Li Li's heart was bleeding. The war was about to begin. Although he didn't know where to attack yet, he was surprised after confirming the action instructions sent continuously. Each soldier needs to carry 2 Heavy firepower weapons, one of which is a siege weapon, a small flame missile launcher, and a long-range one-handed minigun to carry on the defensive suit, a laser-killing blade, a large-caliber sniper rifle, and a 30-round guts for high accuracy Pistols, and some mechanical tanks.

Xima looked at the soldier in front of her quietly and glanced at the time on the phone screen.

"Tonight, Lord Jean will have an important negotiation to be held in the barrier area. In one hour, I need you to rush to the designated place. Once it is confirmed that the negotiation is successful or collapsed, we will start taking action. The worst The situation requires you to kill, I ask you again, who are you?"


Xima nodded and shouted loudly.


For a moment, the soldiers began to run in orderly towards the warehouses on both sides. With a buzzing sound, trucks drove out of the factory building. At this time, they were near the southern guard station leading to the Weeping Bridge. There, the rumble continued, and the land began to separate, revealing a sloping upward passage.

There was a buzzing sound of tracks, and long gray tanks slowly drove up from below. The door opened, and military trucks were filled with 3 people who had put on black head-wrapped protective clothing. The soldiers of the Section, along with the dispatch of the tanks, several lifts and landing aircraft began to pass by at extremely fast speeds from different directions in the sky.

"Lord Xima, I really want it."

Li Ligang was about to ask, but stopped. Xima had already turned around. This time the operation was personally directed by Xima. Several S-class mutant super teams had already taken the lift to the predetermined location and had been notified by Jean. After that, Xima and several council officers drew up a battle plan. They had already carried out countless virtual attacks on the city of rebellion. Early tomorrow morning, all armed forces in the city would be cleared away.

"You are not a three-year-old child anymore, Officer Li Li. If Sir Jean's negotiation goes smoothly, it will be good. If it does not go well, we can only pull out the nail in the south!"

Li Li watched quietly as Xima got on the lift. Other section officers and some team leaders who had received the action order had already boarded the tanks and set off. There were a total of 20 tanks equipped with light-kill weapons. With the cooperation of more than 1,000 Human forces can indeed crush the city of Ni-death within 10 hours, and a team of S-class mutants has also been dispatched. According to intelligence, there are more than 4,000 mutants in the Crimson Tide armed forces in Ni-death City, but these mutants are in S In the eyes of the mutant team, there is no difference from ordinary people.

Li Li, who had participated in the massacre mission, knew very well that when the guard station was conducting monthly distribution quotas into the city, several armed forces suddenly hijacked the four quota distribution and selection points outside and killed many People from 3 subjects.

In the next three months, the Military Section carried out ruthless sweeps against these armed forces. It was during that operation that Li Li felt powerless. He could no longer tell whether they were those from the armed forces, so he simply swept them away. The people in the barrier area ignored the warning and went straight to cleaning without mercy.

Li Li pressed his forehead. He didn't know when this kind of thing would end. There were at least more than 200,000 people in the Nishi City. Li Li's heart was bleeding when he thought of everything in that city.

The tanks were quietly clearing the way ahead, and more than 100 military trucks behind them were moving slowly. The take-off and landing machines would determine all the surrounding conditions for them. At this time, almost all military trucks were silent.

"Lao Zhang, what should we do?"

In a military truck, a veteran was smoking silently. He smiled helplessly. Many people in this truck had never participated in such a mission, although many of them had become Section 3 personnel. 5 years.

"Hey, what can we do? Follow the orders. But if we really attack, you have to forget everything you saw when you go back."

"Is it that miserable?"

One of the department staff said jokingly.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Don't you know the series of things that have happened in the city recently? I heard about it from a friend of mine in Section 4. I found a lot of people from the barrier area at the bottom. The corpses are all mutants, and the explosions that occurred on the upper floors are always very simple. Don't think of yourself as a human being, just fire. Don't think of the guy opposite as a human being. I won't go into details. ."

He Min slowed down her car and had received a contact signal from a distance. She was now located in a wilderness 10 kilometers due west of the City of Rebellion. There were already 9 motorcycles parked in front of her. He Min hurriedly After accelerating, he got out of the car and saw Jean in uniform leaning on a motorcycle.

"You're late, He Min."

One of the women, who was dressed similarly to He Min, said something dissatisfied, and He Min hummed and said sorry.

"Everyone is here, now we can proceed with the mission description."

As Jean spoke, he opened a light and shadow screen, which had the layout of the City of Rebellion. The 10 people opened their light and shadow phones one after another and accepted the information transmitted to them by Jean.

"I will go there first later, and you need to enter the City of Rebellion. The time is until 12 o'clock tonight. It is now 7:48, and there are still more than 4 hours. I need you to collect some information about the city. I am at 12 o'clock We will contact you when the time comes.”

He Min stared at Jean in confusion. No one else had any objections and began to read the information. This information was collected by the previous monitors. There may be some discrepancies. They need to write it down in the past half hour. intelligence content, and then sneaked into the city to investigate.

"Lord Jean, what exactly?"

"The City of Rebellion may exist or be destroyed tonight, all determined by your investigation and the content of my negotiations!"

For a moment, 10 people looked at Gene with wide eyes. He smiled and took out a pack of cigarettes, and everyone took one.

"I'm sorry, thank you for the hard work. It's a cold night like this, but I still have to force you to make a decision. Please complete your respective tasks."

The woman who just complained about He Min laughed.

"Lord Jean, stop joking, we are not children anymore, right He Min!"

He Min hummed in a low voice. All 10 people knew what this meant. If the investigation revealed too many points that threatened the city, Section 3 would definitely take cleaning action.


He Min hummed. The surface of Jean's body was flashing with light blue light particles, which had been ejected. Only a trace of light particles and a banging sound were seen, and soon the figure was no longer visible.

He Min quietly stared at the scattered and disappearing light particles.

"People are like this. If they listen, it's fine. If they don't, there's nothing we can do. He Min, do you remember what happened 6 years ago?"

He Min lowered his head and hummed, his eyes a little dim.

"I know."

The woman in front of him took He Min's head and patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"If your husband is still here, he will definitely feel that this is the right thing to do, even though it is a little cruel."

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