Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 449 Two Suns 1 (Part 2)

Le Xiao poured a glass of water by herself and looked at Zi Yu'er, who was sitting in front of the eight light and shadow screens. She was dealing with documents seriously and her expression was a little solemn. Le Xiao did not bother her, but when she thought that she was finished here, she still I have to go to the Business Section to create a file, then go to Section 7 to create a tax file, and then go to Section 6 to create an information file. It’s already 9:30. I have to go to all the places today, and I will go directly to the lower floor in the evening to see the details. It depends on the situation of the store.

What's more, the wise man is actually hospitalized. Le Xiao has to go and see. Alpha also said that he won't know until he goes there. Thinking of the wise man's age, he doesn't know what he committed and stayed in prison for a period of time. He must be full of blood. It was an illness. Le Xiao planned to buy some nutritional supplements for the wise man while he waited.


As soon as Le Xiao said this, Zi Yu'er's eyes came over, she put her hands on her chin and smiled evilly, staring at Le Xiao sharply.

"I almost forgot, there is still your matter, forget it, let's deal with your matter first."

After saying that, Zi Yuer walked over directly and sat across from Le Xiao. She straightened up quickly, opened her light and shadow screen, and called up the previous proposal. Zi Yuer glanced at it and said.

"A 20-meter-long store with a width of 6.8 meters, or 136 square meters, and a total of 3 floors is already a medium-sized store. According to city management regulations, if a medium-sized store wants to obtain business qualifications, it must have at least 10 employees. Have you made the employee pricing list? Have you published the recruitment information?"

Le Xiao swallowed and shook her head, and Zi Yuer continued.

"What about the pricing of the product? If it is a rental form, at least the price of the mechanical ball, the rental price, the methods and methods, and the target group must be given."

Le Xiao shook her head and looked at Zi Yu'er with some embarrassment. Zi Yu'er across from her was holding her hands with a domineering look, and the original gentle breath on her face had disappeared.

"The mechanical ball rental store you opened is a franchise store. Because it has a very high technical content, it needs a certificate of technological content from the 10th Section and applies for technical protection from the 5th Section. If this thing is used by the bottom If someone takes it apart and steals the technology inside, it will become a big incident. After all, I don’t need to tell you about Area 108, you should know it yourself, right?"

Le Xiao choked and her cheeks turned red for a moment.

"I was thinking, get the permit first, and then"

"Don't think about it, we are all secretaries of the business department. For this kind of thing, I can indeed issue you a franchise license first, and you can slowly fill in these things, but..."

Zi Yu'er said and stood up, leaning down with one hand on her hips and putting her head in front of Le Xiao, and put one hand on her cheek.

"Please be familiar with the work process carefully. Please use your little mind to remember every detail. The importance of these work processes. This is done so that if there is a problem in any link, you can have a way to deal with it. Inquire The problematic part in this link serves as a mutual supervision function. If I issue you a license first, you can directly make the proposal as you like without going through the review of Section 1, for example, behind the scenes with a businessman. Make money and power transactions, give them mechanical balls to do things unrelated to this bill, and then use other names to offset them."

"How could I do such a thing, you."

Le Xiao stared at Zi Yu'er angrily. She smiled evilly and pinched Le Xiao's mouth. Le Xiao immediately pushed her away.

"In order to prevent these things from happening, first of all, you must do what I mentioned above and prepare the required application forms. Then I can slowly review them. You can go to the Business Department before the license is issued. Create business files, go to the wallet section to submit product information, create tax files, and go to the 6th section to create store files. These things are the foundations of doing something. Do you want to build castles in the air? You can’t just do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want, but you have to do it step by step. The purpose of this is to reduce risks. When a problem occurs, you can go back step by step to see where the problem is. You can't even walk. Do you want to run away before you have learned it? Really, is your little head just a decoration? What exactly did you learn in school? You have to eat food in one bite and wear clothes one by one. If you don’t even have the clothes If you don't know how to wear it, there's nothing I can do. Okay, if you have nothing else to do, please go back. Our department is very busy, and I still have a lot of documents to process, so I won't accompany you."

Zi Yu'er turned around as she spoke, but her face was completely furious at this time, but she still suppressed the anger in her heart. After a while, she returned to the desk. Zi Yu'er regained her smile, but she was really angry. Smiling contentedly.

"What's wrong? Come back quickly. I was so angry that I laughed. If you were one of my subordinates and did such a thing, I promise to throw you off the sixth floor."

Le Xiao lowered her head and blushed. She was once again in such a dilemma. She just glanced at the relevant qualifications needed to open a store without thinking about it. Anyway, if she wanted to do something, she had to get the relevant licenses first and then establish the store. The file was ready to start making this motion, but what she didn't expect was that although the words of the somewhat aggressive woman in front of her made her uncomfortable, they did make sense.

"No one taught me, I just"

"If you want to cry, go outside. You have already wasted 10 minutes of my time. It is true that no one has taught you, but you are mute? You can't ask questions with your mouth open? There are so many secretaries, I don't mind if you give me a message at night I called and asked about some related things, and I would like to remind you that the movie theater license is also handled by us. You have to understand that you are a member of the legal department, and what is the purpose of everything you do? There are many places where you are unclear, so go figure it out yourself and don’t wait until problems arise again. Now do you think we are on the same level?”

Le Xiao choked and looked over. Zi Yuer yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"By the way, I'm telling you, I haven't had a break for 6 years, 3 months, 17 days and 13 hours. I sleep 6 hours a day. Wait until you work for a year and then talk to me about being on the same level, Miss Hamster!"

Le Xiao stared at Zi Yu'er blankly, looking pitiful and helpless. Although he was dissatisfied with Zi Yu'er's attitude, he was really not qualified to say that he was on the same level as other secretaries.

Le Xiao gritted his teeth, stood up, and bowed.

"Thank you for today, Miss Ziyu'er."

Don't let people look down on you!

Zi Yuer looked at the girl in front of her with some surprise. She turned around, opened the door and walked out. For a moment, Le Xiao immediately clenched her fists and started making gestures at the door according to the instructions Alpha taught her. The door behind her opened.

"It's interesting. Let's do some field practice one day. One finger is enough to deal with you."

Le Xiao blushed, made a small noise, choked on her saliva, and ran hurriedly.

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