General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 608 Palace Banquet (Part 1)

After leaving the palace, Su Xiaoxiao said to Ah Fu: "Ah Fu, do you know where Tianxiang Pavilion is?"

"I know, I know!" Ah Fu wandered around the Western Capital these days when he had nothing to do, and let him go around all the places with a little bit of fame, "Is the young lady going now?"

"Well, go now." Su Xiaoxiao got into the carriage.

"Okay." Ah Fu put away the car stool, sat on the outer seat, and drove the carriage to Tianxiang Pavilion.

Su Xiaoxiao came to look for Second Master Shen.

She was a little worried that she didn't have a token or something, and it would be difficult to see Second Master Shen, but the shopkeeper took her upstairs to the wing without asking.

"Don't you ask who I am?" Su Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

The shopkeeper smiled: "My second master said that if a young and beautiful girl comes to him, you must respectfully invite him upstairs, that is his distinguished guest."

Young and beautiful, well, Second Master Shen is wise.

Su Xiaoxiao is very satisfied.

The shopkeeper offered her good tea and snacks and asked her to wait inside, and he sent someone to call for Second Master Shen.

Second Master Shen is tasting the new fine wine in a nearby winery. The taste is not much different from the past. Second Master Shen always feels that there is something wrong with it, but he can't taste it.

"Second master! Second master!"

The buddy came trotting all the way, "Master Hu told you to go back to Tianxiang Pavilion immediately."

"I haven't tasted the wine yet."

"The girl is here to find you!"


Second Master Shen disappeared.

The buddy was shocked, and stayed where he was in a daze. What happened just now? Is the second master here or not?

"Bring the wine!"

Second Master Shen's yell came from outside the wine cellar, the man came back to his senses, and hurriedly carried a few wine jars into the carriage.

Second Master Shen rushed to the wing room on the second floor of Tianxiang Pavilion.

Su Xiaoan sat quietly by the window, with a cup of steaming Longjing tea in front of her, the sun slanted in from the top of her head, and fell on her pretty face, she looked at the busy street, The profile is quiet and perfect.

The streets are noisy, but the world where she lives is not peaceful.

Second Master Shen's heart suddenly calmed down, and he stepped forward: "Mrs. Wei."

Su Xiaoxiao looked away, and glanced at him with a smile: "Second Master Shen."

Second Master Shen was dazzled by this smile.

Naturally, it's just pure appreciation, without any undue thought.

He sat down opposite Su Xiaoxiao, and the clerk came forward and poured him a cup of tea. He was quite satisfied with the table full of refreshments and did not neglect his distinguished guest.

He waved his hand: "Okay, let's go down."

Guy back off.

Second Master Shen rubbed his hands together embarrassingly, and said with some embarrassment: "I saw Mr. Zhuge drank too much last time, and it was dawn when I woke up. Did I lose my composure in front of Mr.?"

Su Xiaoxiao smiled: "No."

Second Master Shen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but before he finished, he heard Su Xiaoxiao say: "That is to say, he pulled Mr. Zhuge's sleeve to confess his love all night."

Second Master Shen turned pale with fright!


Su Xiaoxiao was amused by his appearance as if struck by lightning.

But she was telling the truth. After drinking too much, Second Master Shen did grab Zhuge Qing's sleeve, tirelessly telling about his admiration for Zhuge Qing, all the luck and smoke coming out of the ancestral grave.

Second Master Shen was about to cry.

I finally met Mr. Zhuge once, but I was ashamed like this.

Su Xiaoxiao stopped scaring him, and got back to business: "I came to you this time because I want to ask you to help me inquire about two kinds of medicinal materials."

Mentioning this, Second Master Shen asked: "Ah, did you get the Wei Guo herbs from last time?"

"I got it." Su Xiaoxiao said.

"That's good." Second Master Shen breathed a sigh of relief, "What medicine are you looking for?"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Snowy Gastrodia elata and snake bone flower."

Second Master Shen shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

Su Xiaoxiao took out two blueprints. Before Sai Huatuo left, he left the medicinal materials he had collected, as well as the blueprints of several other medicinal materials. Su Xiaoxiao copied a few copies.

"Maybe they have other names." Su Xiaoxiao said.

Second Master Shen took the blueprint over and looked at it carefully for a while: "Can I take it?"

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Of course."

Second Master Shen carefully put away the drawings: "Okay, I'll go and find out for you, and I'll let you know as soon as I have any news. Is it still the Yueyue Inn?"

"Yes." After Su Xiao finished the novel, he sniffed, "Have you been drinking?"

"Ah, I was tasting new wine just now."

"Sorghum wine?"

"You have a good nose, expert!"

"It doesn't count." Su Xiaoxiao looked at the door, "Did you bring the wine?"

"Bring it! Brought it!" Second Master Shen hurriedly asked his assistant to bring a few wine jars over, "Have a look, try it! However, it may not be very tasty. Our Shen family has been brewing wine, but unfortunately the business has been slow. I can't do it right."

Su Xiaoxiao: "The opponent is—"

Second Master Shen: "The Qian family, the leader of the Five Elements League is the old lady of the Qian family. The wine of the Qian family is famous in the Western Jin Dynasty. There is no restaurant in the west that does not sell his wine. Our Shen family can't beat it. , the taste is not as good as it.”

Su Xiaoxiao tasted the wine in every wine jar.

Second Master Shen looked at her expectantly: "These jars are made with a new recipe, how about it?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Are you telling the truth?"

