Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2162 Confrontation 1 (Part 1)

November 14

7 a.m.

Mo Xiaolan climbed up from the bed, and the door to the room opened immediately, and Lilian came in with a smile.

"Section Chief, the matter has come to an end."

The tiredness on Mo Xiaolan's face immediately disappeared, revealing an excited smile.

"Would you like to have breakfast first, Section Chief?"

Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"Hunger often helps to think."

After a while, Lilian pushed Mo Xiaolan to the office. As the light and shadow screens opened, some people's information appeared.

The two people on the list are the main targets of investigation for the riots that occurred during this period, Zhao Zhen and Chen Zhi. Both of them are dead in the medical records. Zhao Zhen died 11 years ago and Chen Zhi died in 8 died years ago.

Mo Xiaolan had sent people to investigate the death records of the two people. People from Section 4 also assisted in investigating the death records of the two people. They even found the ashes of the two people and carried out identification to confirm that they were indeed the ashes of the two people. Originally, it was like this The investigation should be over, after all, there is always evidence, but Mo Xiaolan came to a conclusion after thinking about many past cases and thinking about technology.

Both Zhao Zhen and Chen Zhi were still alive. Later, Mo Xiaolan asked people from Section 10 to compare the ashes of the two people with the DNA of the dead left in the place where the two lived in the past, and came to a surprising conclusion. The dead Zhao Zhen and Chen Zhi are both clones.

The two people who were admitted to the hospital when they were seriously ill were clones. Without professional testing, there was no way to know that they were clones.

In the last case where a high-level black market agent was killed in an explosion, the heart rate detection technology was a medical technology developed by Zhao Zhen's original company. Through the restoration of the explosion residue at the scene, it can be determined that it was This technology controls the bomb inside the human body and eventually explodes.

As for the mechanical biochemical modification person on the night of Le Xiao's inauguration ceremony, only Chen Zhi from Bincai Company in the past could achieve this level of technology. He and Le Wen were once like-minded friends.

After Lewen's accident, he left Bincai Company and later worked in a mechanical technology company in the city. He was always depressed and finally died of a serious illness.

The other two current targets of investigation on the list are Claude and Becky. They were core members of the Black Mountain Research Institute led by Witte and Tang Rao before the establishment of the Acting Department. They paid a lot for the emergence of the life-span vaccine. After hard work, the two men were determined to be dead, but after Becky appeared, Mo Xiaolan ordered people to conduct various NDA residue comparisons across the city.

Although this kind of work is huge and complicated, it is rewarding. Another guy, Claude, has already been identified. The two are leaders in the field of biotechnology.

The last one is Mansha. She has not revealed any clues so far. Although Chense has sent back a lot of information, this information is currently useless.

There is also another guy on the list who calls himself X. He was responsible for the poisonous food accident in the city. According to the explanations of the three persons in charge of Sanlian Company, the chemical formula for their mass-produced liquid food was given to them by this X.

This guy named

Including the past Hydra case, the synthesis methods of some chemical bombs used by Hydra are slightly different from traditional ones. Although Hydra is a genius in chemistry, it just needs to develop something in a short time. is extremely difficult.

What is certain is that Zhao Zhen had contacted Hydera at that time and provided help to Hydera. All the connections have been completely connected according to the wise man's recent explanation.

Although Mo Xiaolan was a little afraid to think about some things, the place that these things connected together finally pointed to was Frye Mental Hospital. We have already investigated Frye Mental Hospital. There are no other things there except madmen, but Mo Xiaolan is There was a vague feeling that something was wrong with Fry.

But this was just a guess. Mo Xiaolan didn't believe that Fry was behind everything, so Mo Xiaolan immediately dismissed the idea.

Zhao Zhen fell into a world of anger and hatred because of the hostage-taking incident handled by Section 2 in the past. In the end, he went crazy. He got better after treatment in Frye Mental Hospital, but fell seriously ill a few years after returning to the city.

