Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 703 Special Chapter Winter Queen System

Chapter 703 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. System

May 11, 2076

"Hey, move faster, didn't I teach you already? Why are you still so stupid?"

A farmer wearing denim overalls and a hat walked over and looked at a few people who were clearing some sawdust on a forest floor. He walked over angrily and started to give serious instructions. Although the faces of several people were a little unhappy. , but still accepted it, there was someone with a weapon supervising them.

In just ten days, some forest land has been reclaimed in the southeastern part of the town where the terrain is relatively gentle, and corn and some tuber crops have been sown. This is the only crop that can be harvested in a short time. Originally, Sheds have been erected in the crop fields, and deep ditches are being dug around the fields. At least one 30-meter-deep ditch must be dug. This is to prevent falling contaminated rainwater from seeping into the farmland.

The number of people in the town has basically been counted. Including the original more than 3,000 residents in the town, there are now nearly 15,000 people in the town. This is an extremely terrifying number.

It's just that many people are dissatisfied at this time, and there is still a tense confrontation with others in the south of the town. Most people there are unwilling to hand over their weapons, and the situation there is now a nightmare for most people. Taking a grocery store located at an intersection as the dividing point, people on both sides confront each other every day.

These days, most people have compromised under the dual pressure of food and water, and have this shameful pattern branded on their hands.

There are a total of six kinds of patterns, pig, cow, horse, sheep, chicken, and fish. Many people didn't know it at first, but now they know that most people who are branded with patterns these days are designated and cannot choose. They have been divided into six categories of slaves, which is how most people feel today.

All the weapons have been handed over to the people in the town, and the people in the town are in groups of 10, guarding them with weapons. Each type of people does different jobs. In order to obtain Electricity, now people with chicken designs on their hands are dismantling parts from cars on the road outside the town's entrance.

Some simple human-powered power generation devices have been built. The necks of these planners are tattooed with eye-catching patterns that are the same as those on their arms. They can enjoy more things than those who only have patterns on the back of their hands. As a result, The leader of these people.

Many people now look like leaders, and have been inflicting these stigmas on those who have tattoos on their necks. Those with tattoos on their necks have completely become the bastards of the townspeople. Some people are trying their best to please the townspeople, and many The imprinters were very angry. They had to do a lot of hard physical labor every day, and they only had one meal a day. At noon, everyone could get a piece of bread.

Some people fainted while working, and some even died, but this didn't seem to matter to the townspeople.

However, it is too late to resist now, because all the weapons have been taken away by the townspeople, and they only eat one meal a day, and they need to work. After the work is over, most people just want to rest and not think about anything. .

Except for the southern part of the town, all other parts of the town have been cleaned up. Many streets have been transformed into sleeping places. Most of the townspeople have lived in simple resting places made of metal plates disassembled from cars. Returned to his residence.

Almost everyone started to move, and under the supervision of the townspeople, they were reclaiming the forest land. Redes quietly looked at the people who were working hard to cut down the trees. Many people looked in pain. These things were their past. It has never been done before, because resources are limited and those electric equipment cannot be used directly.

Originally, there were many electric saws in the town, but the current purpose of the electric saws is to dismantle cars and dismantle all the usable parts of the car.

Redes quietly raised his gun and watched some people holding chainsaws and cutting open a car. At this time, Redes was a little worried. In the past few days, Verla had been talking to everyone. Having said that, everyone agreed on the necessity of doing this, and they have been doing what Vila ordered these past few days.

Thanks to this series of work carried out by Verla, the efficiency in the past ten days has been amazing. Although some people died suddenly, a considerable area of ​​forest land has been reclaimed. Originally, mechanical reclamation would have been much faster.

After a rough calculation of the output, as long as most of the flat forest land in the northeast can be reclaimed as planned, the food grown will be enough to supply everyone in the town. As long as there is food, they can survive. However, Vierra's actions worried Redes, because if it were to recover in the future, everything Vierra had done would have seriously violated the law.

