Tang Rao's words shocked those who were still investigating outside, and Witte asked.

"Why do you think so?"

Tang Rao thought for a while and said.

"It feels like this. The things we encounter along the way, many things cannot change so fast. More than 200 years is already a long time, but in short it is still very short."

Gu Yi put his hands in his pockets and looked at the detection results of some optical instruments on the light and shadow screen. The light passed through the barrier when it came to it, but disappeared behind the barrier.

This phenomenon is very strange, and Gu Yi doesn't know how to describe it, because it is too complicated, and many things only exist in theory. In the early years, Gu Yi was very fond of these time and space theories.

But there is no evidence to support such a theory, which is the biggest problem. However, after gradually entering the ranks of scientists, these theories that Guyi liked when he was young were sealed in his heart, because he might arrive You won’t see evidence of time and space until the day you die.

Jean has been there for an hour, and he should have arrived at Brilliant City by now. Jean is very fast, but it takes preparation time for a complete scientific team to come out.

"Anyway, this feeling is very weird, or I discovered a problem after using my power. I can't see the future."

Only then did everyone exclaim. Because of Tang Rao's power, he could see the future five seconds later. During this period, Tang Rao had only seen the short future when Jean and Tasia were fighting, but as the spaceship After moving forward, Tang Rao could not use his power.

"In other words, if you cannot foresee the future, it means that the time you are living in is already in the future, or to be precise, it is a future that has stagnated. This is more accurate."

Everyone looked at Gu Yi. Gu Yi's words made many people wake up.

"Indeed, Gene said that when Monica appeared, that island was the final resting place of the dead."

Everyone can only guess now, but Gu Yi's statement made Tang Rao unable to see the future and came to a logical conclusion.

"That means we have entered the end of time. Is this possible?"

After Witte finished speaking, many people in Section 10 felt that this theory was credible because it was consistent with everything they had experienced in the past few days.

"Three gods, but after we came out, why are the time we are in now the same as the time inside? There seems to be no gap in time."

Gu Yi explained.

"There has been a theory before that time exists, always moving forward and never going backwards, so no matter which space we are in, time should be the same. But on the island we arrived, time flows in the same direction The final location. I don’t know how to explain it.”

Witt added.

"We have measured the bottom of the sea and the far reaches of the island, but we can't find any land. Maybe that place is really the end."

Tang Rao stepped in again, and she saw Tasia not far away, lying comfortably on a chair to rest. Green particles were released in Tang Rao's eyes.

"She's going to drink."

Tasia picked up the wine and took a big sip. Tang Rao smiled. At this time, Werther and Gu Yi also came in.

"Let's slowly walk over there and take a look. I'm going to use my power all the way to see when my power will expire."

"This is a good idea."

Gu Yi nodded, and everyone got on an aircraft and began to fly towards the distance. During this period, blue particles were lingering around Tang Rao's body. Tang Rao kept using his power to feel the next second's movements of the people around him.

"how's it going?"

After flying ten kilometers, Guyi asked.

"So far it's not bad. You can still see what everyone will do in five seconds."

People in Section 10 recorded the data, and the current distance is more than 10 kilometers.

The aircraft continued to fly forward, and after a while, Tang Rao shouted.


Tang Rao looked at the particles at her hand in disbelief. Now she was trying hard to feel it, but now she could only feel the future 4 seconds later.

"It's really incredible."

Speaking deliberately, the person in Section 10 looked at the distance and found that it was already 23 kilometers away. As the aircraft continued to move forward, it soon reached a place of more than 60 kilometers. Tang Rao could hardly feel the future anymore. Now he can feel at most to 2 seconds into the future.

"Continue to verify."

Tang Rao now understood why she had always felt something was wrong before, because her ability had failed.

Time passed by, and in 4 hours, after the aircraft flew more than 600 kilometers, Tang Rao's power completely failed, and there was dark dust below. This place was where the human city in the past appeared.

Everyone returned to the dust, and Tang Rao could no longer feel the slightest bit of the future. Further ahead was the weird spliced ​​forest and the huge stone pillars standing there, and further ahead was the island that was full of terrors.

"Now we can go back."

The aircraft accelerated directly, and when it reached the place where Tang Rao felt that his power was gradually losing strength, Tang Rao's power came back again.

After returning to the edge of the different space, everyone got very accurate data.

"how's it going?"

Tasia went over and asked. A person from Section 10 simply told Tasia these things. Tasia felt very magical.

"It's a pity that I can't go out, otherwise I really want to go to Brilliant City to see it now."

Tang Rao smiled.

"Maybe you'll never go out again."

Tasia nodded, and she did not refute Tang Rao's words, because it was true that as long as she left her body, she would be reduced to ashes.

After everyone chatted for a while, Werther stayed and the others left the barrier.


Tasia said something, and Werther smiled and shook his head.

"I used to like taking care of people. It would be very uncomfortable if I stayed here alone. Let me tell you something about Brilliant City."

Tasia nodded happily. She had heard a lot in the past few days, and she also wanted to see what Brilliant City was like.

Time passed by, Tasia heard too many things, 14 hours had passed.

"are not you tired?"

"We don't need to rest. When we rest, we just cut off the external consciousness, but in fact we will be in a dark space and still maintain a clear consciousness."

Tasia was a little stunned. She yawned and lay down.

"Then isn't it miserable for you to be like this?"

Werther smiled bitterly.

"You go and do your work, I'll take a nap."

Werther shook his head.

"I'll watch over you, go to sleep."

