Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 843 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CX

Chapter 843 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXⅡ


A plate fell to the ground, and everyone who was eating in the room looked over.

"Such an unpalatable thing? Will you let me eat it?"


Rose stood up directly, trampled the food that fell on the ground to pieces, kicked it away, and threw the chair directly towards the person eating opposite.

"Damn it, you're looking for death!"

A man stood up angrily and walked over. He stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist, but never dropped it. Rose showed a contemptuous smile.

"Why, won't you fight it off?"

The man looked at Rose blankly, but in the next second, Rose slapped her hard. The man received a solid slap, and a red mark appeared on his cheek.

The people in the room fell into silence, and immediately two female members came over and pulled the man away.

"What do you want to eat?"

A female member said pleasantly, but Rose laughed and slapped her.

"Of course it's delicious food. Do you even need to ask? You gave me such horrible food."

No one in the room refuted, but many people laughed helplessly. Today is May 11, 2056. Within an hour after they released the transaction information, there was already an endless stream of buyers.

In the eyes of these people, this girl is a priceless treasure, so in these short ten hours, no matter what this girl does, they can only swallow their anger. After all, it is related to a 2 billion D deal.

Rose's company has spoken out and is willing to spend 500 million D to redeem her. The value of this talented girl has once again been reflected.

The identity of this kidnapper has been investigated. They are wanted all over the world, and a bounty of 10 million D per person has been offered.

"Little sister, don't be angry. Do you want to eat pizza? I'll buy you one. We are wanted now and it's not easy to go out."

A man who looked carefree came over and said, Rose nodded.

"More fruit."

The man made an OK gesture, then called the two of them to leave the wooden house in the forest.

This is a hunting forest area 300 kilometers away from the kidnapping site. This group of people rushed here non-stop after kidnapping Rose.

They had to come here and hide before the surrounding roads were blocked, and then find a way to transport Rose to the transaction location.

However, along the way, these 15 people were tortured to death by Rose. This girl would always make some excessive demands for no reason. If she was not careful, she would be scolded by him, or even slapped directly.

And these people didn't dare to do anything to Rose. After all, she was an important financial person now. Although most people were angry about Rose's behavior, they could only endure it.

Now everyone just hopes to quickly determine the transaction location and buyer, so that this ancestor can be sent away as soon as possible, and they can happily take the money and break up.

Most of the gang members have put in too much effort on this matter, and their entire gang's property has been exhausted due to this kidnapping case. However, now that all the hardships have come to an end, most people are just looking forward to being able to do it as soon as possible. Get rid of this priceless goods.

Rose quietly observed the people in the room. The man she had just hit calmed down and started talking and laughing with others again. Rose showed a sinister smile.

"What will your solution be like? Have you ever thought about it?"

Everyone looked at Rose for a moment, and one of the women hurried over, planning to take Rose upstairs.

"What you are doing is stealing the cake of capital. After all, you are people in this world. You naturally know what you will face in the future. You only need to spend tens of millions to buy your heads."

Rose's words made everyone present show serious expressions, because what Rose said is the truth. Even if the deal is successful and they break up, this matter will not stop. The person whose interests were damaged because of Rose's kidnapping The company will never give up.

In today's world, there are countless people who are willing to do anything for money.

"This little girl, I really want to give her a good beating."

Audrey stood angrily at the door of the cabin, and the man next to her smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"If you can't get along with money in this world, you are asking for trouble."

"Luka, are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

Ollie asked, and the man named Luca nodded. Audrey was the initiator of this kidnapping, and the planner was Luca.

There is now a buyer willing to spend 1.2 billion D to buy this girl. Everyone has agreed to sell Rose at this price, but the transaction location has not yet been selected.

"How about going to the trading city?"

Audrey muttered worriedly, and Luka smiled.

"For such a large transaction, if you go to the trading city, you will have to pay at least 10% commission, which is 120 million D."

The question that everyone is most confused about right now is where to trade. 120 million is not a small amount for everyone. If it is just to ensure safety, the price is too high. With this money, you can already hire a The army of a small country.

"What do you think Audrey?"

"I think the trading city is more reliable."

Audrey said, and Luca hesitated, because what Audrey said was the truth, and they were very likely to be killed by the other party during the transaction.

"Aren't you going to get pizza?"

Audrey said teasingly, and Luka waved his hands and laughed.

"I have to go out to buy pizza here. It's at least 40 to 50 kilometers away. How do you want me to go? The little girl just needs to deal with it. There is no need to compete with her. After all, hell is waiting for her in the future."

Audrey nodded. Whoever bought Rose would definitely do everything possible to get her to research it.

"To cancel the transaction, we should follow the previous idea and conduct an auction directly with a reserve price of 1 billion."

Audrey said, and Luca nodded after thinking for a while.

"I know, let's go to the trading city."

Then Luka walked into the room and talked to everyone, and most of them agreed.

This is also a helpless move. The higher the transaction amount, the more money the other party will extract, but there is nothing you can do about it.

At this time, Rose stood quietly in a room on the second floor, looking at the people below, her eyes seemed a little angry.

"The situation is completely under my control."

Rose showed a happy smile and closed her eyes. At this time, accompanied by commotion, Audrey ran into the house and found that 5 people began to foam at the mouth, fell to the ground and twitched.

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