General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 607: Small tricks (3rd watch)

Guo Lingxi just stared at Su Xiaoxiao viciously, and the blade of the knife pressed against her hot skin, bringing a shuddering coldness.

After making sure she didn't dare to yell anymore, Su Xiaoxiao let her go.

She was about to open her mouth when the tip of Su Xiaoxiao's knife pressed against her throat in an instant.

"If you want me to kill you, it's not impossible."

Su Xiaoxiao said lightly.

That calm tone didn't seem to be murdering at all, but the murderous look in Su Xiaoxiao's eyes was real.

Guo Lingxi sat on the ground, leaning against the uneven rockery, panting heavily.

"It's Wei Qing, isn't it?" she asked in a low voice.

"No." Su Xiaoxiao said.

"I don't believe it." Guo Lingxi gritted her teeth.

She said how could this girl be so lucky? It's okay to walk sideways in Dazhou, but when he came to the Western Jin Dynasty, he immediately climbed up to a big tree, saying that he looks like his long-lost sister?

Fortunately, I still believed this lame excuse.

If Zhuge Qing was Wei Qing, then everything would make sense.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't feel guilty, bent down, stepped on the stone beside Guo Lingxi with one foot, and stared straight into Guo Lingxi's eyes:

"It's useless if you don't believe it. He's not Wei Qing. He's just a person who looks somewhat similar to Wei Qing. Wei Qing has already died in battle. Wei Ting collected his body for him. On the day the body was transported back to the capital, don't you go out of the city too?" Has the coffin been lifted?"

"I was..."

Guo Lingxi didn't have the guts to look at the horrific corpse in the coffin. When Wei Ting said it was Wei Qing, everyone believed it, that's all.

"You are deceiving the king!"

Still deceived the kings of the two countries!

This is the capital crime of ransacking the family and exterminating the clan!

Su Xiaoxiao said: "I said before, he is not Wei Qing, if you insist on talking nonsense in front of the Western Jin Emperor, I don't mind giving you a ride!"

Guo Lingxi said coldly: "You want to kill me here? You are crazy! This is the imperial palace! Do you really think that no one can find you? I might as well tell you that the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty raised a A very powerful hound with a very keen sense of smell, even if I die, it can also smell the scent to find the murderer!"

It's not that she's pinching, she's seen that big black dog, it killed two palace servants, it's very cruel.

Ma Dan! The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty still has this thing!

Su Xiaoxiao smiled: "It's not me who wants to kill you, but the Western Jin Emperor."

Guo Lingxi's pupils shrank.

Su Xiaoxiao smiled: "What? You haven't figured out the key yet? You, Guo Lingxi, are the cousin of the Wei family. If Zhuge Qing is Wei Qing, then who are you? Zhuge Qing stayed dormant for three years in the Western Jin Dynasty and founded He has brought a large number of black armored troops, and is highly valued by Yu Wenhuai and the Western Jin Emperor. Now, his close cousin——you are here again. You are the favorite concubine of the Western Jin Emperor, and one day you will give birth to a dragon heir for the Western Jin Emperor , a demon concubine, and a sycophant, will the two of you join forces to seize the power of the Western Jin Dynasty?"

Guo Lingxi choked: "You—"

Su Xiaoxiao continued: "The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty would not hand over the country to a son of foreign blood, but after all, he is his own flesh and blood. He is reluctant to kill his son, but do you think he will leave his mother to keep his son? Yu Wenhuai doesn't want to either. If you want a younger brother who is capable of competing with him for the throne, will he kill the grass? Kill your son while he is young?"

Guo Lingxi's face turned pale.

Su Xiaoxiao's smile was clean and clear, but her words were like the sharp point of a knife, every sentence hit Guo Lingxi's vitals.

"What? I want to say that you have never thought about the Western Jin Dynasty? But what you think is not important, what other people think of you is important."

Su Xiaoxiao was writing a novel, and looked at her with a faint smile, "Don't think that you can gain the trust of the Western Jin Emperor by selling Zhuge Qing. You and Zhuge Qing are on the same boat, understand?"

Su Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand towards her.

