Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2456 Night Talk (Part 2)


Jielin woke up from a deep sleep. She dreamed of Fry again. After getting up, Jielin walked out of the bedroom. This last shelter under the Reed Theater was now a bit overcrowded, and she could only rely on AI new humans to be delivered regularly. Some food and drink come in.

As soon as she opened the door, Jaylin heard laughter in the living room. She quickly came to the living room and yelled angrily.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Jie Lin angrily looked at Mansha, who was already very drunk, sitting on the table. Becky and Claude were also drunk. Now they couldn't go out at all. Once they went out, they would be arrested by the administrative department immediately. They It has been completely exposed.

The reason why the people from the Xingke Department did not find them was entirely due to this basement, which is located between the two buildings, just below the street. Although the Xingke Department has already explored the vicinity, there is a wall at this location, and it is a load-bearing wall. , so those detection instruments cannot discover this underground space.

"Whatever, why don't you come over and have a drink."

Mansha came over with a smile and hugged Jie Lin. Jie Lin pushed Mansha away angrily. There was a sound of breaking glasses. Claude and Becky stood up in a hurry. They got out of the way. Jie Lin Lin angrily struggled with Mansha.


Lolita, who was wearing pajamas, walked in. She looked solemnly at the two people who were still tearing apart. Mansha still had a provocative smile on her lips, while Jielin was extremely angry. She pulled Mansha's ears. , Mansha laughed instead.

"I've said enough!"

Lolita yelled, and finally they gave up. Becky and Claude began to clean the floor. Lolita coughed. Although her body functions were stable now, she was very weak. Fortunately, they passed They have stored a lot of raw materials for the production of improved genetic agents for human cloning, which is now fully sufficient for their use.

After a while, the five people sat calmly at the table. Claude took out the wine again. Everyone's face was extremely heavy. They knew what was happening in the city now because they could see it on the Internet. Lots of information.

The AIs are still helping them, but everyone knows that the creator is finished. There are not many people left who have not been arrested, only 20 at most.

"Where did we fail?"

At this time, Jielin couldn't bear it anymore. She wiped her tears and pressed her forehead, while Lolita comforted her.

"It's okay Jaylin, we still have a chance."

Although Lolita said this, she actually knew that they had no chance now. They could no longer stir up disputes in the city. The current affairs were completely different.

The business department is more like a complete individual, because Alpha has become the general manager, and it has become a mess from top to bottom.

Everything changed overnight. Such changes were so rapid and so unexpected. The people who once hated the Xingke Branch now have great approval and support for everything in the Xingxing Branch.

"I didn't expect that even those in the barrier area could easily enter the city, and there would be no objections to such a thing."

After Mansha finished speaking, she took out a cigarette and lit it. She felt very uncomfortable at this moment, especially since the information of the first batch of people who settled in the barrier area of ​​Brilliant City to obtain temporary citizenship has been announced on the Business Department page recently. Most of them Some of them are petty criminals, second-generation people from the barrier area, and third-generation innocent people.

Most of them are elderly and children, and the administrative department has now begun to gradually carry out biochemical and mechanical transformation on some elderly people who are suffering from illness.

This means that aging in the future will not be a problem for Bright City. Instead, Bright City will once again gain a large number of healthy labor forces due to biochemical mechanical transformation.

"I didn't expect things to develop to this point. What is the meaning of our existence?"

Claude took a sip of wine, and then laughed helplessly, while Becky laughed loudly.

"Maybe it's just to practice business."

Jie Lin's face always showed anguish. Since Fry disappeared, everything has changed. Each of their plans was easily resolved by the business department. The same happened with Zhao Zhen before, as did the missile and virus issues. None were successful.

The longer time goes by, the more despair Jielin feels. This despair comes from the bottom of her heart. Their faith is getting weaker and weaker in the city that is moving towards the light. Jielin is very afraid that these things will disappear.

"One day, everything will disappear, right?"

Jie Lin said in a sad voice, and Lolita didn't know what to do. She knew very well that their journey was coming to an end. They were just dying slowly now, and then they would rot in the darkness and finally disappear.

"I really wonder where Marcus and Akimi went?"

Lolita said sadly, and the other four people showed helpless smiles, because these two people had completely disappeared.

Just a while ago, AI had informed them that some of their inventory bases in the city had been completely excavated by the Business Department. The same was true for the bases in the barrier area. Many of them were found by people in the barrier area.

"Are human beings always so miserable? As long as there is a little hope, they will forget the suffering of the past."

Lolita clenched her fists, she was very unwilling. At this time, Becky turned on the light and shadow screen. Many late-night talk shows were still broadcast, and the one with the highest ratings was yesterday during the day. Two secretaries brought Su Xi went to District 29 to solve the problem.

Many people are speculating that the wedding of Jewell and Su Xi, the chiefs of Section 11, will be held in District 29, because some witnesses said they saw Xiong Dabiao and Olivia from Section 13 going to the district office.

Lolita looked at the photos on the news. They were Xiong Dabiao and Olivia. She originally thought she could take advantage of the people from the Lightning Skull Guild. She kept trying to draw them over, but they did not come over, and even became threatened by their creator.

"We can't go anywhere now."

Mansha said.

Everyone looked at her. She flicked the ashes and took a puff of the cigarette. After exhaling the smoke, she raised her head and smiled.

"Once we are discovered, we will definitely be dealt with on the spot. The attitude of the administrative department towards us is no longer to arrest us."

Claude said.

"Probably not."

But then everyone understood and Lolita giggled.

"Indeed, once we are exposed, the administrative department will do everything possible to execute us on the spot. Because the current manager is not Locke, but Alpha."

