Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2161 Make changes (Part 2)


King Xue sat quietly in the living room at home, looking at the light and shadow screen. What happened all day yesterday. Most people on the Internet praised everything that happened yesterday. Le Xiao's actions surprised King Xue more and more. .

Even though he knew nothing and was not very smart, his decisions always inspired others. King Xue had never seen anything like this before.

"It's okay to have an accident once or twice, but if it happens every time, it can't be called an accident."

King Xue smiled helplessly. With the efforts of countless generations, Brilliant City is still the same as it was in the past. Classes have been completely separated and irreconcilable contradictions can be seen everywhere.

King Xue glanced at the time. It was 1:09. He stood up and walked to the balcony, overlooking the lights in the distance. Whit had called early in the morning and she would come tonight.

King Xue was still waiting for her. The purpose of her coming was clear to him. A light blue light appeared in the distance. King Xue shook the wine glass. After a while, Huite entered the yard directly and jumped to the balcony. superior.

"What, are you surprised?"

King Xue shook his head and saw that Whit had dressed up and looked beautiful in a black skirt. She walked directly into the room, picked up the red wine that had been sobered on the table, and took a sip.

"Let's be honest, do you come here to build a new school?"

Whit put down his glass and looked around.

"No food?"

King Xue smiled helplessly and walked to the kitchen. Huite followed. King Xue took out some meat and vegetables from the refrigerator. Huite set up the grill on the balcony with a smile.

The relationship between the two has been greatly eased recently. Whitt has not thought about many things that happened in the past. Many times, if people keep trying to get into trouble, they will get nothing.

After a while, King Xue had marinated the barbecue and prepared vegetables. After he took off his apron and walked out, Huite sat quietly on the balcony, holding wine in his hand.

"You can start eating in about half an hour."

"What exactly do you think?"

Huite asked, and King Xue smiled after hesitating for a moment.

"If the bill cannot be passed in the short term, there will be big problems with the establishment of the new college."

King Xue knew Hui Huite's purpose. She wanted to prepare a new agricultural vocational school to recruit students and teach agricultural knowledge, which would be of great use in the future.

The future construction of the agricultural base in the barrier area requires agricultural talents. Although the agricultural department can provide a lot of people, they still have to take care of the affairs of the eastern agricultural base, so there will be a very short supply of agricultural talents in the future. If If we don’t make preparations this morning, there will be a huge gap in agricultural talent.

"I have discussed with Mr. and Mrs. Angus. They can allocate part of the agricultural land as a test field base for the agricultural school."

King Xue nodded. Now the school only needs quick approval for one subject and it can be put on the schedule right away.

"What about the teaching staff?"

"Clark and Natasha will take full responsibility, and some of their classmates in the agriculture department will also teach in the school to cultivate as many agricultural talents as possible."

King Xue thought for a while and then said.

"One thing must be grasped. All agricultural talents trained will join the 12 subjects unconditionally."

Although Whit was a little hesitant, she still nodded. She knew very well that on the matter of food, it was absolutely impossible for Congress to hand it over to businessmen. Once it was handed over to businessmen, it would not be able to stabilize the price of food, and the price of food would not be stable. Prices determine urban prices. Over the years, prices have remained at the same level as half a century ago, all thanks to agriculture being under control.

"What about the size of the enrollment?"

King Xue asked. Huite directly brought up the light and shadow screen. He had prepared a lot of information in the past few days. King Xue saw the size of the school. It was right next to Shengde Women's College. It was previously allocated to Shengde College. A piece of land to extend the campus, that place is now leased to many people who do business nearby.

Moreover, in the initial stage of the school's scale, it will enroll more than 2,000 students. This scale is indeed a bit large, but in today's society, this school can be completed and start teaching within a month.

"Are you that anxious?"

King Xue asked, and Huite nodded.