At this time, outside the barrier, Tang Rao and Gu Yi were standing on the mountain, waiting for Jean to bring his people over, while everyone else went to rest.

"Don't you think the power form of the lava monster we encountered before is somewhat similar to Rose's?"

After Gu Yi finished speaking, Tang Rao nodded and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Indeed, but Rose's power can only mobilize inanimate matter."

It's been 15 hours, and it looks like Jean and the others will be here soon.

At this time, the light spot not far away became brighter and brighter, and soon a large number of takeoffs and landings were coming towards this direction. Red circles appeared one after another, and there were hundreds of takeoffs and landings.

"How much resources will be wasted in such a big battle?"

Tang Rao was a little dissatisfied, and soon the lifts began to look for a stable place to land, and a large number of people from Section 10 came out.

A lot of equipment was carried directly over. Deguna and Rose came up first, with Jean directing from below.

"I didn't expect you guys to be gone for so many days and only fly such a short distance."

Tang Rao smiled.

"The actual distance is more than 2,000 kilometers, but we have entered a different space."

Rose looked at the barrier on the side and felt it was very strange. Soon many people from the 10th Department came up and a large light and shadow screen was erected.

Tang Rao and Gu Yi explained the situation based on the information. Deguna frowned slightly. She stretched out her hand to touch the barrier, and her hand disappeared into the air.

After announcing Tang Rao's ability experiment data, everyone was stunned and discussions broke out. Deguna stood up directly and entered the barrier. As soon as she entered, she saw Werther and the girl Tasia mentioned by Jean.

Werther made a shushing gesture, Deguna nodded, and Rose came in, looking around.

"Does this kind of alien space really exist?"

Rose actually didn't quite believe it, but now that she saw everything in front of her, she had to believe it.

Deguna walked over and stood in front of Tasia. Gene also came in at this time. Deguna raised her hand, and a streak of purple particles flew out from her fingertips, intending to enter Tasia's brain.

However, a mutation occurred at this time, and the purple particles did not enter Tasia's brain, but passed through her brain.

"She is already dead."

After Deguna finished speaking, Jean's face became solemn.

"what happened?"

"You should know my power very well. I can rely on hallucinations to invade other people's memories and find some effective information from other people's memories. My power cannot enter her brain, which means she is dead. The only way is to die. People cannot be parasitized by living things. My power is like parasitism."

Gene looked at Tasia with a heavy expression. Tasia also woke up at this time. She saw a bunch of people surrounding her and got up nervously.

"how's it going?"

Tasia asked, but found that everyone had sad faces, and she looked at Jean.

"What's wrong Mr. Jean?"

Gene lit a cigarette and finally nodded.

"You are dead Tasia. We cannot understand why you are still able to speak and breathe?"

Tasia lowered her head, but then raised her head and laughed.

"Then haven't I made a profit? As long as I can survive in this place, it will be fine."

"You really are not sad at all, little girl."

After Deguna finished speaking, Tasia laughed.

"It's just death, but I can still see Mr. Jean. I think it's pretty good."

Rose asked in detail. After Tasia sent Jamie over, she returned alone. Tasia explained in detail that she was attacked by a plant-like plant, and then she was swallowed by the blood-red stone when she saw it. .

"You should have died at that time. Or to put it another way, you were transformed into some form similar to death."

Rose said, sitting down, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. Everyone was a little stunned, Rose said with a smile.

"As soon as I stepped in, I realized that this place is not a place of death."

After speaking, Rose raised her hand, warm yellow particles slowly floated out, and the dust on the ground did not move at all.

"My power can only control inanimate matter, but this place is alive, in a form that we cannot understand now."

Everyone watched in shock as Rose's yellow particles continued to pass through the dust, and even passed through some stones, but these substances did not move at all.

"This is so shocking, why would this happen?"

A person from Section 10 exclaimed, and the discussion became more and more intense. Deguna looked at the vast dark land in front of her.

"It is necessary to set up an observation station and research institute nearby. If we can figure out the problem here, our Bright City's technology will rise rapidly."


Tasia exclaimed, standing up.

"That way I won't be bored."

Tasia was very happy. Gene smiled and nodded. Rose's idea was right. Tasia did not die, but transformed into a life form unknown to them. This form can only exist in this alien space. And can't leave.

"Without any further delay, let's go to that island and have a look."

Jean said as Deguna was about to go over.

"Just wait."

Rose asked.

"What are you waiting for?"

Gene scratched his head and said.

"Those who came out with us should have a good rest. Also, we all came out at night. I think it is better for everyone to have enough rest."

Deguna sighed.

"Indeed, being too tired will affect your work progress."

Then Rose tried to go farther away and used her own power to control some stones or waste. However, these things were not controlled by Rose's power because they had life.

“It’s hard to believe how long anyone has heard this kind of thing.”

Rose said, and Deguna nodded. She couldn't understand her own power, and why she couldn't enter Tasia's body. She had already tested it with people from the 10th department. In this different space, Deguna Na's power can still enter the human body.

"Whether our power will fail as the distance increases and goes deeper is a question."

After Rose finished speaking, Deguna laughed.

"Our power shouldn't be, because our power is closely related to matter, but Tang Rao's is different."

Jean started cooking barbecue on the dusty wasteland. Tasia looked at it greedily. She didn't look like a dead person at all, but her body digested and absorbed it really quickly.

"When it's almost done, cut the little girl open and study it carefully."

As soon as Deguna finished speaking, Tang Rao and Rose looked at each other.

"Don't say it in such a terrible way, okay? You are really someone who has always liked to say these things. Don't make such a joke."

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