In the past few days, Redes has been in contact with the national special channel. The other party said that there was no need to worry and that they should hold on and they would be able to recover soon.

Redes didn't know what the situation was like outside, but he was certain that it wouldn't be too good, but he was also troubled by the fact that everything they did would be illegal if it recovered in the future.

Redes plans to have a good talk with Verla today. It is okay to let outsiders like them work, but at least give them a little more food. In the past few days, Redes has often seen many people starving to death while working. Vomited.

Unlike Vila, her brother Fred always joins in some work these days. Fred will also kindly teach them what some people don't know.

"Char, keep an eye on them, I'll go back."

Redes said and turned around and walked away. He looked towards the south of the town. There were still nearly 3,000 people there. They were unwilling to accept Verla's charity and still carried out inhumane things every day. Redes had already gone to persuade them. After passing them, some people wanted to come, but gave up in the end.

Soon Redes returned to the former consul's office. As soon as he entered the house, he saw several townspeople coming out with watches. Redes stopped them.

"What's this?"

"Virla asked us to rate the people who work every day in detail, how long they work, and how hard they work."

Seeing the happy expressions of several townspeople, Redes felt something was wrong. Now, under the leadership of Vierra, the townspeople are immersed in the identity of managers. This is something that the townspeople have never experienced before. , can decide the life and death of others at will, and can even bring some women into the room to have fun at will, all of which the townspeople have never experienced before.

Returning to his old office, Redes saw that Vierla was still talking to a few young townspeople. They looked respectful. This seemed a little wrong to Redes. It was like here now. Like Vila's dictatorial empire, the townspeople believed in what she said and would definitely act according to Vila's orders.

"That's too much, Vila. What on earth do you want to do with this kind of grading?"

Redes asked again, Vila smiled and said.

"It's a simple question, those who are capable enjoy it more, and those who are not capable enjoy it less."

"But if you do this, it will make..."

Vila stood up and shook her head.

"Nothing will happen, Redes, unless someone doesn't want to live. For some guys who are waiting for the harvest and you are lazy during the work, why should you wait for the harvest to give them more?"

Many people around Vila agreed, and Vila walked to the window and said with a smile.

"Everything in this town was built little by little through everyone's efforts. The land was reclaimed by everyone after decades of hard work. The houses were also built by everyone. For outsiders like them, is it possible? Do we need to pay for it?"

Redes did not refute what Vila said. He also knew that what Vila said was right, but Redes just felt a little uneasy in his heart, and this feeling of uneasiness was getting more and more. If it hadn't been for such a conflict before, Maybe the two sides could choose a compromise method to have a good talk. Redes was also thinking of a way in those days.

"Redes, sometimes it's better to treat people like beasts and treat them like beasts. Those guys in the south of the town, give them a week in the end. If they still want to eat that kind of food after a week, If it's 'food', I'll clear them out."

Redes immediately looked at Vila in shock. In the past few days, Redes saw many outsiders gathering fuel in some cars. These things were ordered by Vila.

"Anyway, they are no longer human. After all, they can be killed and eaten easily with their own kind. They are dangerous to this place."

Looking at several townspeople who put down the documents in their hands, Vierla laughed.

"There are so many of us here, and we will not let any town citizen participate in such a dangerous action."

Vila said and the townspeople laughed.

At this time, there was a scream, and Redes just looked out. Two women were dragged into the house by several townspeople. Many people outside could only watch indifferently, and no one dared to move.

Redes immediately turned around and went downstairs. He crossed the street and kicked open the door.

"Tommy, Luke, what are you doing?"

Redes said, looking at the two desperate women in the room, many of the surrounding townspeople just smiled awkwardly.

"Why don't you come with Redes? This is a woman."

"That's enough, let them go back."

Amid Redes's roar, the townspeople let the woman go, and he pressed his forehead. At this time, Vila also came over.

