Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 813 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LXXX

Chapter 813 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXXXⅠ


Next to a table of sumptuous food, Witte walked over with a smile and the students. Everyone took a plate and picked their favorite food. Looking at the students who had been getting along day and night for nearly 8 years, Witte felt helpless.

25 students will leave and go to various parts of the world to find new ways out. Only one of them can qualify to enter the biology department of the science and technology seminar. The other 24 students have submitted their applications to 59 companies that have their own biological patents. I read their information and carefully wrote my own recommendations.

This is the last place that Witte can help students. Under the halo of the biology award, these outstanding talents have taken the initiative to come over and become his students. Witte has been very happy with them in the past eight years.

While training his students, Witte himself has also made great progress.

Such happy days will never come again in the future. Werther knows this very well. This may be the happiest time in his life.

“I’d like to toast everyone and wish you all a bright future in the days to come.”

Several female students couldn't help but cry. Werther did not blame them. In an environment where lives may be threatened at any time, it is normal for them to shrink back.

Witte plans to have a good drink with the students. A military plane will take them directly out of the country tonight to a military base in country M. Ofra has already reached an agreement with the president of country M.

More than 40 biotechnology companies have expressed their willingness to hire these students, and it is up to the students to make their own choices.


The pleasant dinner came to an abrupt end at around 8 o'clock. Witte followed the students out of the presidential palace. A transport helicopter was already waiting. After hugging and shaking hands with Witte one by one, they boarded the transport helicopter.


Tanya stood quietly beside Werther, with 12 students standing behind her.

"You still have a chance now. Once you know the plan from my mouth, there will be no possibility of you leaving."

Witt reiterated.

"Teacher, I know what you want to do. You and Tanya conducted additional research before."

Some keen students already know what Witte wants to do. They previously conducted insect research just to better enable the rapid development of domestic agriculture, especially those insects that are harmful to crops, which are their main research objects.

The cultivation of insects is not as slow as that of plants, it will be very rapid, and Witt is sure that this research will not last long.

In the past, in order to prevent pests from eating crops, humans developed genetically modified crops. Some animal genes were added to the crops so that the pests could not digest these crops and died naturally.

But according to their long-term research, the bugs have evolved. The same bugs are different in different areas. Even if some bugs eat genetically modified crops, they will not die and can digest the crops.

This is very normal in nature. Bugs will definitely start to evolve themselves once they encounter a harsh environment. In Witte's view, humans have degenerated a lot.

Nowadays, human beings' athletic ability has declined significantly. Compared with humans 100 years ago, it is not even half as good as humans 100 years ago.

Other species in nature have never stopped evolving. Some primates have been able to communicate with humans through simple movements. They can make some simple utensils for obtaining food and imitate many human behaviors.

In particular, a chimpanzee discovered in recent years has an IQ equivalent to that of a normal human. It has learned to drive a car and can even live a normal life like a human.

Werther was very interested in everything about biology. He wanted to continue studying it throughout his life. There were still many research topics that Werther needed to complete, but now he could only put down other topics.

Watching the helicopter take off slowly, Werther waved his hand and formally said goodbye to the students. Tanya lowered her head.

"Teacher Witte, is this the only way?"

"Well! That's all."

Half an hour later, Witte stood in a conference room. On a blackboard, he had written down a large number of insect names, as well as many logical relationships between insects, including some gene chains.

The students all took out their notebooks and prepared to record carefully.

"We still have 14 people. Except for Tanya and I, the other 12 people are divided into four groups, ABCD. I will give you different topics next. You don't need to interfere with each other or discuss, just You need to complete the tasks I gave you.”

The students all nodded.

"Tan Liya and I will be responsible for directly connecting with the four groups of you. Each topic will take up to one week and at least three days. This means that you will need to work on this topic for countless days and nights. "

The expressions of the remaining students became serious. This kind of high-intensity experiment cannot be stopped once it starts.

"Okay, next I will explain the general situation of the insect extermination plan."

Werther began to talk to the students based on what was written on the blackboard. Shock and horror were written on the students' faces. Even Tanya was very surprised because she had never heard of many of the things Werther said. See It turns out that Werther used his rest time to conduct research in private.

"That's the key to it!"

Witte took out a small tube of sealed liquid. From the words on it, we knew that it contained HeLa cells.

"This is an improved HeLa cell that I got from a science and technology seminar. It can be used in biological proliferation. Next, we will directly use HeLa cells in insect gene synthesis experiments."

As he spoke, Werther took out another box. After opening it, everyone immediately recognized that this was the source of evil in this country, and they were all high-quality seeds that had been saved in the laboratory.

"Growing this crop and conducting experiments at the same time requires at least 300 small test sites. We have to test the efficiency and speed of adult insects, as well as their survival rate, including their ability to adapt to various climates."

The faces of the students were full of disbelief. Although it could indeed be done smoothly with the help of mechanical assistants, this approach would cause immeasurable disaster to the plant world.

If, after a successful release, the bugs eat this crop and start eating other crops and are able to digest them, the next generation of bugs will change.

"Okay, that's it for tonight. Starting early tomorrow morning, we have more things to do."

Werther said and turned around. It was already past 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Sorry everyone, please give up everything human. In this research, don't consider everything human!"

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