Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 812 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LXXX

Chapter 812 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXXX

"Tell me your plan."

Ofra looked at Werther and he hummed.

"Do you know about bugs?"

Ofra looked at Werther doubtfully.

"What happened to the bug?"

"This species that appeared hundreds of millions of years ago now has millions of species. Although they are insignificant, bugs each have adaptability and abilities that are far superior to other organisms. A flea can jump more than 200 meters in an instant. At a distance of more than 50 times, an ant can lift something 50 times more than itself, and a drum shrimp can instantly fire a shock wave cannon with a temperature of 5,000 degrees."

Ofra looked at Werther blankly. He didn't know what Werther was going to say. These are common sense in nature. Bugs do have many things that humans haven't figured out yet, but what exactly did Werther want to express? Ofra Not sure at all.

"What humans feared most in primitive societies was not natural disasters or man-made disasters. What do you think it was?"


Ofra seemed to understand why Werther was talking about bugs.

"In countless history, insect plagues have left a very strong mark on human history. After each insect plague, famine will occur in human society, which will trigger social unrest and eventually society will fall apart."

"That's a thing of the past, with today's agricultural technology."

Before Ofra finished speaking, Werther showed a confident smile.

"If there is a kind of bug that likes to eat a kind of food very much, it can move in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and it is less than 1 millimeter, but its food intake is amazing, and its reproductive ability is extremely strong. It is also resistant to most of the anti-insect drugs in the world today, and Have strong self-evolution capabilities? So do you think that with today’s scientific methods, humans can fight against this kind of bug? There are trillions of bugs, they are everywhere and pervasive.”

Ofra stood up in shock.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

Werther took out a small translucent tube, which contained a green liquid and insects squirming in the liquid.

"Wouldn't it harm agriculture if you do this?"

"Agriculture? Is there still agriculture in this country?"

Ofra was speechless. This country used to have the third largest planting area of ​​harmful plants in the world, but it has finally become the largest in the world. Not only in the planting fields, many ordinary residents will also spontaneously plant them in their homes, because of this Things can be sold for money.

"The Department of Agriculture only has two years to prepare, and I can't guarantee this is the only thing the devil will like to eat."

"Are you crazy?"

Ofra took Werther's hand, and Werther smiled.

"Many "kind" ordinary people are clamoring to change this country every day, but behind the scenes it is really different. Aren't my friends betrayed by "kind" people? No one can stop me, I will devote all my time to this research in the future. As long as there is this kind of plant in any corner of the world, it will be eaten up by insects."

"If you do."

Ofra knew that once Werther's plan was successful and such bugs were actually cultivated, it would be a disaster for the entire world.

Ofra hesitated a little. Originally, he was very supportive of Werther's approach, but now after hearing the plan, in addition to being shocked, he couldn't let this happen.

"If you want to change this country, but you can't do anything, sometimes you can only use inhuman means. Apart from this method, I can't think of another option."

"No, the risk is too great and it will be out of control."

Werther smiled and turned around.

"No matter whether the risk is large or small, if we do nothing, everything will be over. This country will have no future. This plant that has harmed mankind for centuries, I will personally make it history."

Werther said and opened the door of the office, and Ofra ran over quickly.

The secretary at the door looked at the shocked president with puzzled eyes. He didn't know what happened, but he was certain that he heard some amazing plan from Dr. Witte.

"Wait a minute, Werther. Is there really no other way? How about I submit an application for help to the International?"

Ofra did not continue because he knew better than anyone else that the only thing those in power in this country can do is to have good relations with gang members and leave the country with their families after they step down from their positions.

As for relations with other countries, there is nothing to talk about other than trade.

Ofra then spoke.

"Draw up a press release saying that Dr. Witte has left the country and gone to a scientific and technological seminar to conduct research."

The secretary nodded.

Ofra quietly looked at the seats illuminated by the sun. The problems that have plagued this country have continued from the last century to the present. No one knows how many presidents have promised the people that they will solve this problem.

Those who really dared to solve the problem have now gone to sleep, while those who talked about solving the problem but still interacted with gang members in private survived without exception, and their families went abroad to live a prosperous and happy life. .

Ofra smiled helplessly. He knew very well that there would always be people with unyielding light in their bones in this world.

Ofra did not intend to stop Witte's plan now, and it would be useless to stop it now. Then Ofra directly called the Minister of Agriculture, and after asking about some recent trade issues, he got straight to the point.

"Are you in such a hurry? Teacher, what happened?"

The Minister of Agriculture on the phone is his student, and he also picked it up with his own hands.

"In the next two years, I request that the grain reserves be increased to 10 times the current level, exports will be reduced, imports will be increased, and large quantities of grain will be purchased from farmers."

"Will there be a war, teacher?"

When Ofra hesitated, he shook his head.

"You are overthinking, but today's ocean is no longer what it used to be. In the next two years, according to scientists at the science and technology seminar, seawater may harm our coastal cities. We must make adequate preparations in advance. ."

After the call ended, Ofra sat on the chair slightly tired. He had to use such lies to get his students to carry out the plan.

This is a helpless move, but if there is no preparation, once Witte really launches the plan, the country's agriculture will collapse.

At this time Werther returned to a room arranged for them by Ofra, and the students were waiting for him.

Looking at the students who had been divided into two sides, Werther's tense expression relaxed.

"You can leave the country today and now I will write a letter of recommendation for each of you and wish you all the best in the future."

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