Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2640 The Embers of Life

Deguna stared at Tasia. She did have this idea. The current problem has been initially judged. This place may be a certain space in the past.

And everything here is alive, which seems incredible to Deguna. Now if you want to study it clearly, you have to start with Tasia, so it is most direct to cut off her body tissue for research. s method.

"Do you really have such thoughts?"

Tang Rao asked, Deguna shook her head.

"We'll talk about it after a while. You'd better set sail as soon as possible. The original plan has been postponed for so many days."

Deguna said and Tang Rao smiled.

"We definitely can't leave now, we have to figure out some problems."

Deguna walked directly towards an aircraft.

"Take me to that island. I want to see who the most important person in my heart is."

Everyone was a little surprised, and then Gene followed.

"I'll go with you."

Rose also came over and Tang Rao smiled.

"I won't go, there's nothing good to see."

Tang Rao turned around with a solemn expression. Seeing too much would only make him sad, so Tang Rao didn't want to go to that island.

The three of them took more than 20 people from Section 10 and took off directly with the instruments.

After they left, Tang Rao returned to the outside world. Many people in Section 10 were still studying the barrier issue. Gu Yi was discussing with some people. Now they must first determine the length and height of the barrier.

Tang Rao sat next to a stone, and a person from Section 10 brought some drinks.

"Master Tang Rao, thank you for your hard work."

Tang Rao took it over with a smile, and she sighed.

Tang Rao felt very uncomfortable when thinking about the past, because Jill's incident had a great impact on Tang Rao, and Tang Rao had never forgotten Jill.

But Tang Rao rarely went to Frye Mental Hospital because she didn't want her sadness to bother her.

Tang Rao sipped his drink and looked at the busy staff of Section 10. The research in this place should take a lot of time. After all, this kind of thing is really happening before our eyes. There has never been any evidence in the past that different time and space can exist at the same time.

Precisely because many of them in the past were hypotheses and inferences without actual evidence, it was impossible for humans to start research in this area.

What is in front of him now is the evidence. Humanity's research on time and space may have just begun. However, there is another point that makes Tang Rao uneasy. How long this place can exist is a big question. If it cannot exist for a long time, human research will Falling into stagnation.

Perhaps before the problem was understood, the place disappeared. It was obvious that everyone was anxious. Tang Rao got up and planned to go over to help. She came to some people in Section 10 and looked at their measurement values.

Many of the values ​​look relatively normal.

"Sir Tang Rao, we have measured the air condition inside and compared it with the outside, and found that there is basically not much difference."

Tang Rao nodded.

"But something doesn't seem right."

The person from Section 10 said and immediately called up a set of values.

"what happened?"

Tang Rao also felt surprised. The CDR17 in the air inside was larger than that outside. This material was a certain metal that was evaporated from the asteroid after the disaster.

This material is used in industrial construction and is a very good raw material for mechanical lubricants. New mechanical lubricants are indispensable for this material.

But the collection of this substance takes a long time. This kind of good mechanical lubricant is only used in some large industrial equipment, and the reserves are very small in Bright City.

"This value is too high."

Tang Rao also discovered that the amount of this substance in the alien space was more than 100 times that outside, which seemed very abnormal. Compared with other substances, they were very different and there was not much difference.

"Follow this point and investigate carefully."

As long as you find something different from the outside world, you have to focus on investigation.

Tang Rao began to walk around the barrier. The barrier in this different space was really long. He couldn't see the end yet. In the distance, orange light flashed. It seemed that the monsters were approaching. Tang Rao thought What.

"By the way, there is a way."

Tang Rao happily ran over and soon saw many monsters coming up from the hillside. Witte had already killed many monsters.

"Catch the ones that are still alive first."

Tang Rao shouted, and many people in Section 10 didn't understand.

"Let's bring the monsters outside and see what happens."

Soon a small monster was captured. It was still moving, but its hands and feet had been chopped off, and it was placed in an experimental cage. Werther directly carried the cage and walked into the alien space in front of everyone's eyes.

"Changes have occurred."

Tang Rao shouted.

As soon as the monster entered, its body quickly began to decompose and turn into dust.

Soon large-scale experiments began. Tang Rao and Werther continued to capture some monsters, and then people from the 10th department put the monsters directly into cages and brought them into a different space.

The monsters that entered all decomposed themselves without exception and turned into dust. This dust was basically the same as the dust inside.

"I didn't expect something like this to happen."

Tang Rao found it difficult to understand. Gu Yi was still watching what happened in the moment after the monster decomposed into dust.

Section 10 has fully studied the cells of these monsters. The tissues formed in their bodies are between life and non-life, which is very strange.

When the monsters were sent into a different space, their bodies instantly underwent a violent death-like reaction, or a complete natural decomposition process.

The body is slowly decomposed by nature and then turned into dust. The whole process is very rapid.

"This process will probably take hundreds of years."

Witte said, Gu Yi nodded.

"Then we can put forward the hypothesis that this different space is at least a hundred years from now."

Werther said and Tang Rao laughed.

"If it is really hundreds of years later, then there is nothing inside, which means that Brilliant City has completely disappeared."

Confusion was written on everyone's face, and many people started discussing.

"Now it is necessary to establish a research point near here, and we must guard against those monsters."

As Gu Yi said this, Tang Rao said.

"Will those monsters enter on their own initiative?"

These words made everyone busy again. Soon they caught some healthy monsters and threw them on the edge of the barrier. Then the three gods quickly left. The monsters wandered next to the different space barrier, still looking for something. But he didn't step into a different space.

