Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 844 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CX

Chapter 844 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXⅣ


The door to the room was violently kicked open, and Audrey rushed into Rose's room angrily. Although she was injured, it did not affect Audrey's actions at all.

Audrey grabbed Rose by the collar and smashed her against the window angrily.

"You bastard."

Rose grinned despite the pain.

"What happened?"

Rose asked, and Audrey pulled Rose's hair.

"You asked knowingly."

Rose shook her head.

"What do I know?"

Luca rushed in and pulled Audrey away. At this time, the people below started to panic. The five people who fell seemed to have obvious symptoms of food poisoning.

The people below could only treat them with the few medicines at hand, but the conditions of the five people obviously did not improve.

At this time, many people were angry, because when eating, only Rose had touched all the food, and she selected it after looking at it one by one.

Audrey couldn't bear it any longer and pulled out a gun. Luca hurriedly grabbed her.

"Calm down."


The gun rang out, and Audrey screamed like crazy. At this time, people downstairs also ran up. Blood overflowed from Rose's nose. She licked it and laughed.

"I just got some alkaloids from the wild and put them in food, and you guys actually ate them stupidly, hahaha."

Audrey looked at Rose blankly. Her mind was blank at this time. Although the gun had been taken away by Luca, she was still in a state of anger. Two women held her back.

"Miss, this kind of thing is not fun. Could you please tell us if there is any neutralizing agent?"

Luka asked. Looking at the girl in front of him who was not afraid of anything, Luka felt troubled at this moment. When he saw Audrey take out the gun, the girl did not have any fear at all, but was extremely excited. This seemed quite unusual to Luca.

"You'd better take them to the hospital, otherwise they will die."

Rose said leisurely, and the five poisoned people below have begun to have difficulty breathing. Currently, they have no means to treat them.

Luca immediately asked someone to drive and planned to take the five people to the hospital, but at this time a disagreement arose.

"If we send it here now, we might be arrested for it."

Someone spoke, and then Rose spoke again.

"Just leave them alone. If there are 5 less people, you can get a lot more money, right?"

After waking up, Audrey realized that the worst thing had happened. It was obvious that many people had become passive in treating the five people.

"I take them there, get their phones out and find the nearest clinic."

Audrey said that Luca immediately asked a few people to go with Audrey, but he saw the reluctance in their eyes.

"Remember to buy me a large fruit pizza with more fruit."

Rose reminded, and for a moment a pair of angry but powerless eyes were cast over her, and Rose burst out laughing.

"If you really feel angry, you can also terminate this plan, right? Make a hole in my head, or use the most cruel method you think to torture me, a 16-year-old girl, using the most cruel method, Isn’t it great?”

Rose's words shocked everyone present. Luca swallowed a gulp. At this time, he felt fear. This transaction would not go smoothly, because this girl with a brain problem would be the one they traded. The biggest obstacle.

At this time, many people had left the room. Luca heard the sound of the engine. It seemed that Audrey was planning to send the five people to the nearest clinic urgently.

"An alkaloid that can inhibit breathing, I saw it when I was going to the toilet, so I collected some, put it on my body, and then smeared it on my food."

Luka took out a cigarette, lit it and smiled.

"Do you always do this?"

Rose laughed, walked over, took a cigarette from Luka's hand, lit it, took a puff and coughed violently.

"This is the first time."

Luka looked at Rose in shock.

"The lives of those five people may be in danger."

"What does it have to do with me? You are criminals, aren't you? Do criminals want to talk to me about human rights?"

Luka bit the cigarette in his mouth angrily and clenched his fists. Rose wiped the blood from her nose and took out a piece of wood from her back that had just been pierced. She still smiled without changing her face.

"If you want to beat me, do it quickly, otherwise I will definitely try my best to kill every one of you."

Luka swung out his fist and punched Rose on the cheek. Rose staggered back a few steps, then wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of her mouth and laughed happily.

"You freak."

Rose giggled.

"Yeah, that's what everyone has been saying about me since I was born. You'd better take the rest of the people and take me out of here quickly. That bitch will definitely be caught if she takes those five people out. If you If you continue to wait, you will only wait for the guards to come, and you will be arrested soon, and then you will have to face a life in prison with no end in sight, and you will only be able to live in regret for the rest of your life."

Kuka immediately turned around and walked out, slamming the door. He was also very restless at this time, because what Rose said was true. The surrounding roads must have been blocked now, and if he wanted to pass by Lin If they check, they will definitely have problems.

The car was speeding on a dirt road, and Audrey stepped on the accelerator. The people behind her were silent, and they could only hear the rapid breathing. The five people who were poisoned seemed to be in very bad condition.

"Hang on, I've seen the sign. The nearest clinic is only 20 kilometers away. It only takes more than ten minutes."

Because they had difficulty breathing, all five people put on oxygen masks, but the situation was still very bad. Six people came together, and fear showed on their faces.

"Is it really okay?"

As soon as a person said this, he could already see the highway in the distance, but at this time, the highway was blocked. Audrey stopped the car, more than 100 meters away from the highway, and everyone knew what happened.

This girl is an important asset to the company and the country.

Pairs of eyes were staring at Audrey. At this time, a poisoned man stopped breathing. The woman taking care of him next to him was giving him CPR, but soon the man stopped moving and his pupils dilated.

"Go back, Audrey, we can't be discovered or caught. Once caught, our plan will be over."

Audrey stared ahead blankly. Although the car was moving slowly, it was impossible to pass the inspection. Audrey got out of the car directly.

"I'm going to find a doctor."

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