement as a black line moved in his eyeballs. Hu Xue looked at the black line that appeared on the surface of his eyeballs in fear, but it soon disappeared.

Hu Xue turned around and planned to go out to the hospital. After arriving at the living room on the first floor, Hu Xue immediately told her grandfather about the strangeness of her eyes, and Hu Youran took Hu Xue out.

In the dark bedroom at this time, Hu Xue's blood dripping on the ground started to move. The blood seemed to be absorbed by something. A group of black spots appeared on the ground, and then the black spots gradually expanded, some red and black. The tentacles crawled on the ground and penetrated into the bookcase.

7:07 am

X came to the streets of District 1 urgently. He was very panicked at this time.

Because he didn't know what the situation was, the child who was attacked was still in the public security office in District 1. X quickly found a replacement new human child.

After checking the situation at the scene, X was most worried about Le Xiao. When did this woman who suddenly appeared in power begin to appear, and where did her terrifying power come from? .

X has considered this point countless times, but finally thought of Le Wen. I am afraid that many of this woman's past experiences were fabricated by the business department.

Based on the relationship between Jean and Lewen, they should have started teaching this girl very early, and then this girl mastered very powerful power. After all, she was a person who stood in a high position faster and earlier than Michelle.

What X is most worried about is whether Le Xiao has noticed. If this matter is exposed, the entire plan will collapse. Such plans have been changed again and again because of Le Xiao's appearance.

X is waiting near the Public Security Management Office, and he is still waiting for AI to tell him the first -hand confession information.

While X was waiting anxiously, some images came to his head. They were images of a little boy being questioned accompanied by his parents.

What the little boy said was recorded by people in the 5 departments. A child who looked like himself attacked him, and the little boy also had bruises on his neck. However, this incident was a bit too much in the eyes of those who work in pediatrics. Bizarre.

The people from the administrative department obtained the surveillance at the time. The little boy originally got up early this morning with his parents and planned to go to other districts to visit relatives after having breakfast. However, the little boy forgot something and had to go home to get it. , he was already 11 years old, so he walked across the street alone to go back to get it.

Then he was attacked by a little boy who looked exactly like him. This sounded a bit bizarre, and the surveillance at the scene didn't capture anything.

X was still worried. At this time, the little boy came out with his parents, and people from the administrative department were also conducting investigations at the scene. After all, the injury on the little boy's neck did exist.

Soon another video was transmitted. Several people in the field analyzed that the little boy might have a disease such as schizophrenia, because the DNA material of the little boy was detected in the extract from the boy's neck.

X felt a little more at ease. The two problems that occurred today made him feel worried. The replacement of other new humans is still going on and is expected to be completed tonight.

After a while, X planned to return to the base, but at this moment, several section staff on the street came towards him. X was a little confused because he now looked like a woman.

"Miss, please show me your identification."

X took out his identity certificate from his small purse. After being confirmed by these department members, .

"Is there anything going on in Congress today?"

X looked at the Capitol Hill in the distance. After walking for a while, X further verified this idea, because people from Section 5 on the street were checking identity information along the street.

At this time, X saw several congressmen heading towards the Congress Hall, including Wu Qun.

X followed slowly. When he came to the stairs in front of the General Affairs Department, The AIs got in touch.

Soon X received a response from the AIs, and the AIs didn't know what happened in the halls of Congress.

X became more and more confused. He stood up and walked to the stairs of the General Affairs Department and walked to the right. He looked all the way. In the distance, some sparse figures could be seen, but today was not a city. When the meeting was held, there were no major problems happening in the city.

After wandering around for a while,

"Let's go back first. After all, we have an important meeting today."


X returned to the upper level of his base, and at this time there was a man standing in the living room. X walked over and said with a smile.

"Sorry, Mr. Chen Zhi, I'm late."

The man sitting on the sofa stood up and turned around. He had some scars on his cheeks and his figure had grown a lot. Chen Zhi was completely different from the past.

"You are late Mr. X."

Chen Zhi said as X walked over with a smile and made a gesture of invitation. Today Chen Zhi came here to discuss some issues with X on behalf of the creators.

"We have some objections to the content of the negotiations a few days ago."

X hummed. He probably knew what these guys were thinking. They had begun to doubt the AI. Although the AI ​​hid it very well, some things that had happened before and various signs showed that X was directly related to the city's AI. association.

"What are the specific objections?"

Chen Zhi took the tea brought by X and said with a smile.

"Please tell the truth, Mr.

X smiled and shook his head.

"The accident was not caused by Lewen?"

Chen Zhi smiled and shook his head.

"I really don't know what else you want, I've given you everything I can."

Chen Zhi stood up.

"Then just pretend I haven't been here today."

X stood up and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen Zhi, Bincai's accident in the past really had nothing to do with me."

Looking at Chen Zhi leaving, After extensive investigation, we still couldn't find the cause of the problem.

First of all, Le Wen was hiding well. Even in the barrier area, the business department launched several searches, but found nothing.

However, even if Le Wen cannot be caught, the matter can basically be determined. There are both witnesses and physical evidence, and it was Le Wen who did it.

X also didn’t know why Le Wen suddenly changed and did such a cruel thing.

What X asked Chen Zhi to hand over to Le Wen were just some technical documents. Over the years, X has never understood why Le Wen did this.

As a scientist, he was excellent, and the results he produced were extremely important, but he destroyed everything with his own hands.

X concluded that it might have been caused by long-term pressure, but it was unreasonable. X couldn't figure out what happened to Lewen, but there was another possibility that the accident was caused intentionally by the business department.

It should be reasonable to think so. Something major happened at that time, so in the end all the blame was pointed at Le Wen. And Le Wen was able to get away with it for so many years because he was just the person who shouldered all the blame.

After all, Le Wen's daughter Le Xiao is now the secretary of Section 13. What X is most worried about now is whether those madmen can destroy the city as they planned.

Now the business department was very alert and stood up violently.

"not good."

"AI12, please help me quickly confirm. Has the case that happened in District 1 today been transferred to Section 2?"

In just a few seconds, X got the answer. The case of claiming to be attacked by a child who looked exactly like himself had been submitted to Section 2.

X is anxious. If the 2 subjects are tracked in detail, it is possible to determine that there are two people at the scene. This attack case is not a child virtuality, it is a child who may have a split child.

X quickly returned to the floor below and turned on a light and shadow screen. Sure enough, people from Section 2 appeared in the alley, and they were conducting a meticulous survey.

"Don't worry, I've made preparations in advance."

A voice sounded, and X turned his head. It was the new human Hathaway.

"What preparation?"

"I previously left DNA from another violent child at the scene."

X breathed a sigh of relief.

"The last replacement has been completed."

AI12 said, X looked at a light and shadow screen, his eyes glowed with a reddish light.

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