Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2455 Night Talk (Part 2)

2:30 am.

Michelle stepped onto First Avenue. It had been a long time since she had returned home so late. The air was cold and the lights in the family area had almost been extinguished.

Leaves kept falling under the street lamp, and she stretched her limbs comfortably. In such a quiet night, under the influence of alcohol, her cheeks were flushed and she felt comfortable all over.

Michelle walked with her hands behind her back, tiptoeing slightly naughtily. When she was a child, Michelle would always walk like this when there was no one at home. Walking like this made her feel relaxed.

On this road from childhood to adulthood, Michelle looked at the door of her home not far from her. She thought of her mother again. Now that the longing became more intense, Michelle stopped.

The only time in her memory was when her mother stood at the door of her house to greet her. She couldn't remember exactly when it was. Michelle remembered that although her mother was smiling that day, her eyes were sad.

"Maybe she made that decision that day."

Michelle continued to move forward, and did not go home directly. Instead, she sat on a bench by the tree, picked up a fallen leaf, and turned it in her hand. She thought about it carefully. Her mother's decision to start the drug experiment saved the life of the people. Brilliant City countless times.

The medical technology in Brilliant City has reached the current level. Thanks to this extremely cruel drug experiment, the people in the barrier zone have become drug guinea pigs. A steady stream of new drugs have been developed, and the cost of drugs has continued to decrease. Until now, no one has Will die due to poor medical conditions.

In the past twenty years, no one in Bright City has died due to illness. Even for some critical illnesses, the fatality rate is still 0.

Many people don't realize that in the past, Mother and Huashen completely built the medical system of Bright City. If any patient's life is in critical condition in a hospital and the hospital cannot solve it, AI will soon screen the patient. Ask a doctor who specializes in similar illnesses to go immediately.

Moreover, many patients with basic diseases will be treated as soon as possible. After entering the hospital, even if they have no money, they will give priority to the best treatment. After all treatments are completed, they will wait until the patients have money before paying the medical fees.

However, because the city has a clear citizenship level, many people who had no money for treatment received treatment, but were eventually expelled from the city due to the loss of their citizenship level.

Alpha has already planned to directly abolish the citizenship class and adjust taxes according to income. The business department will take greater action next.

Now Michelle is not drunk at all. She doesn't want to go back home for the time being. She just wants to enjoy the feeling of being tipsy on the bench and think about something.

Now Michelle is finally able to adjust some things very well. The reason why she was so self-disciplined every day in the past was because she knew very well that the General Affairs Department could not allow the slightest change, because the entire system was extremely solidified.

Once the General Affairs Department becomes loose, the city will become very dangerous and will collapse easily. Although her job was easy in the past, Michelle's nerves were tense every day.

Things are different now. Work is no longer easy, but the spirit no longer needs to be as tense as it used to be. The city has completed its transformation.

Such a change was unimaginable to Michelle. When Jean pushed Le Xiao up at first, Michelle felt very dangerous.

Michelle knew that Jean wanted to use this method to loosen the solidified system, but no one knew what would happen in the future. Those days were Michelle's most anxious days. She had never been so anxious.

Michelle pays attention to everything Le Xiao does every day, and in Michelle's opinion, this girl has no talent at all. This is Michelle's most intuitive feeling.

Putting such huge power in the hands of an ordinary little girl who knew nothing, everyone must have been sweating. The result was that problems appeared in the city again and again, but the girl easily resolved everything.

Michelle began to feel that the girl was unbelievable, but she also thought that maybe she was just lucky. But after one series of things happened, Michelle has now realized that the girl was not lucky enough to be able to solve many things.

She unknowingly made the right choice. Such a choice is not something anyone dares to make, not even Michelle herself, because she doesn't know the consequences of doing so.

Many people, like Michelle, thought that things would become unmanageable and very bad, and that the business department would have bigger problems because of that girl's behavior.

Michelle has been reflecting on a lot of things recently, and the same goes for everyone else in the business department. Everyone feels more and more incredible that the city has been constantly changing because of that girl's decision, and finally completed a complete transformation.

All this happened before the Asgardian envoy arrived, so Michelle thought of Alpha. Alpha, who had similar ideas to Le Xiao, was the most suitable leader for the city.

Alpha has very good talents and talents, and she has followed Jean in the low-level neighborhoods since she was a child. She never despises anything, never believes in anything too much, and never relies too much on anything.

During this period of time, Michelle truly understood Alpha. The Alpha she knew in the past only existed in Alpha's deeds.

"The best of times is coming."

Michelle feels that she can see the future clearly now. In the past, her mother would always tell Michelle about her vision for the future, but most of those visions were based on imagination and could not be touched or seen.

Michelle stretched out her hand and looked at the light passing through her fingers, with a smile on her face. At this time, the door not far away opened.

With a creak, Charles walked out, followed by the butler.

"Miss, you're back, why didn't you say anything. If the security hadn't seen you sitting outside."

After Michelle stood up, Charles smiled and signaled the housekeeper to stay away. He walked over and pressed his daughter's shoulder. After Michelle sat down, Charles said in surprise.

"How much have you drunk? You smell like alcohol and you have changed into Michelle."

Michelle touched her hot cheek and then asked.

"Have it?"

Charles nodded happily.

"Of course, you have become happy, Michelle. Recently, I can see that every time you speak, I see that you are in a different state from before."

Michelle didn't say anything, but looked into the distance silently. Of course, Charles knew all the recent changes in his daughter. He was paying attention to this eldest daughter all the time. She was the pride of the Eberlon family.

