Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 947 Branch 0 5 (Part 2)

In the darkness, Jamie was awakened by a beep. The lights in the basement turned on. On a crystal screen, many aircraft could be seen flying slowly. This was the ninth time tonight.

Jamie didn't sleep well and was a little annoyed. Imogen was sleeping soundly beside him. Jamie looked at the picture on the crystal screen. He was a little scared at first, but now he no longer felt this way. Jamie didn't know these slow things. What does the flying aircraft with the cargo warehouse do to Branch 0?

Now Jamie is a little worried about Fredo and Dave, because Fredo hasn't come back for three days.

"Is something going to happen to Fredo?"

Jamie became uneasy. At this time, he noticed the bright light. The blue pendant worn around Imogen's neck was glowing slightly. Jamie picked it up and looked at it in his hand. At this time, Imogen opened her eyes. Eye.

"Sorry for waking you up."

Jamie put down the pendant, and Imogen held it in her hand, looking at it with concentration. She liked this thing very much. In the past few days, Jamie would always take the pendant in her hand and play with it carefully when watching Imogen. , his expression also appeared softer.

Finally, no aircraft flew over the crystal screen, and Koko also indicated that the danger was over. Jamie breathed a sigh of relief.

"How long until daybreak?"

1 hour.

"1? That's very fast."

Jamie clasped his fingers and counted from 1 to 10. Now Jamie can count to 20 and gradually has a little concept of numbers. This change makes Jamie very excited. He happily looks at the numbers on the crystal screen every day. When learning things, Kou Kou will also explain some things, and Jamie will remember them carefully.

"Imogen, please rest for a while, I'm going out to exercise."

Jamie stood up and was about to leave, when Imogen followed him out. Jamie had no choice but to take Imogen with him.

The sky outside was a little gray, and things could be seen clearly. Jamie brought Imogen to the reef. The pendant on her chest was emitting a faint light blue light. Imogen sat on the reef, Jamie brushed her hair.

A small comb made by Fredo. He said that this was something that human girls liked to use in the past because they had to comb their hair. Jamie combed Imogen's hair bit by bit.

At this time, another light appeared in the sky not far away. As soon as Jamie stood up, he saw a red light flashing past and quickly headed towards Branch No. 0.

Danger removed.

Following Kou Kou's prompt, Jamie looked at the brightly lit Branch No. 0 in the distance in confusion. He didn't know what was going on there. Since yesterday, aircraft had been passing by continuously. Jamie and Imogen could only hide. In the basement, but now it seems that they don't care about this place.

After Fredo groomed Imogen, he jumped off the rock and planned to start today's exercise. Because something might happen at any time, Jamie couldn't leave the base too far. He planned to run around the base, if there was any situation. Imogen can be taken to the basement immediately.

At this moment, Jamie saw an aircraft coming towards the base. Jamie quickly ran to the edge of the reef, picked up Imogen, and ran quickly into the room. The aircraft had already landed. In the middle of the base, Jamie was about to enter the basement when he saw it was Kimball.

"It was you, Kimball. It scared me."

Jamie walked out of the room and looked at the aircraft driven by Kimball, which had a cargo compartment. He was a little confused.

"Where's Freddo?"

"He was caught."

Jamie opened his mouth in astonishment and looked at Kimball in complete disbelief. This news was too shocking for Jamie.

"how come."

"Don't worry, we are already making preparations to rescue Fredo."

Jamie shook his head.

"Can it really be saved?"

Kimball smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, not only us, but other guys will also participate. We have already planned it. The main reason I came here today is to secretly bring Fredo's mecha in."

Kimball said and walked directly into a room where engineering mechas were placed. Using the permission code given by Dave, he controlled a mecha and walked towards the room where the Foredo mecha was kept. Jamie followed. Looking on.

The red motorcycle was carried by the mecha and quickly placed in the warehouse. Seeing that Kimball was about to leave, Jamie ran over.

"Is it really okay?"

"Don't worry, Jamie, just stay here. Someone will pick you up before we start taking action."

Jamie looked at Kimball in confusion. He got on the aircraft. After he left, Jamie felt cold inside. He was really worried about Fredo. From the previous relationship between Fredo and Dave, including Kimball From the few words, Jamie probably heard that Fredo had done many things that were very bad for kangaroo society in the past.

"Is Fredo really going to be fine?"

Jamie looked at Branch 0 with lights on in the distance in confusion.

Jamie continues to exercise.

Coco reminded her again, and Jamie nodded. He took Imogen out of the house, put her on the rocks, and continued to exercise.


"This should be foolproof."

Kimball said, looking at several gray kangaroo soldiers, putting Fredo's mecha into a box. This place is only 60 meters away from the underground cell where Fredo is located. The effective control range of the mecha is Within 100 meters, as long as Fredo escapes from the building, he can activate the mecha immediately.

"Have you not reached an agreement yet?"

Kimball asked Kanter, and he shook his head.

"It is true that there is a part of the opposition among us. They are too conservative. We originally planned to launch changes at the end of this month, but we did not expect that Niegra would bring so many soldiers. Although the plan was delayed a bit, as long as Niegra left If so, there is always a chance. But now because of the appearance of Fredo, our plan has changed again. It should be the best to directly initiate changes on the day of rescuing Fredo. "

Kimball couldn't help but become a little worried, because if there was no assistance from them on the day of the plan, the situation would be very dangerous. This kind of hesitation was quite dangerous.

"It's best to convince them quickly and act in unison, otherwise the plan will start to deviate."

"Of course I know this. We also very much hope to rescue Fredo and seize this branch, but there is a problem that we can't solve at the moment. Maybe you can help us."