Sure enough, these monsters left the different space after a while. The experiment was repeated many times, and as expected, these monsters would not go in by themselves.

As time passed, the experiment was considered over. Now it was certain that this alien space from the future was connected to these monsters.

"Is it possible that these monsters finally caused the birth of this alien space?"

Tang Rao asked, Gu Yi's face was solemn, he thought for a while and said.

"Is it possible that dust with a similar structure to cells in a different space, like these monsters, is somewhere between death and non-death?"

Just when everyone was confused, Witte thought of something.

"By the way, Tasia said that she ate a lot of these monsters along the way."

Suddenly, the three of them and many people from Section 10 entered a different space, and Tasia, who was sleeping, was woken up.

"I ate, what else would I do? I was very hungry all the way here. There is nothing else in this world except these things."

Tang Rao held Tasia's hand and had studied her body before. Apart from being weak, her body was no different from that of humans.

"Your current situation is most likely due to eating the body tissues of these monsters, so you have been assimilated."

Tasia swallowed. She really didn't expect that it was because she ate these monsters.

Tang Rao looked at Tasia's nervous look and then said.

"But we can't make such a conclusion right now. The changes in her body are most likely related to the stone we saw."

After finally discovering that it had fallen into stagnation again, 10 people collected Tasia's cells, which were similar to normal human cells, as well as mutant human cells.

"I wonder if they've arrived."

Tang Rao looked into the distance, it was already 9pm.

The people in Section 10 are ready to rest. Because it is not safe in the wild, the people in Section 10 can only go back to the spacecraft.

Just after 9 o'clock.

The aircraft landed on the sea outside the island. Deguna stared at the island that was full of dangers, and she asked seriously.

"Have you really met Monica?"

Jean nodded and Deguna said.

"I hope you will avoid it."

Then Deguna jumped directly to the island. Her mood was a little heavy. Jean and the others stayed away. Deguna started walking on the island, and the tragic things in her memory kept reappearing.

Deguna still remembers many things very clearly, everything about her two daughters, but Deguna no longer remembers the echoes of her daughters' cheeks, and she wants to work hard.

At this time, humanity appeared not far away, and Deguna jumped directly over, and soon there was a clear gurgling sound.


A childish voice came. Deguna looked at the two girls, one big and one small, in front of her in astonishment. She ran over excitedly. However, the two girls had no faces, and their faces seemed to be like paste. Deguna looked at them in shock. Na swallowed.

"Don't you remember us, mom!"

The older girl asked, Deguna walked over and stretched out her hand, the younger girl hid behind the older girl.

"When did you get here?"

Deguna asked.

"Mom, don't you know? We have been here for a long time. You should have come to us earlier. My sister and I miss you and dad very much."

Deguna looked serious. At this time, some scars appeared on the bodies of the two girls. Deguna became even more depressed, and the bodies of the two girls gradually became charred.

In the memory, Deguna immediately left the army and went to the hospital after hearing that something happened to her daughter. When she arrived at the hospital, her two daughters were already dead. They were killed in a bomb attack.

The fierce high-explosive flames devoured her two daughters. Deguna was heartbroken. She regretted not being with her daughters countless times, but now even though she was sad, her tears could not be shed.

Deguna knelt down, and the two girls leaned over, stretching out their charred hands. Deguna took her daughters' hands, and then hugged them.

"Mom, please stay here with us and live forever, so that we won't be afraid."

Deguna nodded.

However, reason was reminding Deguna that she might be in danger. Deguna stood up and asked.

"What on earth are you?"

"Mom, we are your daughters."

Deguna had also heard them talk about the people they met before, but they were slightly different from Deguna. Deguna recalled the appearance of her daughters, and at this time the burnt blackness on the two girls faded away, It turned into a pure white skirt.

Deguna understands that this place will generate what you long to see based on the impressions in your memory.

"Where are you going mom?"

The two girls chased after her. Deguna ran quickly. She knew she couldn't stay here any longer. She ran to the surface of the sea. Soon the aircraft came close to her. Deguna jumped on it and looked back. At a glance, there were two daughters behind him, who turned into black water and disappeared.

"how's it going?"

Rose asked.

Deguna shook her head and didn't want to say anything. Gene patted her shoulder comfortingly, and then Rose stood up and planned to go over.

"You should also avoid it."

After speaking, Rose jumped to the island, but there was nothing on the island. Rose began to walk around, thinking about who was the most important to her. As a genius since she was a child, her parents were dispensable to Rose. , they just hope that Rose can make something that will give them power and wealth.

Rose did it, and her parents were very happy, but Rose felt very uncomfortable. She looked around, and sure enough she couldn't see anything. Rose only felt that her existence in this world was dispensable.

After walking for a while, Rose sat down helplessly. She raised her hands, and the yellow particles overflowed and gradually entered from the small holes. Just as Rose thought, the stones on the island actually dissolved.

"what happened?"

Rose watched in shock, and at this moment, wisps of black smoke rose from the ground, and the aircraft quickly came over.

"Come up first."

Jean shouted, Rose nodded, and quickly left the island. At this time, black smoke was rising on the entire island, and some places were dissolving. The sea level began to rise rapidly. The seawater quickly submerged the island, leaving only Down the black air current in the air.

"How is this going?"

Gene wondered, everyone was still watching. At this moment, a man stood on the sea. He looked a little slovenly, with a beard and wearing tattered captain's clothes.

"This place is called the Ember of Life! How did you get in, Gene!"

Jean stared blankly at the people on the sea.

"do we know each other?"

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