How tough Alpha's attitude is has been seen by everyone during this period. She is still as tough as before and will not compromise on anything. She has now become a powerful leader in Brilliant City.

"How is that boy Tang Ye doing?"

Jaelin asked and Claude said.

"The AI ​​told me a few days ago that he is still hiding in the home of the new AI human. He should be the same as us."

Jie Lin asked again.

"Where are Crystal and Sok?"

Claude shook his head.

"I don't know where they are now. They may be dead or they may have been arrested."

The current behavior is even more desperate than in the past. It is almost impossible for them to send messages to each other. Once there is the slightest problem, they will be exposed immediately. The new AI humans do not dare to take risks because of their communication methods. It has been cracked by the administrative department.

"I want to go out and get some air."

Jaylin said as she stood up, but was quickly held down by Lolita, Lolita said.

"None of us can leave this basement. Once we leave, we will probably be arrested. Now the branch has installed DNA detectors in many places. Once our DNA appears in the air, we will be arrested in a few minutes. Or be killed.”

Jie Lin said coldly.

"Rather than waiting to die here, I would rather die outside."


Lolita slapped Jie Lin, who smiled miserably and shook her head.

"We're screwed, completely screwed."

Lolita shook her head.

"There is still a chance. We have to contact the envoys of the Tianji Space Country."

Lolita's words made several people in the room sober up, Mansha smiled.

"Indeed, they are our only way out. I'm afraid those guys didn't come to Bright City with a simple purpose. They definitely want the life-span vaccine in Bright City, and if we can help them, the two countries in the future will It shouldn’t be too pleasant to get along with him.”

Jie Lin calmed down and covered her head. With everything going on now, for them, Tianji Space Country might be their last life-saving straw.

"No matter what happens, we have to hold on because Frye is still alive."

Lolita said with firm eyes, several people looked at her in astonishment, Lolita smiled.

"Although this may be my delusion, as long as Frye Mental Hospital is still there, he will definitely come back. I think you all know Frye's obsession, and he cannot die like this."

Jie Lin started crying, Mansha hugged her and said comfortingly.

"I also hope that Fry is still alive. If he is still alive, maybe we will have a chance in the future. What we Xu Yao have to do now is to endure it."

3:48 am.

In an underground training room in Section 2, Ji Qing looked breathlessly at the maze in front of her. She came out again. This time it was more difficult than the last time, but she managed it anyway.

Bang bang bang.

Lilian clapped her hands and said.

"Very good, today's training is complete."

Ji Qing hasn't left Section 2 for a long time because Mo Xiaolan didn't allow it. At most, her mother Ivy visited her and called her former classmates from time to time.

"When exactly can I get out?"

Lillian chuckled.

"You can't go out until the section chief agrees."

Ji Qing curled her lips and said.

"I really want to go and play with Sister Le Xiao. She should have changed a lot now."

Lilian nodded.

"You don't have to worry about Le Xiao. There will be bigger trials waiting for you in the future."

Ji Qing swallowed, she didn't know what her mother was thinking, she allowed Mo Xiaolan to torture her like this, and Ji Qing didn't want to join Section 2 at all. Everything she did now was forced.

"Just let me go out once, okay? Just once. I really haven't been out for a long time."

Lilian shook her head.

"Your identity must be kept secret for now."

Ji Qing asked.


Lilian walked to Ji Qing and pressed her shoulders.

"Of course I have something very important for you to do."

Ji Qing felt a chill running down her spine, and she smiled awkwardly.

"What exactly is it? Can you tell me a little bit in advance?"

Lilian put her hand on her chin and smiled.

"Okay, but you will probably feel more psychological pressure after knowing this, but it would be better if I let you know in advance. After all, you only have a few days to stay in Brilliant City."

Ji Qing looked at Lilian in shock and asked, trembling all over.

"You want me to go to Tianji Space Country?"

Lillian nodded and smiled.

"As expected of the successor chosen by the section chief, he is indeed very smart and can do everything right."

Ji Qing immediately shook her head and said.

"Didn't you send the section chief and secretaries from Section 2? Why do you still want me to go?"

Lillian said, holding up a finger.

"The first is your identity. You are the son of the section chief, the second generation of powerful people. The second is your age. We will let you be the official helmsman of the mission."

Ji Qing shook her head.

"Aren't you pushing me into a pit of fire? The interaction between two countries is very complicated. Can you let me stay in the city?"

Lilian smiled cruelly and shook her head. Ji Qing was about to cry, Lilian said.

"Starting tomorrow, you will have to adapt to a gravity-free life. You may be in a gravity-free state for a week. Don't worry. I won't let you go for too long. Your mother has agreed."

Ji Qing's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide as she spoke.

"It's impossible. How could my mother be so cruel and push me out?"

Lilian smiled.

"Maybe she has found her childhood dream. After all, the person your mother admired most when she was a child was Alpha Controller. She is very active at work every day now."

Ji Qing swallowed and Lillian continued.

"There is also a little encouragement for you, my daughter. After all, instead of letting you live in such a muddle, it is better to push you into a pit of fire and let you start to grow and experience. I think so. Little girl, 13 subjects are not suitable. You, because you are just like us, you are jovial on the surface, but on the inside you are darker than anyone else, and you are more vigilant than anyone else."

Ji Qing looked at Lillian dumbfounded, Lillian put her arm around her shoulders and said.

"The wine has been prepared for you, as well as the delicious barbecue. Come and eat quickly."

The most real thought in Ji Qing's heart now is that she absolutely does not want to leave Brilliant City. She has just entered college and still has beautiful youth. She does not want to bury her best years in the business department.

"No, I want to see my mother and tell her clearly."

Lilian smiled.

"It'll be fine tomorrow."

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