Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 704 Special Chapter Winter Queen Alien

Chapter 704 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Alien

May 19, 2076

2:13 am

A flash of scarlet fell in the forest.

"Save a mouthful for me."

A man with his real name took the cigarette from the hands of the townspeople next to him and took a comfortable puff.

Several smiling townspeople behind him looked at the dark southern part of the town below. As the mountain breeze blew by, a stench was carried in the wind, and many people couldn't help but pinch their noses.

The townspeople are on the west side of the mountain forest in the south of the town. This is also where the outsiders invaded before. They are armed with weapons and explosives and are ready for the attack. This is the order given by Viera. Today has been This is an ultimatum. If those in the south continue to be unwilling to compromise, they will be destroyed directly.

For these people living in the south of the town, many people felt disgusted. What they did made many people feel surprised. Many people supported directly cutting off their water sources, but in the end they did not.

Now everything in the town has stabilized. A large amount of wood has been moved to the road. Some houses have been initially built beside the mountains and forests. Those imprinted people can choose their own place to live. There was some resistance at first. The mood has gradually eased. Now with the increase in sowing volume, the daily amount of food for some imprinters who work hard has also increased.

It has been almost 20 days, and the food consumption is much slower than the townspeople thought, but the town has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Virla announces some new measures every day, and the townspeople also implement them faithfully. The town used to rely on the water flow power plant in the cave to generate electricity, but since the disaster, the water flow in the cave has become obvious. It has dropped a lot, causing the power supply to be irregular these days.

But now a large warehouse in the north of the town has been gradually transformed into a human-powered power plant. Electricity is generated by friction generated by human pedaling. Engine parts from cars are still used to produce some human-powered power plants every day. Electric appliances, hundreds of people will be able to generate enough electricity for an entire town every day.

In the past, the electrical storage devices in the hydroelectric power plants have been dismantled and gradually built near the warehouses. Nowadays, the main power supply is in the planting fields, using some fluorescent bulbs to generate light so that the crops can absorb it. Light, after all, there is a serious lack of light every day nowadays, especially in the past few days, there have been several light rains, but after your test, the acidity in the rainwater has exceeded the standard.

Simple shelters have been erected in the fields that have been sown, and rainwater is smoothly discharged into drainage ditches that have been built with cement. A large number of people clean up debris every day to avoid congestion in the drainage ditches.

The townspeople and imprinters were surprised that manpower could do this with almost no mechanical assistance. In less than 20 days, most of the facilities had a clue and began to gradually Building, this is impossible in the eyes of many people.

Especially in this chaotic situation, it is even more shocking.

The townspeople are still waiting for the town to start attacking. Once they start to attack, the townspeople on the hillside will attack. There are more than 100 young people here. Vierra has told them individually and in detail what they need to do. It happened, everyone wrote it down carefully, but some people still felt scared.

Many people living in the south are getting more and more weird. The weirdness is in their eyes. In the past few days, the townspeople have also seen these people. They are like walking zombies, sleepwalking, but they gather together every day to hold their meetings. A specific lottery ceremony.

At this time, in the former ruling office in the center of the town, Verla was sitting at the top of a conference room. There were many arrows on the blackboard, as well as magnets with six animal logos. Verla was arranging the attack in detail. .

"Listen, don't hesitate. They are no longer human beings. If we don't get rid of them, they will attack one day."

Hundreds of people present nodded involuntarily. Even Redes also agreed with what Viera said. After all, everything is now on the right track. He has also established a public security system to allow the townspeople to You are not allowed to harass those who are branded at will, and you are not allowed to beat or scold them at will, etc.

As a series of systems begin to become more and more reasonable, the situation in this town will become much better. Many outsiders have entered in the past few days, and they have unconditionally accepted the system of this town.

"There is only one thing we have to do now, which is to completely clean out those heretics from this town. Okay, we can almost start taking action."

2:18 am

Located in the south of the town, in a room, people holding weapons looked excitedly at the man in front of them, who was laughing continuously.