Guo Lingxi was dripping with cold sweat, she didn't know if she was angry or frightened, but she didn't pass her hand.

Su Xiaoxiao took the initiative to pull her up, put away the dagger, gently picked off the grass clippings on her body, and glanced at the old eunuch walking not far away:

"Look, my father-in-law is here. It's not good to let him see you in such a distraught state. After all, you are the concubine of the Western Jin Dynasty. I am too reluctant to let your mother's family make His Majesty the Western Jin Dynasty chill."

Guo Lingxi was drenched in cold sweat, she stared at Su Xiaoxiao in surprise and hatred, how could this woman talk to herself in such a calm tone?

Su Xiaoxiao whispered in her ear: "Or, do you want me to tell Eunuch He that I am here to teach you how to mess up Chao Gang?"

"Doctor Qin, Empress Lingfei!"

He Gonggong noticed the two of them, walked towards them with a smile, saluted and greeted them.

He put Su Xiaoxiao first in his address, which shows Su Xiaoxiao's current status in the eyes of the Western Jin Emperor.

"And Eunuch." Su Xiaoxiao greeted with a smile.

Eunuch He asked: "Does Doctor Qin enter the palace to visit the Concubine Ling? Or—"

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Guo Lingxi with a smile on her face, Guo Lingxi calmed down, suppressed the turmoil in her heart, and said to He Gonggong, "It's just an individual."

Su Xiaoxiao straightened her sleeves for her: "The Western Jin Dynasty is not far away, I will often visit my cousin in the future, why should my cousin cry?"

Eunuch He looked at the two of them in surprise: "Ah...the relationship between the Concubine Ling and Doctor Qin is not as rumored."

Su Xiaoxiao looked confused: "What did the outsiders say about me and my cousin?"

He smiled at the father-in-law: "It's not enough to talk about you... well, nothing."

Someone came from the Guo family, and Guo Lingxi's concubine elder brother knew that he had been tricked a lot.

Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "You fight around at home, but when you come out, it's all your family members. Are you right? Cousin?"

He Gonggong looked at Guo Lingxi.

Guo Lingxi clenched her fingers: "...what my cousin said is true."

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "He Gonggong, your complexion is not very good."

Mentioning this, Eunuch He sighed straight away: "Oh, it's about Yu Shan's matter, and His Highness the Third Highness has also come over, arguing in the imperial study."

"Father! You gave this to your son, why should you take it back?"

The third prince Yu Wenlin hugged the jade coral in his arms, refusing to let go.

The old face of the Western Jin Emperor is also a bit unbearable, but in front of his son, he must not lose the majesty of his father: "If I want to take it back, I can take it back. Do I need to ask your opinion?"

The third prince said sternly: "If the father gave it to me, it is mine! Of course you have to ask my opinion!"

Among the many surviving flesh and blood of the Western Jin Emperor, except for Yu Wenhuai and Yu Wenxi, who are already in their thirties, the rest of the princes are less than twenty-five years old, and their tempers are naturally not as restrained as their elder brother and elder sister.

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty looked at him seriously: "Do you want Yushan or die?"

The third prince said without hesitation: "I want jade coral!"

The Western Jin Emperor raised his hand.

A group of masters sharpened their knives and rushed in.

Yu Wenlin's hair exploded: "No, Father! Are you serious?"

Two quarters of an hour later, Yu Wenlin limped out of the imperial study.

Growing up so big, the first beating he suffered was for a pot of coral, where can he justify it?

He and Eunuch waited for Yu Wenlin to go far away before entering the imperial study. No prince would like to be seen by his servants in such a distressed state. He and Eunuch had been the chief steward for so long, so he didn't have such good eyesight.

He looked at the jade coral on the table and asked, "Your Majesty, Doctor Qin just came here."

"Are you here to ask Jade Coral?"

"Come to see the concubine Ling."

The Western Jin Emperor didn't say anything more.

Eunuch He asked, "Do you want to send it to Mr. Zhuge?"

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty picked up the memorial on the table: "No need, the envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty are leaving the capital. Tomorrow night I will hold a banquet for them to practice. Zhuge Qing will also come. I will give it to him face to face."

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