Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2258 Rewriting (Part 1)

Le Xiao watched more and more people sit in. Soon the meeting would officially begin. She tried her best to think about the specific content that needed to be stated in the meeting. This was the first time she had experienced this.

Le Xiao didn't know what they were thinking about such an important bill asking him to serve as the speaker of the bill. He still had little understanding of many things.

"You are really insidious."

Mo Xiaolan looked at King Xue aside, and he immediately retorted.

"Chief Mo Xiaolan, do you have a better way?"

Mo Xiaolan waved his hands helplessly. After all, this was all he could do now. Since such a bill has been submitted, someone must come forward. After all, the establishment of the agricultural base in the barrier area has been going on for a day or two, and it has been going on for half a month. In the urban process of this century, this issue has always been unavoidable.

The production capacity of agricultural bases in the east is limited, and the supply in cities is always unbalanced. Even though strict restrictions have been imposed, the urban population has still skyrocketed to more than 30 million today, and cities are now facing the impact of the aging era. , coupled with the truth just announced.

Therefore, the establishment of agricultural bases in barrier areas is imperative. Once successful, it can bring a very rich supply of resources to the city, and many of the city's problems can indeed be fundamentally solved.

However, to build such a plan is like gambling on life for today's cities. Once any mistakes are made, the city will fall into huge difficulties or even collapse completely.

No one with a right mind would do such a life-or-death approach. Besides, the series of problems that resulted from the failure to establish the agricultural base more than fifty years ago were well known to many people present, and some had experienced them personally. .

Locke Jiahui saw that everyone had basically entered, so he stood up directly.

"Everyone, please be quiet. The afternoon meeting has officially begun. Next, please take a look at the proposal to establish an agricultural base in the barrier area!"

The sound started to appear again. Locke looked at Le Xiao. She got up and ran to the podium in the middle, looking a little nervous.

After a few short minutes, Locke said.

"It's time to start presenting the motion, Secretary Le Xiao!"

Le Xiao swallowed. There was a serious atmosphere in the venue. After licking her lips, she hurriedly brought up the light and shadow screen.


Le Xiao paused, and then took several deep breaths. After her uneasy mood gradually calmed down, Le Xiao began to state the proposal.

"Regarding the establishment of agricultural bases in barrier areas, I hope you will take a serious look at this bill and then consider it. This bill is very important for the current city, because it is related to the future stability and prosperity of the city."

As Le Xiao spoke, he began to explain some rough parts. The congressmen were watching, as were family businessmen and some celebrities.

Everyone was silent, but soon there was a voice, and a member of Parliament stood up on his own initiative.

"Secretary Le Xiao, when Section 13 submitted this bill, did you consider the overall situation of the city?"

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"Of course there is, so doesn't the bill include the establishment of small-scale agricultural bases?"

The congressman laughed.

"As far as I know, if you really do it, there will be no small-scale experiments, and there will be no small-scale agriculture. How small is a small-scale? Is it a pilot base of several hundred square meters? Has the risk been confirmed? Can the soil in the barrier area really grow crops? And if the radiation range of the artificial sun is expanded, what will be the resource depletion rate?"

Lexiao was overwhelmed by a series of questions. She was still looking at the documents. The congressman did not wait for Lexiao.

"Please answer my question, Secretary Le Xiao."

Le Xiao hummed and could only bite the bullet and say.

"Of course it can't be only a few hundred square meters. An experimental base of several thousand square meters should be planned. There are definitely risks, but once the crops are planted, it will be very good for the people of the entire city. This problem If so, Section 12 has already concluded that as long as the soil can recover, it will be no problem to grow crops. Didn’t you read the experimental report of the agricultural base established 50 years ago? As for artificial sun, it is definitely not possible now. Expand the radiation range.”

After Lexiao finished answering, many people began to whisper.

The congressman who had just asked the question sat down. Just as Le Xiao was about to continue speaking, a congressman stood up. He looked older. His name was Qian Jun.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, I hope this stupid motion explanation can be stopped immediately."

For a moment, everyone in the venue looked at Qian Jun, and Le Xiao was even a little angry. Just as she was about to retort, Michelle stood up and said.

"Congressman Qian Jun, please pay attention to your speech."

Qian Jun bowed and said.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me for what I just said. I think I may be the person with the most say on this bill because I was a pioneer when the agricultural base in the barrier zone was established fifty years ago."

Qian Jun said as he took out a pioneer's ID card from his pocket, and then activated the shooting function on the light and shadow screen. Soon the front and back of the ID card appeared on the large light and shadow screen in the Congress Hall.

Le Xiao was a little at a loss. The plan fifty years ago had indeed failed. Le Xiao had also read the information. The reason why it failed was because of the obstruction of the Hillman family and the gang members in the barrier area. Agricultural bases were attacked.

Therefore, this bill that was about to succeed ultimately failed. More than 500,000 people participated in the entire plan. After the failure, the entire bill had a huge impact on the city and almost pushed many districts into the abyss of eternal destruction.

"Congressman Qian Jun, please explain the situation."

Michelle said, Qian Jun nodded and apologized again for what he just said.

"The reason why I am so angry is because I personally experienced that failure as a participant. There are many problems that people who have not experienced it may not know, because that disaster-like failure caused very serious problems. I hope you will You can learn some information from my story."

Qian Jun was born in District 104 at the bottom of the family when he was very young. Qian Jun basically didn't receive any education from childhood to adulthood, and he always helped his parents on construction sites.