"They should take action soon, so we have to take action. We are already different from them."

Many people held up firearms and some sharp weapons in their hands, smiling excitedly. This situation can be seen in many places in the south. Many people gathered together, and their eyes only focused on the dividing lines of the central streets of the town. Although There were many people watching on the opposite side, but at this moment, these people were fearless.

"There's a lot of delicious food over there."

At this time, a man looked at the people opposite who were talking and laughing in some rooms. They could be seen more clearly under the light. He couldn't help but licked a knife in his hand. There was a fishy smell on it, and it was stained with A lot of things, and the woman next to him giggled.

Gradually, many people moved to this street. Many of them were wearing cloth dyed black and holding weapons in their hands.

"The hunt begins!"

Suddenly, a large number of people began to move silently towards the opposite street, and more and more people poured in from the south.

At this time, in a snack shop, more than 30 townspeople who were guarding with weapons were talking, laughing and drinking wine. This was what they moved away when they moved the goods, and now they took it out , they would drink a small cup every day while on guard. After all, as long as the farmland is established, they can make wine.

"That girl Vella is really amazing."

An older man said, and the others nodded in agreement.

"By the way, what exactly is the digital information management integration that Vila studied in college?"

Someone asked, and others shook their heads in confusion. Now all the townspeople are satisfied. Although Redes has strictly ordered them not to do illegal things to those branded people, several people are still discussing and waiting. Tomorrow night, secretly bring a few female branders over.

"Really, that guy Redes, we are the managers now, they are just slaves."

"Yes, yes."

Several people laughed and said that they would launch an attack tonight, but Vierla and the others seemed to be doing something over there, and they had not come yet.


The gun rang out, and for a moment the head of a man happily holding a wine glass exploded. Then there were bangs and screams. Along with the sound of breaking the door, the screams became one. .

Although the people in the room reacted and fought back at the people who rushed in, it was too late. There were too many people who rushed in. Immediately, several people in the room turned around in fear and tried to escape. However, Soon they were thrown to the ground, and the attackers used their sharp weapons to attack crazily without hesitation.

The town was in chaos, and at this time, in the southern auditorium, a man pressed an ax at hand, smiled and listened to the noise outside, stood up, raised the ax and walked out of the auditorium slowly.

The man's name was Mux, and he was just an employee of the slaughterhouse. When hunger came, he was forced to do something that a human being could never do.

Mux survived on those "foods" and also realized some true meanings of self-understanding. Later, after the "food" began to be eaten up, Mux led everyone in a lottery activity.

Originally, Mux started this activity with the intention of dying. After all, if he was drawn, he would die, but in such a hungry and cold environment, death was nothing to Mux, but let What Mukex found strange was that he had drawn lots 39 times in total and never got one.

Lots were drawn in groups of 100 people. However, after so many days, Mux survived. Unknowingly, Mux has become the leader of this special group. He helps everyone deal with "food" every day. , everyone is grateful to him.

At this time, Mukes noticed that some people had come down on the left side, and the flames were already steaming. He ran quickly, looking at the flames with excitement. The people who were still inside were already fighting with the people who came down. , Mux rushed over despite the hail of bullets and constant explosions.


The moment he rushed over, Mux raised his axe. A citizen holding a gun in front of him was caught off guard and wanted to shoot. However, the ax in Mux's hand had already been chopped down, and with a scream, Mux charged at another townsman with his ax raised.

The fighting started without warning. No one knew why it started suddenly. The aliens in the south of the town rushed over to the people when they saw them, picked up the weapons in their hands and stabbed them without ceremony.


Vierra stood in a daze on the road to the northeast of the town. A large number of people were fleeing this way. This was the only way now. The only way was to retreat. Although the other party was not as numerous as him, but every day They can all have a full meal and don't have to work, but the people on their side are different. They don't have enough to eat every day and need to work.