Kimball nodded.

"We need your help to control Niegra and the others that day."

Kimbolton felt fear all the time. Regardless of success or failure, such an action was too dangerous.

"I have to think about it."

Kanter also knew what Kimball was worried about. After all, controlling Niegra and the others would mean seizing the headquarters, and only Kimball, the leader of the special investigation team, could do it.

"Once their intelligence system loses control, these kangaroo soldiers will collapse very quickly."

Kimball did not deny what Kanter said, because in a group society like kangaroos that absolutely obey orders from above, once the leader is lost, the kangaroos below will fall into chaos.

Kimball once carefully understood the history of mankind, and also knew the benefits of such a restrictive society. There can be stability there. Kangaroos of each class can only know things within the class, and cannot transcend class to know the things above. It’s a matter of one class.

Eliminate all human knowledge, turn them into a blank sheet of paper, and strictly regulate the amount of materials and knowledge that each class of kangaroos can possess. This is all to make the control of the upper class stronger, but such control cannot be achieved in Furui. After Duo started resisting, there was a loosening of control.

"Want us to help formulate a plan?"

Kimball shook his head.

"No need, I will make a good plan, but you need to give me some soldiers with good skills. After all, I can't do it alone."

Kant nodded.

"Okay, Dave will be here later. We have to discuss some details in more detail."

The streets outside are extremely lively, and supplies and human slaves are constantly being transported. Branch 0 now needs a lot of labor. Some kangaroos seem very dissatisfied because the area in the south of the city has been designated for human slaves to live in. , more and more human slaves will come.

There are a large number of kangaroo soldiers stationed outside Branch No. 0. Now the situation of the entire Branch No. 0 has changed greatly. Because of this problem, both the Pygmy Kangaroo Corps and the Western Gray Kangaroo Corps have paid attention to everything. All to ensure the safety of strategic materials.


Fredo woke up from the pain, his whole body was in great pain, and the scars left by the torture in the past few days were still aching.

There are also some hearing problems. Cutting off the ears is the most painful punishment for some kangaroos in kangaroo society, because the hearing will decrease and it will become very humiliating, but Fredo does not care about these problems now.

Fredo was more concerned about these large-scale rebels, the large-scale war that was about to begin, and the blue-blooded people in the northeast.

These three questions are plaguing Fredo now. Fredo has been like this since a long time ago. If you can't understand the problem, you must think it through.

Fredo can't change anything anymore, and he can't stop anything. He just wants to leave quickly, because he always dreams about his friends from the past.

Especially the incident with the rebels caused some waves in Fredo's heart, which had cooled down. If he had known about their existence a few years earlier, perhaps Fredo would have changed his decision to travel and stayed in this land to continue the struggle. , but it's too late now.

These rebels seem to be much smarter than they used to be. They develop vigorously and secretly without causing any problems. They grow and develop quietly. Now they are just waiting for an opportunity to initiate change. This opportunity is about to happen. The coming war.

No one can prevent the disasters that are about to happen in this land, and these disasters are not natural disasters. Fredo just feels a little heartache.


The cell opened, and Hans and Rival walked in. They brought some medical equipment. After the cell door closed, Hans immediately spoke.

"We've talked to Mr. Dave and he's going to have a bomb ready to get you out of your cell, and Kimball is going to find a way to bring the weapon in."


Fredo said, and two doctors began to treat Fredo's wounds.

"We really hope you can lead us once you escape from here."

Fredo shook his head.

"When I leave here, that's when I travel. Please heal me as soon as possible. I have to start exercising, otherwise my body will get rusty."

Hans didn't say anything anymore. News of Fredo's arrest was already known everywhere. Many kangaroos and people hoped to rescue Fredo. Many kangaroos even suggested attacking from inside and outside to directly capture Branch 0. .

But this matter is still under discussion. If they fail, they will not be able to wait for the war, but will lead to encirclement and suppression by major kangaroo legions. This is currently the most debated issue on their kangaroo resistance front.

"We still hope you can think about it carefully, Mr. Freddo."

Fredo nodded. After the two guys left, Fredo fell into deep thought again. Fredo often recalled the dream. The blue Fredo in the dream had made it very clear.

"It can only be this way."

Fredo grinned.


Jamie had just washed Imogen's body, and then planned to rest for a while before going to bed. Imogen had already fallen asleep. Jamie looked at the steaming water in front of him, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"What happened to Fredo."

Jamie, you should go to bed and get enough sleep every day.

Coco reminded, Jamie nodded. After drinking the hot water, the lights went out. Jamie lay next to Imogen, holding her gently.

"What should I do, Imogen? What can I do? Freddo has done so much."

Jamie cried silently. He could do nothing. At this time, a light blue light lit up, and the pendant glowed again. Jamie asked Coco why this thing glowed, but Coco said she couldn't tell him. .

Nights at the beach are always accompanied by the sound of waves. Jamie couldn't sleep tonight. He got up again and went to the window, looking at the vast rays of light shining through Branch 0 City in the distance.

Jamie, it's time for you to go to sleep.

Koko reminded her again, but Jamie didn't answer and didn't intend to go back. He opened the door to the room and ran out, ignoring Koko's reminder that it was really cold outside.

Jamie stood on the rock, clenching his fists tightly and trembling all over.

“What on earth do I have to do, what on earth can I do?”

This is what Jamie asked himself again and again. In the face of reality, Jamie was powerless and helpless. He knew clearly that there was nothing he could do.

At this time, a shadow appeared on the sea in the distance, a big shadow, and Jamie looked at it in surprise.

"What is that? It's moving."

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