When I saw Michelle in the past, she always behaved extremely coldly, as she always has since she was a child, because she was unhappy. Charles knew this. He knew very well that his wife's death and her dreams and obsessions had completely filled her. In Michelle's body.

In Charles's view, his wife's approach was very cruel. She imposed everything she had on Michelle, which indeed made her extraordinary, but this was not Michelle's choice.

Charles has tried to bring his daughter back many times in the past, but failed every time. His daughter's obsession is so deep that it is basically impossible to turn back now.

"By the way, how's your family's business going lately?"

As soon as Michelle spoke, there was something different about Charles, and he smiled.

"Of course it can't be said to be very good. The family as a whole is no longer good. Hey, everyone can only place their hope on foreign trade."

Michelle nodded, and Charles looked at his daughter's appearance and asked.

"Tell me what happened. You must have something to do when you come back, otherwise you wouldn't come back. And you were drunk."

Michelle nodded. Although she had thought about talking to her father about business matters on the way here, she took the opportunity to reveal that the business department wanted to develop the northern area next.

But now that I think about it carefully, of course, my father will think about what is going on with such an abrupt conversation. Michelle is thinking about Le Xiao now. Instead of hiding it, it is better to have a good talk with her father.

"The general manager has put the plan to develop the northern area on the agenda. In the future, a large number of people from the barrier area will move to the north."

Charles' eyes widened in shock, and then he said excitedly.

"Really? When was it put on the agenda?"

Michelle said.

"Just tonight, while we're drinking."

Charles couldn't conceal his inner excitement, and his hands couldn't help but tremble. This was a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity. If he knew about it in advance, he would be able to make all preparations and win it when the construction officially starts. This would be a great opportunity for the entire Eberon family. It's a huge opportunity.

"Why did you suddenly tell me about such an important business opportunity?"

Charles also didn’t understand why his daughter would do this. Over the years, Michelle had never disclosed some of the decisions of the business department to her family. The decisions of the business department meant business opportunities, but Michelle never said it once.

Even when Charles asked, Michelle remained tight-lipped, but tonight Michelle suddenly revealed that this was almost impossible for Charles.

"Let me tell you this, the manager hopes that I will deliberately release such news so that the entire family will know."

Charles' face was solemn, and he understood after pondering for a while.

"Alfa hopes that people from our family will unite and come to the door. Right."

Michelle did not avoid it, but nodded.


Charles laughed helplessly. He finally understood that there are two different things between the business department taking the initiative to find people from the family and the family members taking the initiative to go to the business department.

"Why are you telling me so bluntly?"

Charles asked, and when Michelle didn't answer, he continued.

"I am also a member of the family. We have all been severely suppressed recently. Even now that we know some difficult situations that will happen in the future, we still have to continue to live. Everyone is already discussing how to allocate foreign trade. Part of it. But after many discussions, we still couldn't reach a consensus. Because ordinary businessmen will also participate."

Michelle hummed, she took a deep breath and said.

"Can you help me with this?"

Charles looked at his daughter in astonishment, then he laughed.

"Have a drink with me and I will help you. I will spread the news slowly and slowly. Then we will discuss how to go directly to you. What do you think?"

Michelle hummed, and Charles happily put his arms around his daughter's shoulders and stood up.

Although Charles has four children, his eldest daughter is his favorite. Even though this eldest daughter has been against him since she was a child, Charles also likes her very much.

"I can only drink less. I have important work tomorrow."

Michelle said and Charles nodded.

"You have really changed Michelle."

As soon as the two arrived at the door of the mansion, Michelle saw her brother Miguel and sister Miluer sitting on the edge of the threshold. The two hurriedly got up after seeing Michelle.

Michelle frowned slightly.

"Miguel, I have told you so many times. Even at home, please pay attention to personal hygiene."

Seeing her brother's sloppy look, Michelle couldn't help but said, Miguel smiled awkwardly after standing up.

"Street, welcome back."

Mi Luer leaned over with a smile, Michelle pushed her away and said.

"Please don't cause trouble outside again. If you do it again, I will personally send you to prison for a while."

Mi Luer said hurriedly.

"Sister, I know I was wrong."

Of the family, only Michelle did not come back. He was still working in Li Fu's cake shop. Michelle would visit him from time to time. He was very happy, every day.

Charles smiled happily, and the four of them went to the small living room upstairs together.

Everyone at home was surprised that Michelle came home suddenly. Charles asked someone to prepare some food and planned to have a drink with Michelle.

Looking at Michelle who was still lecturing his younger siblings as soon as they entered the room, Charles watched quietly, but now Michelle no longer had that coldness in her words. This change is indeed gratifying.

Charles came to the window and looked at everything outside. He had already made a plan in his heart unconsciously. After all, their entire family needed to continue to survive, and his two children could also take advantage of this construction to get some good exercise.

Charles also hopes to call his youngest son Michel back and put him in charge of foreign trade, he said back.

"Michelle, go and persuade your brother to go home."

Michelle shook her head.

"He chose his own life. There is nothing I can do. At least he is happy every day now."

Charles looked at Michelle blankly, then laughed. He picked up the wine and poured a glass for his three children. It had been a long time since he had been so happy, and Charles thought of his wife again.

Scenes from the past kept appearing in front of his eyes, and Charles' eyes couldn't help but get wet. Michelle leaned over and raised the wine glass.

Michelle said as the father and daughter took a sip.

"Take a good look at them two. I can't come back to this home."

Charles hummed, the family property can only be handed over to his other children, Michelle said.

"In the future, I will become Alpha's successor. I will continue to stand in the position of the General Affairs Section."

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