"I have already said, Redes, as early as three days ago, I felt that the time was ripe, but you have been hindering it."

Vila looked at Redes next to her angrily. The casualties were still increasing. The town had already broadcast a message asking everyone to come to the farmland. Looking at the burning south, Vila felt that the situation was abnormal. Not good.

Gunshots continued to appear in the town. The failure was irreversible and unavoidable. Werla did not plan to continue leading his people into the town, but planned to snipe those aliens who dared to rush over here.

Verla took a sniper rifle handed over by the person next to him. At this time, on the left side, a group of people were chasing and shouting in fear. Verla saw the people behind them holding weapons and chasing and slashing. , she fired without ceremony.

The chaos was still going on. This small town was in complete chaos, and their plans were completely disrupted. Viera knew very well that these people had gone crazy, and desperate lunatics were very scary.

Redes looked at everything in front of him in astonishment. Vila said three days ago that we could start clearing them out. However, Redes still disagreed with this approach, because if there was a conflict, someone would die. If there was a conflict, A large number of weapons were handed over to the Branders, and their actions during this period may cause those Branders to switch sides.

So under Redes's persuasion, Verla temporarily slowed down the attack plan. In addition, many townspeople did not want to fight with them, but now everything that was finally built has been completely destroyed. This is Vila's first feeling.

"Take our people and retreat to the mines."

"What's the meaning?"

Redes looked at Vila in confusion.

"Once the fear starts, we will be defeated. In addition, these guys have a lot of resentment against us before."

As Vierla spoke, several people around him immediately began to execute the order. Vierla knew that if he did not retreat to the mine, there would be more casualties tonight.

Without weapons, slaves who have been under the dual pressure of fatigue and hunger for a long time are not capable of fighting.

Vierla took a look at the farmland that was finally reclaimed. Now he had no choice but to abandon the farmland. After all, a large amount of materials were still in the mines, and there were people guarding the water plant. In addition, some townspeople died tonight. It is possible to survive with the original townspeople.

The townspeople who quickly gathered headed towards the mine under Viera's order, and at this time the tired Branders seemed to have known something and followed quickly.

Vila felt that the situation was not good. She led more than 100 people with guns raised, intending to meet the aliens running around in the town, but they did not pursue them again. Instead, there was a wave of waves in the town. The sickening smell of burning.

Everything that was finally built has come to an end. This is something Vierla does not want to see and cannot accept, but the only result now is to abandon this farmland.

"I'm sorry, Vila, I really am."

"Don't say anything anymore Redes, I hope you can be obedient in the future."

Redes looked at Verla who rushed over with his men. The only way now was to keep sniping at the aliens that appeared in this place. After all, if this continued, they were likely to pursue them.

Gradually the sound of shooting subsided, and a large number of people were waiting in panic near the farmland. Now that he thought about it, Vierla did not intend to abandon them. If he really abandoned them, the next situation would probably evolve into Same as now.

Once again, she saw humans transformed into beasts driven by hunger. Vella's expression was solemn. She originally just wanted to build a kingdom before hunger struck again, but now it seems impossible in the short term. , they still have weapons in their hands, these guys will always eat up the food, and once they finish eating the food, they will attack here again. You only need to continuously launch attacks in the process to reduce their number. , it only takes a month or two to completely finish them off.

Nowadays, no one can be seen, the sky is completely dark, and only some moving figures in the town can be seen by relying on some lights in the farmland.

It’s just that the current situation has become a bit complicated, because most of the branded people unconsciously walked towards the mine. Vierra has also thought about some issues. If they reject them at this time, it is likely to trigger a new wave of attacks. Wheel of commotion.

Then Verla immediately ordered them to inform the slaves to rest near the farmland. There would still be food every day, and now they only needed to take care of the farmland.

"The current situation is to wait until noon and reorganize an attack."

The moment Vierla finished speaking, the lights in the farmland went out, and Vierla and the others fell into darkness for a moment, but they could see that there were more and more people suddenly in the darkness.

