Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2259 Rewriting (Part 2)

Qian Jun's words caused the venue to fall into silence. Everyone was looking at the bill, but most people had already made a clear conclusion in their hearts that this bill was impossible to pass.

No one can be responsible for this. Once the bill fails, the city will face a devastating blow. Le Xiao sweated as he looked at the contents of the bill. There were some solutions on it, but there were no solutions to the parts that had failed in the past. .

Le Xiao looked at Michelle for help, and Qian Jun smiled slightly.

"Everyone, if Secretary Le Xiao is unable to answer these questions I raised and provide solutions, I hope that voting can begin immediately."

Locke asked Le Xiao, but Le Xiao was speechless. She didn't know what to do. The establishment of an agricultural base in the barrier area was far more complicated and cruel than she thought. The cold was indeed a problem that was difficult to solve.

It is very difficult for a land that has been bathed in darkness for too long to completely recover. If any problems occur during this process, the entire plan is very likely to fail. In addition, there are still rioters lurking in the city. them.

Therefore, this bill was impossible to pass. Le Xiao looked at the document awkwardly. Although there was something she wanted to say in her heart, she finally held it back. One thing came to Le Xiao's memory.

The old man who lived on the street from his home was also one of the pioneers and was in very poor health. When Le Xiao was in elementary school, he would always be seen basking in the sun very early in the morning when the sun came out. I'll sit there all day.

The old man's life was miserable, and he could no longer move one of his legs. I heard that he was injured while participating in the pioneer project when he was young. After that, he basically lost his ability to work. If he hadn't had a good brother, he would have starved to death.

Every time Le Xiao and a bunch of friends passed by the old man, he would say that you should study hard so that you can reach the upper middle class.

When this memory emerged, Le Xiao gave up saying anything because she knew very well that seemingly good things often turned into nothing.

Le Xiao planned to go back to her seat because the voting had already started. After returning to her seat, Le Xiao looked at the approval and objection. This time, she pointed her finger at the objection.

Everything in the past kept reappearing in her mind. Le Xiao turned her head and took a look. For a moment, she seemed to see Jean, standing behind her with a gentle smile, but there was nothing. Le Xiao turned around and said bitterly. smiled.

"To leave such a heavy problem to others and run away, I haven't even received any guidance from you."

A sense of sadness filled her heart, and Le Xiao couldn't help but her eyes got wet, but she always believed in some things in her heart, because these things were very good for the future of the city.

"It's all up to me what I want to do and how I want to do it."

The countdown to the vote in front of her passed by minute by minute. Le Xiao glanced at the people around her. She closed her eyes and felt cold and hot. She knew very well that basically many people would vote against it.

Le Xiao moved her disapproving finger little by little to the one in favor. She was extremely confused about what to do. All of this was too heavy, and Le Xiao felt out of breath.

The light and shadow screen in front of her became blurry, and Le Xiao felt that her brain was buzzing, and she felt dizzy.

"Are you shaken?"

A gentle voice came from behind, and Le Xiao woke up in horror. It turned out to be Ellie. She smiled mischievously. Le Xiao sat up straight in a hurry. The countdown was over in more than one minute.

"Just do what you want."

The voice appeared in Le Xiao's head. She put her hands on her forehead and looked at Ellie in disbelief.

"What you want to say, just think it in your head. I can hear it, and others can "hear it" too."

"It's so simple. How could you, a ghost, know this? It annoys me to death!"

Le Xiao was very confused now. After listening to what Qian Jun said, she was really shaken in her heart, because no one knew whether this bill could be carried out smoothly, as well as the rioters who were causing trouble.

"Those guys can no longer pose much of a threat to the city, because your voice has been conveyed and reached the hearts of many people."

"Is that true?"

Le Xiao glanced at Ai Li suspiciously. Ai Li sat next to her, gently held Le Xiao's hand, and pressed the option of approval. Le Xiao immediately stopped.