"Is this kind of thing something that should be done? Vella, this kind of thing."

"You shouldn't ask me Redes about this matter. You are the sheriff here. How to manage the security is your problem, not mine. I can formulate a good system. I am exhausted every day, and as a security guard Officer, is this not your responsibility?"

Verla turned around and walked away. She stared at Redes with a serious look and felt something strange. This Sheriff was too kind. People outside entered the town on the first night and were in the warehouse. When you were resting there, it was Redes who let them in, but after realizing the problem, Redes had to drive them away.

This kind of thing does not seem kind to Vila, but weakness. Vila knows very well that she must not be weak at this time. Once weak, everyone will die.

Verla didn't intend to be merciful to those people in the south of the town. The reason why they sent people to collect fuel was to make bombs that could cause mass destruction. This thing was far more effective than weapons.

As soon as Vierla took a few steps, more than a dozen people followed him. They were Vierla's guards and managers of various blocks in the town.

After Virla issues an order, they will go to the place under their management in the town to communicate and assign tasks.


At this time, at the corner of the supermarket, Verla saw your brother Fred with sweat on his face. She leaned over, smiled and took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Didn't I assign you a task? You only need to manage, the rest"

"No, sister, I don't think we need to treat them like this. I think everyone just needs to get along well, as long as..."

Vera stretched out a finger and pressed it between his brother's lips.

"Remember the day they came in?"

The smile on Fred's face disappeared, and Vera smiled evilly and put her head on her brother's shoulder.

"To live peacefully with them, we only need them to stay outside the town obediently and wait for the country's rescue, instead of crashing through the checkpoint with their cars, killing the townspeople, and finally robbing everything in the town, and now they are destroying the entire town. It’s a smoky mess.”

"But sister, I think at this time, we can only do it together if we all join hands."

Virla chuckled.

"Join hands? Then everyone can only wait to die."

At this time, a man with a horse tattoo on his neck ran over in a hurry.

"Lord Vella, they are plotting something secretly."

Vila laughed, and some people behind him immediately became nervous. Fred looked at the man with a smile on his face in shock.

"Give him something."

As soon as Vierla finished speaking, a female town citizen behind him took out an egg from her pocket and handed it to the man. The man said thank you gratefully, and then started talking, those guys who were originally soldiers were planning Wanting to seize power.

"See? My lovely brother, ten days ago, the man who came to beg for mercy was starving to death, but now? He is planning to kill me."

Then Vierra immediately gave orders, and within a short time, hundreds of fully armed townspeople came over, and everyone walked toward the north in a mighty manner.

Redes was still talking to the guards about something. After seeing Vierla, he felt that something was wrong. He immediately went over and after asking, he found out that Vierla had come outside a warehouse and then stood guard. The townspeople in the warehouse immediately called out the people who were resting in the warehouse.

Gerry and Bob were called over. They looked very surprised. After seeing the man next to Vila, Gerry felt his heart collapse.

Verla raised her hand, took a pistol from the side, and suddenly fired directly. At the moment when everyone was caught off guard, Bob's head blossomed.

In one moment, Gerry became excited, and in the next second he was knocked to the ground by the townspeople holding sticks behind him. In an instant, the group of people were severely beaten.

In less than a few minutes, more than ten of them were covered with injuries. Gerry's eyes widened and he almost fainted. Vila walked to Gerry's side.

"Really, have you forgotten it in ten days? The smell of pancakes and the richness of milk tea, do you want to kill me so soon?"

Gerry looked at Vila blankly, as if he didn't care anymore.

"Okay, this is a little warning for you."

Shots were fired one after another in an instant, and Verla directly executed Gerry's comrades on the spot. Amidst Gerry's angry shouts, Verla just smiled.

"There won't be a next time. Listen clearly."

Verla did not kill Gerry because he was still useful. This man had some knowledge in chemistry. This is why Verla kept Gerry alive. On that day, Verla knew that this man was I will not succumb to the current system that I have set.

