Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 448 Two Suns 1 (Part 1)

People were coming and going on the streets in the early morning, and the Bell Tower Square in District 21 was even more crowded.

In the oval square, the first thing that catches the eye is the big clock tower in the middle of the square. The flawless white square dome clock tower is nearly 10 meters high and covers an area of ​​more than 10 square meters. It is a mechanical structure with huge towers on all sides. The dial shows the time at 9:15 in the morning. When you walk in, you can hear the crisp sound of gears turning.

This bell tower is already a hundred years old. The outer wall has been renovated many times and changed in many colors. On the four walls of the base of the bell tower, you can see the stone tablet introducing the history of the bell tower, as well as the appearance of the bell tower when it was built in the past. After the changes, The color and pattern decoration on the outer wall of the clock tower.

The big bell at the top would ring at the end of every month. The ringing was so clear that even the neighboring districts could hear it. Le Xiao had been here once before when he was a student, and it was the first time he saw this ancient building. The bell tower will feel awe-inspiring.

"Wow, I saw it again."

Le Xiao stretched out her limbs comfortably. Alpha held a cigarette in his mouth and smiled as he looked at the big bell tower in front of him. He remembered that he and Locke and some classmates had climbed up to this big bell tower when they were drunk, and they were still there. The inside of the big bell is engraved.

"You know, Sister Alpha, I never knew why I felt so respectful when I saw this big clock tower, but now I know."

Looking at the smiling Le Xiao, Alpha nodded.

"It's probably because this thing is not common. It is obviously an antique. Nowadays, most people only look at the time on the screen. Clocks are just decorations and luxury goods."

Le Xiao pouted.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Let's go and do business."

The ground is covered with fan-shaped stone slabs evenly divided from the center outwards. The surface of the stones has patterns like patterns. On the left is a small botanical park, and on the right is a 50-meter-long fountain with 13 sculptures. Products are the pattern sculptures of Xingke.

Bell Tower Square is also the location of the headquarters of Section 1. If a store wants to operate, it must go to Section 1 to apply for relevant certificates. All subsequent issues can be handed over at the local city management office.

A huge concave-shaped five-story building is located on the periphery of the square. There are doors at regular intervals with numerical labels. Different industries need to enter different doors to complete the procedures. At this time, outside the doorway of Gate 10 on the right, Many people gathered and were still checking the qualification information on their light and shadow screens.

On the third floor of the building directly opposite, there is a sign for Division 1, a group of colorful houses on a white background, with a big number 1 next to it.

Section 1 is the section with the largest number of people after Section 3 and Section 5, with more than 30,000 people. Le Xiao laughed when he thought of Section 1's chief, King Xue.

"Banquet veteran."

When they went to Michelle's house for a banquet that night, Le Xiao still heard a lot about King Xue. That guy often came uninvited. Le Xiao was surprised at first, but then she realized where the banquet was. There was King Xue everywhere, a complete banquet expert. He went uninvited many times, which made the host a little embarrassed, but they had to receive him well.

Alpha looked at Le Xiao who had a cheerful face. He was a little uncomfortable before, but now he is fine. In front of the concave building, there is a small pavilion of several square meters every 20 meters, and there is a small pavilion of a few meters in it. If you want to handle something and don’t know which door to enter, you can go to the small booth and ask, and then get the number. There will be a time period to wait for the processing, so you don’t have to wait in the square. You can wait until the time is almost the same and then come back. Go outside first. Go shopping on the streets.

As soon as Le Xiao walked to a small pavilion, the female clerk inside immediately stood up straight after seeing it, with her left hand behind her back and her right hand pressed on her chest, and she saluted.

"Lord Le Xiao."

Le Xiao immediately wanted to raise her hand and say there was no need to be so polite, but was poked by Alpha behind her.


Alpha immediately stepped forward, explained his purpose, took out his mobile phone and brought up a light and shadow screen. After getting a number, the female clerk in front of him said.

"Any member of the executive department has priority to handle the matter. Please go to Gate 1, Master Le Xiao."

Le Xiao nodded and said thank you, and Alpha reminded her beside her.

"The relationship between superiors and subordinates in the executive department is very strict. If the superiors are not dignified, it will not work. Don't laugh when facing subordinates. Do you understand?"

Le Xiao hummed, and along the way, some people in Section 1 who saw her stood up straight and saluted, making Le Xiao feel uncomfortable all over.

"Hey, it's coming soon. Little hamster, come in and let me, sister, receive you personally. After all, you are the secretary. If others receive you, the review may be because you are several levels higher than them, so they don't dare to go too far. But it’s different here, but it’s very strict. After all, you represent the face of the business department when you go to the bottom, so it’s better to be strict.”

Le Xiao's eyes widened, and she looked at Zi Yu'er, who was standing at the door wearing a uniform with a hat a little crooked, and raised his fingers at her.

"Whoever is over there, just wait outside."

For a moment, Alpha blew out a puff of smoke and stared at Zi Yu'er, who giggled.

"Don't worry, your secretary will not be missing arms or legs. Just wait outside as your bodyguard. I will personally apply for a business license for Secretary Le Xiao in my office, as I said before. , we are representatives of the acting department, and every action is the same. If we are not strict, we will not be able to set an example for the people below. I hope you can understand, Miss Alpha."

Finally, Alpha nodded and blew out a puff of smoke. Le Xiao looked back at Alpha, and Alpha gave her a look that told her not to worry.

After following Zi Yu'er and stepping into door No. 1, there was a long corridor with signs on all offices. Zi Yu'er took Le Xiao directly up the elevator on the right side of the door and directly to the 6th floor.

As soon as she got out of the elevator, there was the secretary's office on the right. Le Xiao blinked. Zi Yu'er grabbed Le Xiao's hand and dragged her directly into the office. Le Xiao was startled.

On the left side of the office is a cabinet with many old folders placed on it. On the right side is a row of wine cabinets. In the middle is a low sofa and a round table. They look very comfortable and face the sun. There was a floor-to-ceiling window, and on this old brown wooden table, there were eight light and shadow screens, which were only visible from the Ziyuer side. Le Xiao looked at it and it was black.

"Sit down. You can eat or drink whatever you want. We are on the same level."

Le Xiao swallowed, sat on the soft low sofa, and stretched her legs comfortably.

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