"Plans can never keep up with changes. Evacuate immediately, now!"

While Verla was speaking, she turned around and started running, and the people around her began to evacuate. At this time, accompanied by bursts of footsteps, more and more people gathered densely.

At this time, a large number of Branders could only look at the lights in the distance and started running on the road.

Verla saw several trucks full of people coming, and a large number of Branders were running. Verla saw Fred driving the car.

"Sister, what's going on here?"

"Turn around, move faster Fred."

There were bursts of screams from behind, because the farmland in the northeast was close to the north of the town, and it was certain that the aliens had come from there.

Moreover, they were attacking so wildly, and Vierla was not sure what was going on. Now she could only run away, otherwise she would be dismembered by those guys.

"You can stop!"

At this time, the lights came on again, and a man with blood on his cheek walked out of a crowd of people. He was surrounded by a large number of branded people lying on the ground, shivering. Many of them no longer dared to run away. Because the way was blocked by a large number of people armed with weapons.

Mukes smiled and looked at Gerry, who had a large number of branded people on his left. He walked over with a smile and took out a piece of dried meat from his pocket. At this time, the hundreds of people behind Gerry looked at each other. He was the one who was planning something with Gerry during this period.

Because everyone knows that if this continues, they will end up being just slaves.

"Okay, now you can accept the trial."

Mux said, taking out a piece of food from his pocket and handing it to Gerry, who put it in his hand tremblingly.

The guards in the town were not very tight. Gerry had the opportunity to go around to the south of the town at night and told Muke everything a few days ago, and Muke agreed to Gerry's conditions.

"What's wrong? If you don't plan to pass the trial"

As soon as Mux finished speaking, he raised the ax with one hand. Gerry closed his eyes and ate the food in one bite. Then he immediately suppressed his nausea, covered his mouth with his hands, and knelt on the ground. The person behind Gerry Everyone looked at Mux in horror.

"All of you must pass the test. If you fail, you will become a pig!"

Waves of evil laughter broke out, and the town lit up at this time. A large number of Branders lying on the ground stayed there, not daring to make any move. Looking at the miserable state of the corpse next to them, many people He gave in instantly.

"Okay, the great trial is about to begin now!"

6:13 am

The sky was getting a little brighter. Vila stood tiredly at the bottom of the mine. A large number of branded people kept walking up the slope. Vila did not stop them because there were not many people who escaped, maybe not even half. Vierla was not very clear about the current situation, but now that he thought about it carefully, their attack was so smooth, things would not be that simple. Looking at the yelling townspeople behind him, Vierla pressed his forehead and showed an extremely angry expression. expression.

"Sister, what exactly?"

Virla laughed heartily.

"Send people immediately to turn off the main gate and cut off their water supply."

This is currently the method that Vila thinks is effective, and it is also the only way to contain them. As long as there is no water, they will not be able to survive for long, but the lack of water is also a fatal blow to the farmland, and Vila began to hesitate again.

At this time, Vila's brain was running rapidly, thinking about some of these points, but no matter how she thought about it, it was already very difficult to take back the town. Vila thought about continuing to reclaim the forest land, but continuing to reclaim it meant that it would be necessary to There is a large amount of labor force, and the other party may attack at any time.

"It seems we can't do it without solving the current troubles."

Now that the sky is getting brighter, Verla plans to drive a truck and take people over to the town to have a look. After all, if the sky is so bright, they probably won't launch an attack rashly.

"Sister, why are you doing this?"

Fred looked at his sister and wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start.

"Remember Fred? Why was I deceived by that scumbag?"

Fred looked at his sister blankly. He didn't know what to say. His sister's change didn't start after dating that scumbag, but started in the first year after entering the city. Every day, his sister changed. Study hard and socialize every day.

Then Vila smiled and patted Fred on the head.

"I just want to accomplish something! Remember Fred, if you don't strive for the top, you will only be stepped on by others!"

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