Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2199 The Terrible Thing (Part 2)

"Still worried?"

Tang Rao walked up to Witte, who was sitting at the table and looking at the current situation in the city. He nodded. Of course he was worried, because the current situation was very serious. This had never happened before, and the headquarters of the managers were targeted. Such a large-scale precision attack.

The details of the entire attack have been compiled and reported by Lilian, and there are also pictures of the scene. Witte is now 100% convinced that the structural diagram of the 2nd Department building was leaked by his former students, so they were able to launch it so accurately. Surprise attack.

"Why exactly? Becky and Claude, when and where did they start to have such an idea."

Tang Rao lit a cigarette and smiled helplessly.

"It is true that they are dead, but they are still alive now."

Werther nodded, because when the two students passed away, Werther was by the side, but after meeting the young Becky a while ago, Werther couldn't help but think about this question, why they chose to continue their lives in this way. , by constantly cloning oneself, and then surviving.

"This matter may really be related to X."

As Gu Yi said, Deguna burst out laughing.

"That old immortal bastard, if he is really in this city, once I find him out, I will definitely wipe out everything about him until not even a single cell is left."

Rose smiled disapprovingly.

"How to catch him? Haven't you all learned about that guy's thoughts and foresight?"

Everyone laughed, especially Li Chu's eyes turned cold.

"If he is really alive, I can take revenge. After all, if it hadn't been for him, I would never have joined that bullshit space program. Even if I die with my family, it would be better than not even remembering my family now." ”

Jean didn't speak, just listened to a few people talking about this matter. After all, this matter is extremely important to everyone, but how to confirm that the X in the bright city is from the technology seminar? It is very difficult for Chairman X to survive by cloning himself.

When Jean was investigating some cases in the city over the years, he never really found any information about X. He only saw a trace of it from Alpha's incident and Ran Zhi's incident.

Li Chu laughed coldly.

"Now is not the time for us to think about these things. We must quickly debug the spacecraft. After all, we must collect mimics from the Heavenly Punishment Pit as soon as possible. Only in this way can Brilliant City further develop."

Gene was smoking silently. He looked at the attack that happened tonight and the criminal who was indirectly killed by Jewell during his escape. Everything about him was really too ordinary. Gene's expression was solemn.

"Aren't there a lot of people like this? There are a lot of dirty things in their hearts, but they hold it back and never show it. Once they find any breakthrough, this person will completely explode. There should be many people in the city who have already People who were bewitched by the rioters."

Deguna said, and Tang Rao laughed at the side.

"You bastards have been watching Jean work all these years, but you have never been willing to help. If we had worked together earlier, we might have arrested a lot of people."

Tang Rao's argument was untenable at all, and Gu Yi smiled helplessly.

"Stop talking about Tang Rao, you are the most idle person in these years."

Tang Rao said nothing more, and Gene turned off the light and shadow screen.

"Everyone, let's go ahead and leave these things to the current managers."

4:13 am

Huashen was analyzing the cells of these clones in a makeshift laboratory. Researchers from the other four departments were comparing the NDA information of these clones. Unfortunately, no DNA of any clone was found. information.

In other words, the source of these cloned mutants could not be found at all. Huashen kept thinking about some major events in the past. He thought about Alpha. At this time, Huashen suddenly walked out of the temporary laboratory. The section chief and secretary outside They are all dispatching members of the department to deal with what happened tonight.

"President, when you fought against the Hillman family's mutant army in the past, did you pay attention to their appearance?"

Alpha pondered for a while and then shook his head. Although the massacre left a lot of mutant corpses, they only processed these corpses and did not extract any DNA. Now they want to find those Yuan Xi who were killed by Alpha. It is no longer possible to obtain DNA information about the mutants of the Mann family.

Everything about the Hillman family was completely erased from the city at that time. Both biological information and recorded electronic information were completely erased. Until now, except for some older generations in the city, , young people don’t know about it at all, because nothing about the Hillman family exists at all. Although the older generation will tell the young people about it, there is no record of the Hillman family in the city. .

This kind of obliteration was done bit by bit over half a century after the demise of the Hillman family. Now when it comes to the Hillman family, no one will know about it. Many people only know that among the eight major families, there is the Eberon family. , but they didn’t know that the Abron family had replaced the Hillman family as the eighth largest family.

Letting a bloody fact disappear, whether it is good or bad, can at least dissipate the influence caused by the Hillman family in the past little by little.


Alpha seemed to remember something.

"Does the underground research laboratory established by the Hillman family still exist?"

Huashen shook his head, and Locke came over at this time.

"Send someone to Zou Yun's house immediately. The laboratory has not been filled in, but is used as a refuge base. All the research facilities inside have been demolished. Maybe some mutants from the past Hillman family can still be found. DNA information."

After hearing Locke's words, Mo Xiaolan immediately ordered three secretaries to collect DNA. Qin Dong, Larry and Lillian immediately stood up. Some people from Section 10 followed, and a lift was ready.

The most important thing now is to find the origin of these cloned mutants. Their combat effectiveness is only average compared to high-level mutants, but the lethality of each one cannot be underestimated. If there are thousands of rioters If there are such cloned mutants, once they cause some disturbances in the future, it will be devastating to the entire Brilliant City.

There is another issue that must be clarified as soon as possible, and that is all the raw materials needed for cloning. Currently, Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 have formed a temporary investigation team and went to all the biotechnology companies in the city overnight. Check whether the raw material storage capacity of biotechnology companies matches the amount of some biological items they produce.

If there is no match, the person in charge will be arrested immediately and questioned and investigated. If the rioters want to continuously clone people, they will need a large amount of biological raw materials.