"I will be embarrassed again if I do this, and, and"

"It will go well this time, I can feel it. Don't you believe we should take a gamble?"

Le Xiao swallowed, and at this moment Locke stood up, and the voting countdown stopped.

"Everyone, I'm sorry. Noah, Jewell and Ye Chunwang from subjects 10, 11 and 12 are on their way, so please be patient."

After a while, the door of the Congress Hall was opened by two directors from the General Affairs Section. The three walked in and quickly returned to their seats. Le Xiao swallowed. As soon as Ye Chunwang sat down, Le Xiao smelled a thorn. Nose smell, and earthy smell.

"I just came back from the barrier area, little girl."

As soon as Le Xiao looked over, Ye Chunwang voted in favor, as did Jewell and Noah on the side.


Le Xiao exclaimed, and Allie patted Le Xiao on the shoulder.

"Jean is not leaving everything to you, but because he is powerless. He can't do what only you can do. His reason does not allow many things to happen, so it is not that you want to rely on him, but because you want to rely on him. It’s him who wants to rely on you!”

Le Xiao looked at Ai Li in shock, who had turned into particles of light and disappeared. She voted in favor.

After a while, Michelle stood up, then bowed seriously and said.

"The voting results are out, with 680 votes in favor and 660 votes against."


Le Xiao stood up, pressed the table and looked at Michelle in disbelief. There was no other sound in the meeting, Michelle frowned slightly and looked at Le Xiao and said.

"Please restrain Secretary Le Xiao."

After Le Xiao sat down with a blush, she looked at the voting numbers on the light and shadow screen. It was true that those in favor exceeded those who opposed, but the difference was only 10 votes. Le Xiao couldn't help but swallow a gulp. If she had just voted against, This motion cannot be passed.

Le Xiao was in shock. She didn't listen to a word Michelle said. Ye Chunwang stood up and patted Le Xiao on the arm. Le Xiao looked back subconsciously. Ye Chunwang walked out. Then he looked at Le Xiao gently and said.

"Next, let me explain the details of the motion. Little girl, you don't need to doubt anything, because this is the only path available in the city at present, just like what you said that night! The path of the sun."

Le Xiao recovered from the shock and nodded with a grin. Ye Chunwang walked to the stage, bowed slightly and said.

"Next, let me explain that the feasibility of this bill is different from what it was fifty years ago. The city today is completely different from what it was fifty years ago."

Ye Chunwang brought up a light and shadow screen. The reason why he came here now was to sort out the actual pilot content with Jewell, which has now been sorted out.

"Please take a look at the agricultural base construction plan we started today. If you have any questions, you can raise them."

After more than ten minutes, Qian Jun stood up again.

"Then I would like to ask Section Chief Ye Chunwang, how do you ensure that the planting soil cultivated from the city can grow crops in the barrier area? Have you not considered the potential risks?"


Ye Chunwang replied forcefully and then continued.

"The potential risk is the harsh environment in the barrier zone. Based on past failures, we have repeatedly conducted various small-scale experiments over the past fifty years. The final conclusion drawn from the experiments is that these planting soils , which can allow the barrier area to produce food."

"Conclusion? It's still in the early stages now, Section Chief Ye Chunwang, I hope you can be responsible for your words and deeds!"

Ye Chunwang nodded and smiled gently.

"I just read your speech, Mr. Qian Jun. First of all, you may have misunderstood the fundamental reason why the bill failed fifty years ago."

Ye Chunwang immediately pulled up a report and started directly pulling out some documents, pictures and videos to talk about it.

Fifty years ago, it was true that cold was a factor that made many people sick, including adverse effects on crop growth, but it was not a decisive factor.

Ye Chunwang listed the data in the 20 experimental sheds established that year one by one.

"This is agricultural science. You should be able to understand the meaning of these data."

Ye Chunwang began to explain one by one. Although the temperature in the barrier area was extremely harsh at that time, a capped constant-temperature shed was used.