Second Master Shen: "..."

Second Master Shen raised his hand: "You don't need to say it, I've already guessed it."

Su Xiaoxiao has tasted the wine of Qian's family. The last time she served the wine from Qian's family winery in the East Court Building, she could not drink well, so she just dipped her chopsticks in and tasted it. Repent.

The taste is indeed not comparable to Shen's wine.

Second Master Shen smiled bitterly: "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I am the second child in my family, and I have an older brother who is the heir to the Shen family. Giving it to me, I expected it would not be so simple... It is so easy to do, how could he be willing to give it to me? Sure enough. In fact, even this winery, it was my father who saw that I was fawning on Mr. Zhuge and confessed to me. Give me some business to do."

It turns out that there is such a sad experience behind your big golden chain.

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Don't you still have Tianxiang Pavilion?"

Second Master Shen confessed: "Tianxiang Pavilion was left to me by my mother."

A poor little rich...

Su Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said, "Do you want to start a business?"

Second Master Shen sighed: "Of course I want to, but I don't have that ability... Eldest brother is right, I should be a second-generation ancestor who eats and drinks. Anyway, if he is a brother, he will support me for the rest of his life."

"Bring a pen and ink." Su Xiaoxiao wrote.

Second Master Shen didn't know what she was going to do, but he still asked someone to bring the Four Treasures of the Study.

Su Xiaoxiao wrote a prescription: "Since the Qian family's winery business is unshakable, why use your own weaknesses to compare the strengths of others? You might as well find another way to open up new markets."

Second Master Shen took it over and took a look: "Medical wine?"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Remove rheumatism, cure bone pain, relax meridians, activate blood circulation, and prolong life."

Second Master Shen said slowly: "Is this okay?"

Su Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm not sure about other people's medicinal wine, but mine is sure to be effective. In addition, I didn't give you the prescription for nothing. The technology is a share, 20%."

"Okay... Bat." Second Master Shen accepted the prescription hesitantly. He didn't think it was more than 20%, but he seriously doubted that the medicinal wine business would not work.

Forget it, the sorghum wine business hasn't started anyway, so it's okay to try something else, the worst thing is to be beaten up by his father and laughed at by his brother.

He has been a prodigal son for so many years, and it's not bad once or twice.


Su Xiaoxiao bid farewell to Second Master Shen and returned to the inn.

The anti-inflammatory medicine given to Xiaojun Wang ran out, she went into the pharmacy to get the medicine, but unexpectedly found a bottle of new medicine - immune globulin granule.

Generally speaking, health care products in pharmacies are black technology, and their efficacy far exceeds that of certain prescription drugs.

It should be for the little county king.

Not coming out sooner or later, I have to wait until Xiaojunwang's smallpox is cured before going out. Is it because she is afraid that she won't be able to cure Xiaojunwang's smallpox, and is this bottle of medicine wasted?


Su Xiaoxiao looked contemptuous.

After supplying the medicines, Su Xiaoxiao took out a charcoal pencil and drew a set of Wu Qin Xi.

Xiaojun Wang's weakness was brought about in his mother's womb, but it is not irreversible. Compared with keeping him locked in the room all year round, Su Xiaoxiao prefers him to come out for more activities.

It's night when she paints.

The three little cats ran up and called her to eat at Uncle's.

She smiled slightly: "Okay, here we come."


The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Feng Xiaoran left the western capital and returned to his courtyard.

Sai Huatuo slipped away, his grandson disappeared, and even Xueyutian silk and purple ganoderma were stolen.

He was so angry that he vomited blood, and swept all the tea utensils on the table to the ground.

At this moment, the sound of knocking on the door, du, du, du, was heard outside the door, slow and heavy, and it sounded a little creepy in the night.

"Who is here, go and see." He ordered impatiently.

However, there was no movement in the yard.

"Deaf?" he asked sharply.

Still no movement, he opened the door to go out, but what he saw was his bodyguard fell to the ground with a clatter.

When did this happen? He didn't notice it!

Tuk, tuk, tuk.

The knock on the door rang again.

He hesitated for a moment, drew the dagger from his waist, stepped forward vigilantly, and slowly opened the door.


The next day, Su Yuan came to the inn and brought the news that the Western Jin Emperor hosted a banquet for them to practice.

"You guys go to the banquet too, last time Wei Ting left halfway, this time you have to show your face when you say anything."

This is natural.

Coming to the Western Capital, it would be unreasonable not to meet the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty.

The two changed their clothes and brought the three children with them.

"Is Zhuge Qing going too?" Su Yuan asked.

Wei Ting said: "Second brother won't go with us."

Su Yuan nodded: "That's right, it's the last moment, avoid suspicion if you can, don't make any mistakes, and go back to Dazhou safely."

The group got into a carriage and went to the palace.

This was their last banquet in the Western Capital. If there were no accidents, the Dazhou Mission would leave in three days.

The three little ones were so excited that they kept jumping on the carriage.

"Do you like Xidu?" Su Xiaoxiao asked with a smile.

"I like it." The three little ones replied in unison.

They are still young and may not understand some things, but they also understand that in Xidu, they can go anywhere with their mother.

The carriage of the imperial concubine's mansion was waiting at the gate of the palace early, Yu Wenxi and the little princess came early and had already entered, Mo Xie was waiting for them at the gate.

Su Yuan took advantage of his little niece's daughter, got into the carriage and entered the palace.

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