Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 946 Branch 0 5 (Part 1)


Dave and Berg quietly entered the damaged submarine channel and cleared the path to the dock. They quickly found the entrance to the dock. Kimball had already found them just now.

Fredo's situation is not good, but Kimball has given the video of the prison to Dave and Berg. The two only need to make enough bombs to break the prison. Kimball will find a way to bring the weapons in. For Fredo, all that needs to be done now is to secretly transport Fredo's mecha.

As long as Fredo comes out of the cell and comes outside, he can use the mecha. Dave has already customized a travel plan. As long as it causes greater chaos, they can send Fredo to travel.

A good thing now is that the branches of the Western Kangaroo Corps are urgently extracting human slaves. When the time comes, Jamie and Imogen can be mixed among these slaves, so that their trip will be foolproof.

The two entered the dock, and the mecha had been completely disassembled. Since there were two people, Dave planned to re-plan other parts of the mecha. After all, it was very dangerous for Fredo and the others to go out this time.

Dave and Berg began to work separately. At this time, Berg noticed that Dave was a little uneasy. It seemed that he was still worried about Fredo's situation.

"It should be fine."

Dave hummed. Indeed, Kimball said it was 100% okay, but Dave was still worried. He had seen the death of his companions countless times, and every time Dave could only watch silently, unable to do anything. , this time is the same.

"You go and measure the strength of the cell and create explosives. I'll take care of these parts. After all, if there are any slight mistakes, it will be very troublesome."

Borg said, and Dave said thank you. He took out the crystal screen, came to a workbench, and started to check the video of the cell. The wall of this cell was at least 30 centimeters thick, and it was all metal. Through the trace elements of the wall metal extracted by Kimball with a material extractor, Dave was certain that it was KFK alloy.

This alloy is resistant to high heat and can withstand temperatures of 5,000 degrees, while ordinary laser weapons have a maximum temperature of only 4,000 degrees and cannot penetrate walls. Another characteristic of this alloy is its hardness.

Dave is now thinking about a question in his mind, why is there such a special cell in Branch 0, and according to Kimball, there are more than one. Such cells are built underground, and there are hypnosis to prevent invasion and escape. Gas jets.

The question of who these cells were built for made Dave alert. It seemed that Niegra had prepared these underground cells a long time ago.

"Is it to imprison the rebels?"

Dave muttered, and Berg looked over.

"I've heard a little bit about it. It seems that there are a lot of secretly active resistance forces."

Although Dave has heard of it, these resistance forces have not caused any large-scale incidents so far, so Dave does not think these resistance forces can do anything.

"Sorry Borg, we have to speed up."

After Dave finished speaking, the two kangaroos started working on their own.

4 a.m.

In a room where public officials rested, Captain Kanter, who was in charge of the quarter's defense outside, was anxiously wandering around the room, and there was a knock on the door.

"How's the situation?"

Hans stood in the doorway.

"No, it's very difficult to rescue, but Fredo said, let us contact Kimball."

Kanter looked at Hans doubtfully.

"He's on Fredo's side."

"Is it credible?"

Kanter asked, and Hans was also skeptical. Their Kangaroo Resistance Front has been established for three years. During this period, they have not caused any large-scale commotion and have only been operating secretly.

The entire kangaroo resistance front has spread across five major legions, ranging from the generals of some branches to the lowest farmland kangaroos, including some human slaves.

Those kangaroos who were fed up with the current system and oppression began to actively join this organization. At present, the organization has a very strong power, and all team members are ready to completely change the pattern of the entire kangaroo society in one fell swoop.

This opportunity is war. Once the entire kangaroo society goes to war, their kangaroo resistance front will begin to change. The entire kangaroo resistance front is led by five kangaroos from different legions.

Over the years, the Kangaroo Resistance Front has wanted to find Fredo. His prestige and everything he has done in the past can make the Kangaroo Resistance Front more united, because now the kangaroos in the five groups have changed the direction and issues. There is some controversy.

If you want to change, you must have unified actions and consensus. Although everyone agrees, there are still some problems if you want to act in a unified way. Therefore, if Fredo can be allowed to enter the organization, the entire organization will have a very powerful influence. Cohesion.

Many kangaroos who joined the Kangaroo Resistance Front joined voluntarily under the guidance of what Fredo had done in the past, and some of the policies that Fredo and the others left behind during the resistance activities were also used. Everyone in the organization is equal, including humans.

In the Kangaroo Resistance Front, there will be some kangaroos teaching humans knowledge, and the results are very remarkable. Some humans who have gained knowledge can even make very good suggestions, and everyone in the organization gets along very happily.

Now they have to rescue Fredo. More than 3,000 team members in the city already know the news of Fredo's arrest. They held a core team meeting on the day Fredo was arrested. Everyone thought about various options. Various methods.

Last night, Hans and Rival originally wanted to hijack General Niegra and launch changes directly. However, Niegra was always surrounded by seven or eight adjutants. They were both Niegra's adjutants and their bodyguards. They carried weapons. There is no way to do it.

Eventually Hans and Rival decide to kidnap Kimball, but ultimately miss their chance.

"What do you think Kanter?"

Kanter's face was solemn, and he was a little annoyed because this matter was too difficult. No one could guarantee whether Kimball was a ruse or not, but the words coming from Fredo's mouth had a certain degree of credibility.

"By the way Kanter, do you think that Dave is also with Fredo?"

Hans asked, and Kanter said uncertainly.