"Of course, the sooner this happens, the better. It will be finalized tonight. Starting tomorrow, I will take back the land and start construction the day after tomorrow. The design drawings were produced by several design graduates from our school. I have already Fully reviewed.”

King Xue smiled.

"You came here tonight to ask me to sign, right?"

"What else can you do besides signing?"

King Xue sat next to Hui Hui and put his arm around Hui Hui's shoulders, Hui Hui did not reject him.

"Sign first and then talk."

After King Xue looked at some places in detail, he made notes on some inappropriate places. Whitt directly opened the light and shadow screen, connected with the person in charge of the relevant department, and made modifications directly.

The sound of sizzling barbecue sounded, and the aroma came. Whit quickly completed the modification, and King Xue signed it. Tomorrow, this document only needs to be signed by Chris, the president of the Education Association. The school will soon You can start making preparations.

In the school's registration, the sponsors were the Angus family and the Su family, which surprised King Xue, as it seemed to have been agreed upon long ago.

"This is probably why the principal went to see you before."

Whit said yes, she herself felt surprised, but this was something Jean had asked for. Whit started making preparations that day, and in less than two months she had prepared everything needed for a school.

Whit visited many old classmates, especially Clark and Natasha. They were actually willing to work as principal and vice principal in the school. This made Whit feel very relieved. These two people did not leave completely. The front line, but still participates in agricultural research in 12 subjects from time to time.

Ye Chunwang also said that during their internship, they would remove some members from the Agriculture Department to assist the students in their internship.

Everything should be ready. We only need King Xue to sign tonight, and construction can start early tomorrow morning. All qualifications are in compliance. Now, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, the qualification review can be issued by a similar qualified school. Yes, if problems arise, the school that issued the qualification will also be implicated.

There is no need to question the qualifications issued by a prestigious school like Shengde. In the future, 12 subjects will also subsidize this school. Nowadays, in schools with business subjects, there are very few people who can be assigned to agriculture subjects every year. Most of them If people are assigned to the 12th subject, they may even refuse. Although they will be punished by not taking the professional examination for three years, many people do not want to waste time on agriculture, which they think has no future.

The admissions standards this time are not high, as long as you pass a simple entrance exam. Most of the admissions are for the lower class. For some outstanding students, tuition is free. Whitt has already thought of a series of Admissions Plan.

Whit sat down, and King Xue picked up a piece of roasted meat and placed it in front of Whit, and she ate it happily.

"Well, it still tastes the same as before. The barbecue you made is really delicious."

"There's still a lot, you can eat as much as you can."

King Xue looked at Huite and sat beside her quietly.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

King Xue took off his glasses, smiled and shook his head.

"I'm very temperate, but I'd better eat a little tonight."

The two took a sip from their wine glasses and smiled at each other.


Le Xiao lay down on the bed with her tired body. She was already dizzy. After listening to Alpha explaining the legal issues for two hours, Le Xiao would go to the General Affairs Department tomorrow, and Alpha would go to District 29. .

He glanced at the time. He had to get up at 6:30 tomorrow morning. If he couldn't get up, he would be in trouble. Michelle's time limit was 7 o'clock. Le Xiao could only try his best to fall asleep, but his head was still racing. , she got up a little irritably, and when she came to the living room, Alpha was still sitting at the table, looking at the documents on the light and shadow screen.

"Aren't you tired, Sister Alpha?"

Alpha smiled and shook his head.

"Go to sleep, Le Xiao, I'm used to it."

Lexiao walked to the kitchen and took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet. Alpha looked at her doubtfully. After opening it, Lexiao pinched her nose and drank it down. Most of the bottle was gone.

This girl is real!

Alpha was surprised. Within a few minutes, Le Xiao giggled and then fell to the floor with a thud. Alpha walked over and helped him into the room.

In the past, Alpha and the others had received sleep training, so that after high-intensity work, the brain would be in a state of excitement and unable to fall asleep. This kind of training was very useful, and this was also a course taught by the Acting Association.