In order to avoid more deaths, but it was impossible to agree to any demands of the rioters, R, the then chief of Section 2, made a decision, and C and K carried out indiscriminate on-the-spot executions.

Precisely because the hostages were thrown out, Section 2 gained valuable time to dismantle the bomb, and finally solved the incident at the cost of the death of more than 100 hostages.

This matter was not exposed. Congress suppressed everything and finally negotiated with the families of the deceased. They received high compensation, but the compensation did not seem to solve the problem.

More serious problems will occur. Mo Xiaolan has already realized it. Later, Jewell also explained the problems in the prison. Mo Xiaolan sent people to thoroughly investigate the prison.

What was found that shocked Mo Xiaolan even more was that the prison had undergone comprehensive changes and rectifications. A large number of the collars of the prisoners in the prison had been replaced, which meant that this group of people had obtained a large amount of human brain waves. Signal.

This can also explain why they have the ability to remotely control mechanical and biochemical transformation of people. After the battle in the abandoned mining town in the north, Mo Xiaolan was very shocked because she did not expect that the enemy would master so many high-end technologies. technology.

In the end, Mo Xiaolan started with technology. Everyone with technology conducted a comprehensive investigation. If you don't check, you won't know. There are too many doubtful points after checking.

Especially the huge accident caused by Le Wen, Mo Xiaolan guessed that those technologies, under such strict protection, originally seemed to be foolproof. In fact, the enemy secretly provided all kinds of support to let Le Wen and his team complete the task. The enemy wants the technology, and finally causes an accident in some way to obtain the technical results.

This method was both cruel and clever. Lilian began to sort some information into a folder one after another. Mo Xiaolan raised her head and looked at the ceiling. At this time, she noticed the surveillance above her head.

"What do we think we are fighting, Lillian?"

Lillian was a little confused at first but then she laughed and looked at the surveillance above.

"Could it be AI?"

Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Call Ji Qing."

Lilian nodded and then issued an order. Ji Qing has been studying various knowledge systematically in Section 2 these days.

Ji Qing ran in after a while, her uniform looking a little messy.

"Section Chief."

"Come here, take a look at these materials, and tell me if you have any ideas."

Ji Qing became a little panicked. She didn't know what Mo Xiaolan was going to do, but after seeing some information, she was shocked. Such top-secret information was allowed to be seen by an ordinary staff member like her. Ji Qing was afraid to read it. , looked at Mo Xiaolan awkwardly.

"Section Chief, can I really see it?"

Mo Xiaolan nodded, and Lilian handed Ji Qing a glass of water.

At this time, Ji Qing looked at Mo Xiaolan pitifully.

"Section Chief, I haven't been home for half a month, can you let me go back?"


Ji Qing stopped talking, but looked at it seriously. Half an hour later, she said with an embarrassed smile.

"Section Chief, haven't you already made a conclusion? I..."

Lilian patted Ji Qing's shoulder.

"Tell me what you think about these cases?"

"I think these criminals have only one purpose, to expose something through these criminal methods."

Mo Xiaolan looked at Ji Qing in surprise, then nodded.

"Okay, it's none of your business. You have to strengthen your physical exercise from tomorrow on."

Ji Qing felt dizzy when she heard this. During this time, she would cry every day when she returned to the dormitory. She had never been so tired, especially in terms of physical exercise. The exercise in subject 2 was simply more uncomfortable than death.

"We have to change the direction of the investigation and sort out the buried incidents in the past one by one. Judging from the large-scale riots they initially planned to cause, it is indeed what this girl said. In the end, the liquid food problem of Sanlian Company was exposed. , causing the wave of denunciation in the city to get higher and higher, if it hadn’t been for that idiot girl’s series of idiotic moves, a bigger protest would have happened long ago.”

"Indeed, Section Chief, no matter if that stupid girl hit her by mistake or something, at least it is somewhat useful."

Lilian immediately began to retrieve some dusty information. This information was completely covered up after problems occurred in the past and was not exposed. Very few people knew about it.

