Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2198 The Terrible Thing (Part 1)

Jewell stood quietly on the edge of the farmland, and several members of Section 12 who had just been interrogated and even lent their cars to the man named Coors came over.

Now the identity of the deceased has been determined. He was the manager of a construction company and had been working for twenty years. During this period, he had no illegal records and had not participated in any demonstrations or activities in the city against the administrative department.

Single and unmarried at the age of 87, Jewell watched the reports that continued to reach the top management of various departments. Coors brought a temporary construction team today, and the company boss was very relieved of him.

Because Coors has worked hard over the years to take care of everything in this construction company very well, the boss is also assured of Coors, and any decision made by Coors will be directly signed and approved.

Because the previous batch of workers slowed down the company's construction progress at an upper construction site a lot, Coors told his boss that he had replaced a group of very efficient workers and would finish the job sooner, but the boss didn't Care directly signed and agreed.

But in fact, after investigating the previous batch of workers, they said that there was no problem of slowing down the construction progress. Instead, Coors temporarily said today that because the client did not pay, it stopped the work directly and asked them to go back for three days. , part of the wages will be paid within three days, because these workers are long-term workers.

So the workers all went home without any dissatisfaction. After all, if the other party did not pay, their wages would be delayed for some time.

Everything was so reasonable and reasonable, Jewell pouted, Jewell also knew about the big things that happened in Section 2, and Song Xuan was asking some questions to several members of Section 12.

It was also discovered that one of these officers was an undercover agent from Section 2. He was called out by Song Xuan alone. At this time, this officer also knew about the heavy casualties in Section 2, and he was almost crying.

Jewell walked over. The clerk was wiping his tears. Song Xuan was looking at the information for him. She also got the identity information of this clerk from Section 2. He had been undercover for three times in Section 12. It's been over a month, in order to be able to find clues about the rioters from some places.

"You continue your mission first, but I can give you a few days off first."

As Jewell said, the clerk shook his head.

"Lord Jewell, Lord Song Xuan, I will continue to lurk."

Song Xuan patted his shoulder.

"It's okay. We will definitely find something. Soon we will be able to completely eliminate those rioters."

The two came to the car where the suspect escaped. Jewell was in a bad mood. After all, this kind of thing happened in Section 2. This had never happened before.

"Section Chief, I think there will be enemies in the prison. What do you think?"

Jewell nodded.

"There will indeed be enemies. What happened to that boy Leng Rui is an example. Those bastards dared to take advantage of me."

But how to find the enemies inside the prison is a big problem. The prison has remained the same from the past to the present, without much change. There are too many problems inside, and the two of them are powerless to deal with these problems.

After all, many of the benefits of the Prison Department can only be extracted from prisoners. This system has not changed from the past to the present. Because there are money transactions, there are loopholes. But if such transactions are canceled rashly, then for the entire 11th Department It's not fair to anyone.

They guard the prisoners here day and night, assisting Section 12 in the work and punishment of prisoners. This happens 27 days a month. It is basically impossible to transfer from Section 12. Over the years, few people have been able to transfer from Section 12. Ke was transferred away.

"It's better to say hello to some of the leaders in the prison and ask them to help us investigate privately."

Song Xuan said, and Jewel shook his head.

"This method won't work. Once the enemies notice the slightest change, we will never have a chance to find them again."

Song Xuan bit her thumb. The problem before them was very serious now, because such a big problem had already appeared in Section 2. These rioters would definitely continue to do something to shake the city.

"Xiaoxuan, there is something I think we must do."

"What is it, section chief?"

Jewell thought for a while and then said with a smile after straightening out his thoughts.

"It's actually very simple to know who the rioters are in prison."

Song Xuan became confused.

"What do you think prison means?"

"Speak quickly, don't say these deep things to me, it doesn't suit your personality."

Jewell swallowed, then looked around and asked a clerk for a cigarette.

Jewel didn't usually smoke, but this time he wanted to smoke one.


"In order to catch the rioters, I think we have to set a trap."

After thinking for a while, Song Xuan burst into laughter and patted Jewell on the arm.

"I didn't expect you to be quite smart, section chief."

"It's true that I'm stupid. I had the best grades in the same period that year."

Song Xuan joked.

"It's true. Section Chief, I handle a lot of things in Section 12 on weekdays. It's better for you. When I was doing business, you were doing business with a woman in the next room. After that, I completely lost my feelings for you. confidence."

Jewell frowned, coughed and said.

"We waited for a while and just cited the prison department as being overburdened, the slow and intermittent supply of water and electricity, and the food being averagely good, with some being poor."

Song Xuan pressed her forehead.

"If this is done, the prisoners will definitely cause trouble."

"When their emotions reach their peak, we will introduce a sentence reduction measure. They only need to submit some self-defense applications and we will review them. Those who pass the review can have their sentences reduced, and some whose sentences are too long can be commuted. Go out to a place and report to Section 5 every day. You are not allowed to leave the surveillance area. A tracker is implanted in your body. You can live in that place for a month a year. What do you think?"

Song Xuan nodded.

"That's right, section chief. This method is indeed much more reliable."

Jewell hummed. Both of them knew how much the people in prison longed for freedom. Many of them seemed very happy every time they could go out to work, but for some serious prisoners, even looking outside was a luxury. , freedom is something that most people in prison desire but cannot seek.

As long as this is done, prisoners who want to leave early or want to return to the city for one month a year will definitely submit applications, while those who do not submit applications can be listed as targets of investigation.

"Right, Xiaoxuan, if I were a rioter, prison would be a good place for riots. There have been several riots in prisons in the past, and riots in prisons will have a very big impact on the eastern agricultural base."