Among the 20 experimental bases, there are only three sheds where crops are not growing normally, and the other 20 are growing normally. The experimental data cannot be deceiving.

Then there was such a man-made vicious incident that was uncontrollable. In the end, the 20 bases were destroyed, the holes were opened, and cold air poured in, but the crops did not die as a result.

Because crops have a certain self-protection mechanism from the beginning of pre-cooling, they cannot die in just a few hours. What really makes crops die are the metal ions floating in the air. These ions are caused by the convection of hot and cold air. situation, becomes extremely active.

These dust particles fall on plants and soil, and after contact with air with excessive oxygen content and high temperature, they produce countless chemical changes, hindering the interaction between moisture and microorganisms.

"Those crops and land did not die from the cold, but were "poisoned" in just a few hours. The real data records do not lie."

Ye Chunwang called out a crop inspection report, which contained more than 1,000 specimens. The cause of plant death was the substances produced by these chemical changes, which caused the plant's functions to stop, and finally died quickly under the force of cold.

One report after another was placed in front of everyone. These reports were all real on-site reports collected by Section 12 that year.

"What about those participants? Because this plan failed, there were so many victims."

Ye Chunwang bowed again.

"I'm sorry that the accident caused the complete collapse of this plan, and many people suffered unimaginable hardships as a result."

Ye Chunwang looked at Qian Jun, with anger still on his face.

"It's not like we didn't make any compensation afterwards. All those who participated in the plan have priority in employment. The 12 Division has been providing these people with jobs in agricultural bases for so many years, and their taxes have always been 12 They are paid in advance, and their work will be 100 to 200 yuan higher than that of normal workers. It is not that we have done nothing."

The anger on Qian Jun's face disappeared a little, and he nodded, because he knew all these things. This group of pioneers had always had privileges in the city, especially in agriculture-related jobs.

"I'm sorry that the plan failed. I can only make some compensation as much as possible within the authority and ability of Section 12 to all those who participated in the Pioneer Project. I know very well that these compensations are far from enough."

Hearing this, Le Xiao laughed happily. Now thinking about it carefully, no wonder the old man on the street bought medicine so cheaply every time. Le Xiao now remembered that when the old man took out an ID, the person from the pharmacy Although he was a little dissatisfied, he still sold the medicine to the old man at a low price.

"We can't just see the bad things, what about the good things? Many times we fall into misunderstandings in thinking. There are many things that cannot be done, many rules that cannot be broken, and many problems will cause irreparable consequences once they are touched. , perhaps judging from the past, judging from some unpleasant things that have happened in the past, this is indeed the case. But what about a few days ago? After the truth is announced, I believe many people will feel that the city will become extremely chaotic, and large-scale Riots will break out and the result? Nothing will happen!"

Ye Chunwang still maintained a smile, he glanced around and said.

"The failures of the past will always remain in the memory of most of us, so many things will be decided based on experience. Many decisions are born in this way. Experience is important, but what about the future? Just rely on If experience can determine the future, human beings will not repeat the same mistakes again and again. In my opinion, human beings can survive today because of courage, belief, and hope. There are reasons for failure, and now we Once you find the cause, you can naturally solve it.”

Ye Chunwang said, and brought up a light and shadow screen, and soon many people saw the figures of two groups of people from the barrier area and the stench area who were working hard.

"We often look back at the past and draw experience and wisdom from the past, but what about the future? We are afraid of the future because the present is terrible. That is because we are always unwilling to say goodbye to the past and reconcile with the present. Naturally, there will be no There is no way to see the future. If you can’t see it, you will naturally be afraid. In this case, we can’t get anything. We can only keep moving forward along the path established in the past, because it is stable. Wake up, the past is no longer exists. Now where our feet will go and where our eyes will look, aren't they all decided now? Isn't it difficult to reconcile with yourself and say goodbye to your past self? Everyone! Let go of your prejudices, throw away your fears, and be with your past self. Reasons and excuses to say goodbye, it’s time for us to take action!”

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