At this time, a call came over, and Mo Xiaolan glanced at it. It was a member of Department 13 who was visiting.

"Lillian turns off the monitoring. From now on, the monitoring of Section 2 will only be kept internally and the connection with the AI ​​will be cut off."

Lillian smiled and nodded, then turned and left the room. After a while, Lillian saw a thin and pale man wearing the uniform of Section 13 coming up.

"Hello Miss Lillian."

Lilian bowed slightly.

"Mr. Billy."

Billy smiled and stepped into Lillian's room.

"Who are you anyway?"

"Doctor Billy, you lazy boy."

Mo Xiaolan nodded, and Billy sat next to Mo Xiaolan.

"Are you okay with your mental state?"

Billy shook his head.

"It's no problem at all. I'm already starting to weave a net, just to see if the enemy will jump in."

Billy said as he glanced at the monitor.

"Don't worry, I've asked Lilian to turn off the monitoring. There will be no records of our conversation."

Billy hummed.

"Tell me carefully about what happened back then and why you suddenly deteriorated. You have clearly controlled your multiple personalities very well."

Billy said with a dark smile.

"If you want to talk about why I did what I did, maybe it's similar to Lewen. The butcher living in my body is out of control. I completely lost control of my body, so I committed multiple serial murders."

At that time, it was deduced that the person who committed this serial murder case was Mo Xiaolan. After finally confirming that it was Billy, Gene went to arrest him personally. Before the latest murder occurred, Billy was subdued by Gene.

This case is shocking. It took nearly half a year from the first victim to the final conclusion. In that time, Billy the Butcher killed more than 40 people.

The methods of each case were very cruel. After a long-term identification investigation of Billy, the conclusion was that the Billy at the time of the murder and the Billy who taught at the All-Field Academy were two different people, but he was eventually thrown into Arrived at the prison.

Because this incident caused a lot of public opinion, and one thing became clear only after the investigation. Billy in the school knew that those cases were committed by his other personality, but he did not take the initiative to report the crime. Choose to hide.

"If you had come to me at that time, there wouldn't have been so many subsequent problems."

Billy smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Who knows."

Billy was watching Le Wen's incident seriously, and seemed to have thought of something. The purpose of his coming here was firstly to restore the incident of Billy the Butcher in his personality, and secondly, to see what happened to Le Wen. case because there is too much connection between the two.

"You mean, those were not your original intentions, but you didn't realize until you reacted that you were being controlled by something."

Billy nodded.

"That was indeed not my original intention, nor was it Billy the Butcher's original intention. But after doing this series of things, I pondered in prison for several years before I realized that I was probably being controlled by something. , It is true that I did the thing, but I was already able to suppress other personalities at that time, and it was impossible for me to let other personalities do such a thing."

Mo Xiaolan fell into deep thought. After a while, Billy finally spoke with a smile.

"Don't you know what kind of person I am?"

Mo Xiaolan snorted. Although Billy did suffer from split personality, it was just because he suffered a very severe tragedy in his childhood that he split into a protective personality. But after that, in the Academy of God, he behaved very superior.

After being captured by the Hillman family for experimental research, Billy gave birth to more personalities, but he controlled them well.

"Recently, a BOSS-type personality appeared in my body that knows all personality matters and can come and go at will."

Mo Xiaolan looked at Billy suspiciously.

"How about asking him to come out and talk to me?"

Billy hummed and closed his eyes slightly for a while. When Mo Xiaolan saw Billy who opened his eyes, his expression changed completely.

"To be precise, I was born from the Hillman family's personality implant research, Billy, who can erase all personalities."

Mo Xiaolan looked at the Billy in front of him with interest.

"I think it's better for me to talk about some things, because I know all the details. Do you think the more than 40 people who died at the hands of Billy the Butcher were really random killings?"

Mo Xiaolan became suspicious.

"You will soon understand what the truth is, because these more than 40 people are all connected. I hope you can find the information of these more than 40 victims, so that it can be convenient for me to explain."

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