Song Xuan nodded. She naturally knew what happened in the past, but she still asked.

"Is that really the case, that you're sure they're going to choose to stay in prison?"

Jewell smiled and nodded.

"I am convinced that people have obsessions. The moment I saw Coors trying to escape, I knew that the obsession of these guys to subvert the city is deep-rooted. There will be no such thing. Any change, such a group of people is pitiful, but at the same time terrifying, because they will not take into account everything around them, nor their own life and death, all just to achieve the goal of subverting the city."

Jewell is very sure that the enemy is very familiar with the internal affairs of the prison, so he was able to let Leng Rui control the supercomputer during the last city riot, directly in the prison, which looks dangerous, but is actually extremely safe. place, kill those puppets directly.

What happened that time was because the enemy had completed a series of operations in the prison, so the operations department was so overwhelmed that they could not find the location of the signal at all.

After that incident, Jewell often thought about the problem of rioters inside the prison. After that, he took the initiative to find Mo Xiaolan and talked about it. Mo Xiaolan did not blame him, but just asked him to be more careful. Detect and take precautions before they happen.

"Xiao Xuan, what do you think is the scary thing about enemies?"

"Evil without any bottom line."

Jewell hummed.

"This kind of evil without a bottom line is very difficult. There is no solution to it, because their purpose is to make the enemy as bottomless as themselves. I just killed a person, even though he was an enemy. ."

Song Xuan sighed, and Jewel recalled that he could have let the guy go just now. All he had to do was send a helicopter over immediately. If he chased him with the helicopter, he would have a chance to catch the enemy, but Jewel took action anyway. .

Jewell subconsciously destroyed the man's aircraft and caused him to fall directly. From such a high altitude, even a powerful mutant would be severely damaged if he fell.

Jewel took the cigarette in his hand, lit it in his mouth and smiled. He exhaled a puff of smoke. He had just thought about something. Did he do it accidentally or intentionally? The answer is not sure, maybe it was intentional. , possibly unintentionally, but both.

"Don't think about it. Facing such an enemy, we must guard our bottom line. If we are assimilated by them, we will lose."

Song Xuan said, and Jewel nodded. This is what the enemy wants to see and do. How to subvert the city. All he needs to do is spread evil without a bottom line. The more the enemy wants to kill, the more evil he wants to do. Kill them, the more successful their plan will be.

Over the years, their plan has actually succeeded. The excessive practices of the Business Department in many cases have completely reflected the four words of having no bottom line.

Such an approach is unreasonable in the eyes of the people. Over time, the people's attitude towards the administrative department has become more and more distant. This is something that both of them understand clearly and can see. In these years of prison management, They have already seen many things clearly.

Because people who enter the prison have undergone drastic changes in their humanity. They are more complex and have more serious problems than the people outside. The existence of the prison is a microcosm of the various problems and contradictions in the city.

"Xiaoxuan, let's go. It's better for us to go over there. The section chiefs and secretaries from other departments have gone over. We all have to have a brief meeting."

Song Xuan hummed, and the two left the car. After explaining some matters to several directors, they took off in a helicopter.

2:48 am

The section chiefs and secretaries gathered in Section 2. Ye Chunwang and Larry also came over. Larry and Qin Dong stood together, looking at the large number of corpses placed on the lawn with serious expressions.

Mo Xiaolan had calmed down and did not ask Lilian to arrest Mansha immediately.

Le Xiao's words made everyone realize the problem. This is what the rioters really want to see, to completely assimilate the business department and become like the rioters, with more and more no bottom line, and no one has any A bottom-line management organization is evil in the eyes of the people.

This malice will only continue to spread in the city, and the city will only have more and more problems.

This is what the rioters most want to see, and paper can never keep fire. Such a big change happened in Section 2 tonight. Even if they want to hide it from the public, many people can see the flames caused by the explosion. Arrived, because the environmental system has been destroyed by these rioters.

Locke stood beside the lost Mo Xiaolan, his brows furrowed.

"How about letting the girl explain tomorrow?"

Mo Xiaolan looked at Le Xiao, who was sitting on a chair and still wiping tears. Gu Ningning was holding her down.

"It's up to you. I need to rest for a few days. I'm too tired."

Ji Qing was far away from the crowd, her eyes were red, she knew many people who had died, and one of the room chiefs who always taught her carefully was also dead.

Tonight, Ji Qing followed the people from Section 2 to an explosion site to investigate and escaped. If she were here tonight, she would probably die. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps.

"Xiaoqing, come over."

A room chief said, Ji Qing saw her mother Ivy walking over. She plunged into her mother's arms and started crying. Ivy looked at everything in front of her, and what she thought of was what Jean had once been. Everything done.

Although it seems that many of the things that Jean did in the past were without a bottom line, but now that I think about it carefully, many of the things that Jean did have gradually changed every year. At times, Jean's behavior would go too far, but then he would gradually become gentler.

Aren't you going to take a look, Mr. Jean?

3 a.m.

Li Chu, who was adjusting numerical values ​​next to a large spaceship, looked solemn, as did the other six guys around him. They all knew what happened in Section 2.

"Are you sure you don't want to go take a look, Mr. Principal?"

Tang Rao muttered, and Gene smiled slightly, then his expression turned slightly bitter.

"Let them figure it out for themselves. The future belongs to them. I have retired."

Several other people also nodded. If they continue to interfere, there will be no end. This time, this matter includes everything between the future and the rioters in the city. The gods do not intend to interfere, and everything will be left to the acting department.

"It's okay, the guys I taught are not that fragile!"

Gene said, exhaling a puff of smoke with a smile, and he smiled with some emotion.

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