At present, more than 100,000 technicians have been directly involved in the investigation of raw materials. All the raw materials needed for cloning have been distributed under different names and given to officials in various places. They have effectively organized the investigation, and there are continuous News of the investigation came in.

Leti, Yincai and Ye Jiao were responsible for the comprehensive review, while several other section chiefs were discussing with the directors within the section.

Le Xiao stood aside awkwardly, neither sitting nor standing, because she could not handle some things so accurately at all. She did not understand many things very well. Then Le Xiao walked over, carrying a kettle, and gave it to everyone present. Everyone pours water.

"If you have nothing to do, go back and rest, think about how to hold the press conference of the administrative department tomorrow, and make some preparations in advance."

Niya said, Le Xiao nodded immediately, and could only look at Michelle for help, and she walked over awkwardly.

"Your Excellency, Secretary General, what can you say tomorrow?"

"First write what you want to explain, and combine it with what happened tonight. When I'm done here, I'll read it and make a decision."

Le Xiao hummed, turned on her light and shadow screen, and looked at the comprehensive report on tonight's events. After reading it for a while, Le Xiao felt her heart pounding.

At this moment, with a creaking sound, the door of Section 2 opened. A man was being searched with his hands raised. It was Ran Zai. He was brought over with a serious expression.

"Everyone, I am a specially recruited member of Section 13. There are some things I must explain to you."

"Come over here."

Mo Xiaolan shouted, Ran Zai ran over with a smile, and Le Xiao hurried over.

"What are you doing here?"

Ran Zai asked rhetorically.

"Can't I come over?"

Le Xiao scratched his head.

"But this is"

"Move quickly."

Mo Xiaolan urged, Ran Zai smiled and said to Le Xiao.

"I know everything. Have you forgotten? I'm very smart."

Le Xiao curled her lips and continued to read. After Ran Zai came and sat down next to Mo Xiaolan, Mo Xiaolan pinched his neck.

"Tell me everything you know, or I won't be polite."

"Can you please stop being so rough?"

Mo Xiaolan let go of his hand and Ran Zai spoke directly.

"Some of the people arrested tonight are people we have focused on in the last year or two."

"Say name."

Ran Zai thought for a while and then said Tang Ye's name. After entering it, Mo Xiaolan immediately used his authority to get all Tang Ye's recorded information.

"Why exactly are you staring at him?"

Ran Zai began to explain. In the past, besides going to school, he liked to observe people on the streets when he had nothing to do. Because of this, Ran Zai attracted many people to join the gang and discovered many people's secrets.

Tangye was one of them. Mo Xiaolan looked at Tangye's information and found that his adoptive father Zhu Qi had just died a few days ago, and he had already determined that Zhu Qi was one of the rioters.

Tang Ye accepted the investigation. Mo Xiaolan called up Tang Ye's video and immediately ordered facial expression experts and language experts to start analysis.

After all, Tang Ye had indeed not had contact with his adoptive father Zhu Qi for many years, and had cut off contact with him for at least twenty years. Even when Zhu Qi died, Tang Ye had not passed. Now Mo Xiaolan understands.

"Take him directly to Section 2."


Ran Zai immediately spoke.

"If you do this, I'm afraid the other people we have targeted will become alert. If you continue to stimulate them, I'm afraid there will be a larger-scale attack. By then, everything will be really messed up. In such an important situation, At this critical juncture, do you plan to continue the chaos in the city?"

After Mo Xiaolan hesitated for a while, he nodded.


Ran Zai told Mo Xiaolan that when he was watching people on the street, he accidentally discovered Tang Ye. At that time, Tang Ye was still in college. He found that Tang Ye often went to some libraries to read books. At that time, he also found Tang Ye. There are paper books, and many books can only be displayed in the library after being screened by the administrative department.

At that time, Tang Ye was only interested in one kind of books, speech books, which was strange to Mo Xiaolan.

"Is this strange? After all, a good speech can move people's hearts. If you want to interact well with people in society, speaking is a major subject, and speech naturally condenses the essence of speech."

"The reason why I find it strange is that ordinary people just read books like speeches, but Tang Ye has a habit of bringing his mobile phone, copying some parts of it, and taking it away. "

Ran Zai continued talking. On a night when New Year's Eve was about to take place, something happened. Tang Ye had a quarrel with someone. However, he cursed loudly and did not bring out any useful information from the books he had read. The things come out and the language is rough, as if he is a person who has not received education at all.

In the end, Tang Ye even fought with someone. In the end, Tang Ye was arrested, and the other party was the same. In the end, because Tang Ye refused to defend himself, he was finally sentenced to half a year of hard labor in court. The school also gave him a punishment. If he committed another crime, he would be expelled.

"So I'm very surprised that those speech books teach people how to speak, and speaking is communication, isn't it!"

Mo Xiaolan figured it out in an instant.

"You have investigated his private life."

Ran Zai nodded.

"Privately, many of Tang Ye's classmates and friends think that he is too stubborn and can't speak well. It's not like a person who is keen on speech books will make mistakes, so I infer that he has something unknown. The secret is just that I don’t know what the secret is.”

Mo Xiaolan laughed.

"It is indeed such a contrast. If you don't stare at it for a long time, you won't notice it at all. How about you go there in person?"

Ran Zai stood up and bowed slightly.

"First give me a uniform and an identity. I will go over and interrogate him now. You can watch from a distance. You should find something interesting."

Mo Xiaolan agreed, and she felt more at ease leaving this matter to Ran Zai. Then she immediately arranged for a room chief to assign a false identity to Ran Zai and give him a set of uniforms from Section 5.

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