Then Gerry was carried back under the order of Viera.

Redes on the side stared at everything in front of him, unable to say a word. Only then did he come back to his senses, walked over and asked about the man with the horse tattoo on his neck.

"is that true?"

The man answered immediately, and sure enough, the townspeople soon found some working tools and several pistols in the warehouse where the man mentioned.

Most of the people resting in the warehouse had fearful expressions at this time, because they didn't even know about it, and many people were even more angry at this time, because Vierra killed these soldiers without ceremony.

At this time, Vila noticed her brother who was shivering among the townspeople, and she walked over and took her brother's hand.

"What's wrong?"


Vila smiled and shook her head.

"I just did what most people know but can't do."

The short day ended quickly, and most of the people who returned to their residences after work were talking about what happened this morning.

"She is so beautiful, yet so cruel."

A middle-aged man muttered, and several people around him nodded. Many people did not expect that they would now live a slave-like life.

"I can't stay any longer. I'll leave tomorrow."

One of the young men said, but his expression soon betrayed him. He looked extremely hungry. Now, once he leaves here, he can only wait for death. This is an established fact that most people know.

Some people complained that those who came first attacked the town, leading to their current situation. But in fact, many people knew it well. After the people in front attacked the town, they all rushed over. , as soon as he came in, he was like everyone else, looking everywhere for something to eat, drink, and things to use.

This approach made many people feel that they were no different from bandits, and some even participated in beating the captured townspeople to vent their anger.

There is no reason to resist, which is something that most people find difficult to think about nowadays.

By 11 o'clock in the evening, most people had gone to bed, and only the townspeople on night watch were still patrolling everywhere with weapons in hand.

However, there are still some people working hard at this time. They are the people with fish marks on their arms, and they are still working in the fields. Those who work at night are given some food, and many people are willing and work hard. Get up, but what they don't know is that the townspeople looking at them are holding a writing board, seeming to be looking at them and writing something.

Although they were suspicious, most people started working seriously. Only a small number of people couldn't do it and could only rest while doing it.

four days later

10:23 am

More than 40 people were gathered at the entrance of the town. At this time, they looked at the townspeople in front of them in horror, and there were many workers surrounding them.

"Okay, you can go now. I'll give you some water and food."

Immediately, some people began to beg, hoping not to drive them away.

"Tem, these four days are not just these four days. You have been working lazily in the past few days. What others can do in one day, you need at least three days."

"No, Lord Vella, I just"

Virla laughed.

"Nothing? You are just 26 years old this year. You don't have any physical diseases. Even a 40-year-old person can do more than you. Tell me why?"

The man in front of him whimpered and explained.

"I'm just not used to this kind of work. Give it to me again."

"Either get food and water and leave, go over there, or die here."

For a while, many people looked at Viera in horror, and there were bursts of noise from all around.

"I want to ask everyone, you are all working hard so that none of us will have to go hungry in two months, but there are some of you who have not worked hard for half a month, but in the end you have to share it with everyone. With the same amount of food, is it useful for such people to stay?”

Vierla showed no mercy. Under the threat of weapons, more than 40 people picked up their food and water and left.

No one wanted to go to the south. Looking at these people leaving, Vierra shouted again.

"If you don't work hard, this will be the end. Please keep it in your heart."

Vierla turned around and walked away with a smile, and left surrounded by the townspeople. Many townspeople obeyed Vierla's orders because everyone saw that under the systems designated by Vierla, past townspeople Many things that were almost impossible for the people were achieved, especially the cultivation of more land.

"Please manage the people you have on hand and do your job well."

As Vierla said, many townspeople expressed that they would definitely obey Vierla's orders.

Redes and Fred watched quietly from the side, always feeling that things were starting to go wrong, but there was nothing they could do about it, because they really couldn't refute what Vila said.

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