"I'll teach her a lesson in a few days. If she uses wine to fall asleep every time, her body won't be able to bear it."

Alpha looked at the alcohol on the ground, picked it up, and put it back in the cabinet.

3 a.m.

Locke stepped into the private lounge. He leaned on the chair tiredly. He and Michelle had just finished dealing with today's affairs. Locke planned to go to bed. He was used to this kind of life. Sometimes he would only rest for three days after working until the morning. About hours.

This is the benefit of being a mutant. The number of alienated genes in his body is constantly increasing. Even though he is 105 years old, Locke is still very energetic.

There are still a lot of things waiting to be dealt with tomorrow. The most worrying thing for Locke now is the bill for the construction of the agricultural base in the barrier area. He will submit it this month, but it is likely that it will not be passed. This bill is currently the most important thing for the entire business department. Crucially, once the agricultural base can be successfully promoted and built in the barrier area, the problems in the barrier area and the problems in the city will be well solved, and Brilliant City will develop towards the next brighter era.

"That bastard Gene, just left everything behind."

Locke laughed helplessly. Changes have already begun. The entire department needs to make changes. New scenes have appeared from time to time recently. Especially the way Le Xiao handled it today, Locke couldn't help but think of what Ye Chunwang did many times in the past. The method is the same as Le Xiao.

In the past, before the establishment of the Agriculture Department, many gang members made profits by stealing food from people working in the Agriculture Department. Ye Chunwang finally investigated it, but he did not deal with it seriously and stole food at that time. , selling a large amount of stolen food to the market has caused serious harm to the city's normal prices.

After a detailed investigation, thousands of people were found. The managers at the time unanimously decided to give these people the most severe punishment, with a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 20 years of criminal law.

But in the end, it fell to Ye Chunwang to deal with these thieves. Ye Chunwang did not deal with it according to the opinions given by the superiors, but dealt with it on his own, because no one can interfere with everything in agriculture. The gods decided it from the beginning. , leave agriculture to Ye Chunwang.

Therefore, the punishment method given by Ye Chunwang was to let these thieves reclaim the land. This surprised many thieves, including the gangsters caught in the city. Ye Chunwang also asked them to reclaim the land and did not treat them. Sent to prison.

Today, one-third of the agricultural base in the eastern part of Bright City was cultivated by these people who committed crimes in the agricultural department. Generation after generation of people cultivated the land in the east, and it was only then that the fertile fields of Bright City were created.

Nowadays, the Agricultural Science and Technology Association will increase the salary for formal agricultural science workers from 500 yuan to 1,000 yuan. This should be very attractive to many people who are temporarily unemployed, and the agricultural science department does not need to There is a shortage of agricultural workers because there are no petty offenders to punish for work.

The salary increase will start next month. The agricultural department is very rich. The wealth accumulated over the years is very huge, but these funds are flowing out little by little and will not flow too fast and affect the market. But things are different now. Ye Chunwang may have seen hope, so he directly increased his salary.

dong dong dong

Locke stood up, and Michelle opened the room door and walked in.

"General manager, regarding Secretary Le Xiao's handling plan today, combined with the documents submitted by Miss Alpha, I have prepared the relevant internal documents for handling minor crimes, and they can be officially implemented after they are issued tomorrow."

"so fast?"

Michelle nodded.

"Starting tomorrow, I will arrange for people from the General Affairs Department to go to various district offices to discuss the issue of the use of cleaning fees. At least some cleaning companies must be settled starting tomorrow."

Locke sighed and glanced at the paperwork that Michelle had made. It was completed in just half an hour. He was very thoughtful.

"By the way, Michelle, that girl should go back to the ground floor tomorrow."

Michelle shook her head.

"I have already informed her to come to the General Affairs Section first. She must first give an exhaustive explanation to the whole city about the future plan for dealing with minor crimes."

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