"I'm not sure about this. When we arrived at the place where Dave lives, Fredo was there. Unfortunately, I didn't recognize him at the time, otherwise maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Kanter's previous discussion with Dave was to interfere with the No. 3 submarine channel. It was only because of the interests of the branch. The general of his branch also happened to have issued an order to stop the No. 3 submarine channel, so Kanter and Dave Cooperation, and Dave and his branch are probably the same, because due to the dispute over mining interests, they have not yet reached an agreement with the gray kangaroos.

This hit-and-miss plan was very successful. Now the No. 3 submarine channel has been completely stopped, but other submarine channels and mines have also been affected. Now, Niegra has brought a large number of soldiers to the No. 0 branch. Niegla brought Among the soldiers, there are nearly 400 kangaroos who belong to them.

As long as they launch changes in a timely manner, they can seize branch No. 0. Using this as a basis, they can seize the northwest branch and use it as the gathering place for their kangaroo resistance front. This is a plan that was drawn up early in the morning.

The Kangaroo Resistance Front has analyzed the root cause of Fredo's failure, which is that they were too impatient. Before their strength was accumulated, they were already targeted by the major branches, so at the beginning, the Kangaroo Resistance Front was quietly building up their strength. They will not act until this power is fully mature and can overthrow the existing kangaroo society in one fell swoop.

Once the war starts, it will be their best chance. After all, the attention of all major branches will be attracted by the war at that time.

"I'll just make a trip. If there is a problem, I will solve it for Kimball as soon as possible."

Kimball is indeed the one who can get in and out of Fredo's cell. With his help, their rescue plan will go smoothly. Kanter got up and left the room. It was already past 5 o'clock in the morning.

Kanter and several of his confidants quickly arrived at the place where Kimball lived in the name of inspection. They went directly up and knocked on the door of Kimball's room.

Kimball looked a little sleepy, and Kanter walked right in.

"Is something wrong, Captain Kanter?"

Kimball stared at the kangaroo suspiciously. It was obvious that he had bad intentions. Kimball was a little worried. Although he thought that his affairs might be exposed, he thought it was unlikely.

"Fredo said you were on his side."

Kanter said without any nonsense, and Kimball panicked for a moment.

"I don't know where you heard this from. You can't talk nonsense at this time of year. After all, I am the leader of the special investigation team."

Kanter laughed.

"Fredo said it himself."

As soon as Kanter finished speaking, Kimball looked panicked. Suddenly Kanter raised his hand, and the laser transmitter on his arm was pointed at Kimball's head.

"Let me ask you again, are you on Fredo's side?"

Kimball still shook his head.

"That's a pity."

At this moment, Kimbol suddenly lowered his body and jumped forward with all his strength. With a loud bang, Kanter was knocked away. Kimbolton rolled aside in time and got a laser transmitter. In his mind The first thought was to get rid of the captain. Maybe he was really exposed.

"Congratulations, you passed the test."

As Kanter spoke, Kimball was stunned.

"You have two choices now, either help us rescue Mr. Freddo, or do nothing."

Kimball looked at Kanter suspiciously.

"What on earth are you?"

"Kangaroo Resistance Front."

Kimball looked at Kanter in astonishment. After a while, Kimball's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Very good, really very good. I didn't expect the scale of your secret activities to be so huge, although we do have some information that there is a resistance organization operating secretly."

Kanter smiled.

"I told you our story, what about you?"

Kimball did not hesitate and took out a video. Soon the video clearly showed everything that happened in Dave's base that day.

"I cooperated with Mr. Fredo that day. Now you should believe it. You should go to Mr. Dave as soon as possible. He used to be a member of Fredo and they provide support behind the scenes as a core technical staff. Follow Fredo’s actions.”

Kanter was shocked when he heard this.


"Of course it's true. I've given the video of the cell to Dave. He plans to make a bomb, and I also need your help to bring Mr. Fredo's mecha. Isn't this a problem for you? ."

Kant nodded, now everything is clear in his heart. As long as Kimball helps, they can successfully rescue Fredo and complete the task of occupying Branch 0.

"We will discuss the specific matters in my barracks at noon. Most of the people under my command are our people."

Kimball stretched out his hand and shook it with Kanter.

"I also hope to join you. You are not the only one who is dissatisfied with this decadent and outdated system."

"When this is all over, of course."

10 o'clock in the morning

The cell slowly opened, and Niegra came in with several lieutenants.

"I need to know more about Fredo."

Fredo shook his head.

"That's all I know. Haven't you found my accomplices yet?"

Fredo laughed, and Niegra jumped up to Fredo.

"Tell me more."

"I want to tell you a question teacher."

Niegra looked at Fredo blankly, he straightened up, and Niegra handed him a cigar.

"The problem with blue bloods."

Niegra looked at Fredo doubtfully.

"Stop your stupid ideas, teacher. War cannot bring any benefits. At this stage, the five major branches should discuss together how to solve the problem of blue-blooded people."

Niegra laughed.

"You don't need to worry about this, Fredo."

Fredo looked at Niegra seriously and said.

"I have a hunch, teacher, if you still use the old method of freezing to deal with blue-blooded people, it will be over."

Niegra laughed disapprovingly.

"Fredo, although there were casualties on the front against the blue-blooded people, we have not allowed the blue-blooded people to break through the city wall once in all these years."

Fredo shook his head.

"It will be too late by the time they break through the city wall. Such a meaningless war will only cause bigger problems. Once the blue-blooded people break through, the entire kangaroo society will be destroyed."

"This is not something a former betrayer would say. Tell me Fredo, what do they want to do next?"

Fredo was silent. He knew very well that no matter what he said, it would be useless. The two guys and the power gathered last night would involve the entire kangaroo society in an unprecedented war, and all kangaroos ignored the real situation. Dangerous blue-blooded people, they will definitely break through the wall.

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