Apart from his strength, Qian Jun has nothing special about him. Qian Jun lived such a hard life until he was 30 years old. Basically, his parents died earlier, and Qian Jun also yearned for the life of the middle and upper class.

Fortunately, Chris had a free training class for adults at that time, and Qian Jun also went with his friend, intending to learn some knowledge and escape from such a life of relying on physical strength.

However, the pioneer bill was passed at this time. The city wanted to establish an agricultural base in the dark barrier area and needed to recruit a large number of pioneer workers. After Qian Jun and his friends heard the news, they went directly to sign up.

Fortunately, Qian Jun and three other friends were selected. Soon they received training in 12 subjects and received wages during the training. For young people like them, the future is full of hope. .

The pioneer's plan soon began. Qian Jun knew what cold meant for the first time. He and his three friends were unable to sleep at night, so they had to huddle together to keep warm. However, it was still very cold.

The cold was pervasive. After spending the first night in the barrier area, many people were poured with cold water. They had to get up early the next morning to move around and work.

Qian Jun still clearly remembered that the next morning, his hands and feet were as if they were tied with lead weights. They were a little better. Some people were directly affected by the cold last night. Although the business department had made as much preparations as possible, at night The cold air delayed the plan.

However, voices from the city, including businessmen who invested in the project, said that even if the cold hit, hundreds of thousands of workers could only start work.

Compared with the cold at night, working during the day is everyone's nightmare. Working in such a violent sandstorm is unbearable for many people, and more and more people are falling ill.

Although some land has been reclaimed, the reclaimed land will be filled with sand if you are not careful, making many tasks extremely difficult.

However, such pioneering projects still cannot be stopped. Many people have even withdrawn from the plan. As a result, they have suffered high liquidated damages for violating the contract. Those who cannot afford to repay can only go to the eastern agricultural base to work to repay their debts.

Although Qian Jun was in good health, after just one month, he could no longer even lift his hands. The working environment was extremely harsh, and he had to beware of attacks from people in the barrier area from time to time.

In just one month, dozens of attacks and thefts occurred. Some workers died in the attacks, and some even disappeared. Qian Jun did not see these existing problems in subsequent experimental reports.

"What I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can ask those who have participated in the pioneer project."

Qian Jun's words made the atmosphere in the venue more solemn, and he continued to speak.

The harsh working environment has not been effectively improved. Although the problem of coldness at night has been solved, it is everyone's nightmare during the day.

Qian Jun couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed, and was allowed to go back to rest for a week. The other three friends also had various health problems, especially many people's lungs, which had been exposed to harmful substances floating in the air. erosion.

Such harm did not appear in subsequent experimental reports. Qian Jun said that although lung medicine was very developed at that time, workers would go to the hospital for free lung cleaning surgeries after they returned.

But after the originally healthy lungs were eroded, it was a devastating blow to the entire person's future. Qian Jun passed with confidence just a week later, because an agricultural experimental field had been initially set up.

Some people who were overwhelmed with physical problems were assigned to work in the experimental fields. Working in the experimental fields was much easier.

However, the barrier area is often accompanied by accidents. If you are not careful, everything you do will fall short.

The business department is describing a bright future every day, and many people are still working very hard, because for many pioneers, once the plan is successful, they will be the owners of these planting lands, and they can rely on them for the rest of their lives. Living by planting land no longer has to be so hard.

In just six months, more than ten experimental fields were established. Qian Jun and his friends were discussing the situation in the experimental fields, because it seemed that the people in Section 12 were not looking good.

Some people working in the experimental fields also bluntly said that although the crops were indeed grown, they did not seem to be very good, and they also heard people from the 12th Department saying that it was not working.

An accident happened one day. A very large storm hit the barrier area. The storm swept through the agricultural base. Then the isolation wall of an experimental field had problems due to long-term erosion by wind, sand and cold.

There was a hole in the isolation wall, but no one noticed it. When they got up early the next morning, when the people in the experimental field called people from Section 12 over, they discovered that almost all the crops were dead, and the original good planting soil It has become hard.

After testing, the soils were dying, because the cold took away everything from the soils, and eventually the experimental plot was scrapped and had to be started all over again.

"So the plan was a failure from the beginning."

Qian Jun said, and everyone began to discuss. There is no truth to the established facts before them.

Qian Jun then said that after being attacked by a large number of high-level mutants that night, the entire agricultural base was destroyed.

Many workers had a vague feeling from the beginning that this plan would be impossible to succeed because the experimental field was too fragile. After being exposed to the night air in the barrier zone for just a few hours, all workers died.

The biting cold took away everything, and this promising plan that took a lot of people's efforts was shelved.

For the next ten years, Qian Jun was always suffering from pain. He had to endure some pain from his lungs, waist, hands and feet every day.

However, the compensation given to them was not enough for their medical treatment. Qian Jun originally felt that his life was completely over. If he had not met Chris one day, his life would have ended early.

"Three of my friends have passed away, one after another in the ten years since they came back. There are many more people who are not as lucky as me. The failure of this bill will affect not only businessmen, but also others." Many businessmen were overwhelmed and committed suicide because they invested all their money in this bill and lost everything in the end, and the compensation provided by Congress was not long-term.”

Le Xiao's anger was gone at this moment. She could imagine what kind of life Qian Jun had lived in the past. After all, she also came from the bottom.

"I would like to ask you, if this bill fails, then who should pay for it? This time it will probably be the whole city."

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