General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 609 Wei Qing (Part 2)

Tonight's banquet was still held in the Chongming Hall. The royal family and ministers arrived early. Zhuge Qing attended with Yu Wenhuai and sat beside Yu Wenhuai.

Old Hou Ye also arrived early in the morning, sat in his seat, and had a good conversation with several newly acquainted ministers of the Western Jin Dynasty.

When Su Xiaoxiao and his group entered the Chongming Hall, the princess immediately waved her hands at Su Xiaoxiao, and Su Xiaoxiao walked over with a smile.

"Qin Su Qin Su!" The little princess hurriedly gave up the seat next to her. Just now several young ladies wanted to sit with her, but she refused them all.

Although the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty did not completely revoke the prohibition on encircling the imperial concubine's mansion, everyone saw the imperial concubine attending the palace banquets again and again, and they generally had a plan in their hearts. spoiled.

"I'm going to say hello to my uncle and grandpa before coming back."

Su Xiaoxiao took the three little ones to the old master's side, and after saying hello, the three little ones were successfully restrained by the old master.

The dancer is also planning to come out to perform dances.

They rehearsed a new dance, intending to avenge their shame, but they saw the cute three little ones as soon as they came out, and they were all bad!

Why are they again?

Still let the dancer live?

The arrival of the three little ones once again attracted everyone's attention. As the so-called first-time freshmen and second-time acquaintances, last time everyone was embarrassed to come up to take a look, but tonight they all gathered around one by one.

The three little ones were moved to doubt their lives by the strange sister, the strange aunt, the strange aunt, and the strange sorghum.

Yu Wenhuai didn't know yet that the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty had asked Su Xiaoxiao to heal Zhuge Qing's leg. Yu Wenxi didn't go to inform him. Feng Xiaoran thought it was the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty whom he asked for, so he didn't bother to release any news.

"How are you recently?" Yu Wenhuai asked Zhuge Qing.

Zhuge Qing wore a mask, so he couldn't see his complexion.

Zhuge Qing said: "Thanks to Your Highness, I have slept well these few days."

On the one hand, his legs no longer endure the huge pain day and night, on the other hand, the tranquilizing medicine given by Su Xiaoxiao is indeed effective.

Yu Wenhuai said with a smile: "At first I was worried that the effect of stone marrow on you would be weakened, so I planned to find another new medicine for you."

Zhuge Qing said politely: "Your Highness has a heart."

People came to the scene one after another, and the hall quickly became lively.

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty also allowed the two princesses to attend. Guo Lingxi did not want to see off the so-called relatives of the Great Zhou Dynasty at all, but it was the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty's will, so she had to obey.

She dressed up and took her confidant female officer to the Chongming Palace. When passing by the Imperial Garden, she heard a panicked but familiar voice unexpectedly.

"How did you come?"

"I'll come and see you."

"Confused! Is this where you're supposed to be?"

"But I—"

Concubine Jing?

And a man?

Guo Lingxi signaled the female officer to stay where she is. She is a martial artist, and her steps are light and difficult to be spotted. She walked over slowly, squatted down and hid behind a bush of flowers, and looked at the two people opposite through the gap between the flowers.

She knew Concubine Jing. The other man's face was a little strange, but his accent seemed to be from Beiyan.

He suddenly held Concubine Jing's hand.

Guo Lingxi was taken aback.

Concubine Jing looked around, lowered her voice and said with a choked voice, "Who told you to stay in the Western Jin Dynasty? Wouldn't it be good to go back to Beiyan?"

The man said: "I can't bear you...Leaving you alone in the Western Jin Dynasty...I don't feel relieved...I know you don't want to be this princess and princess...I'll take you away, okay?"

Concubine Jing said with red eyes: "I am a married princess, how could I leave? Where does this put the Western Jin Dynasty? Where does it put the Beiyan? You hurry up, and it will be bad for people to find out!"

The man said: "I took refuge in the third prince's family, and now I am an aide in the third prince's residence. Don't worry, I entered the palace openly."

Concubine Jing said worriedly: "But this is the harem! If someone finds out, you will die!"

"Who is it!" The man suddenly looked in Guo Lingxi's direction vigilantly.

Have you been found? Guo Lingxi frowned secretly.

But after thinking about it, it's not me who should be guilty, but their adulterer and adulterer.

Guo Lingxi stood up slowly, looked at the two of them and said, "It's me."

As soon as Concubine Jing's expression changed, she was about to block the man behind her, but the man stood in front of her one step ahead of her.

Guo Lingxi said sarcastically: "What a pair of people who are more affectionate than Jin Jian. Does your majesty know that you are so unfaithful to him? Thanks to your daily competition for favor, it turns out that you have another man in your heart."

Concubine Jing came out from behind the man, and stared at Guo Lingxi coldly: "How can you be better? Don't think I don't know your past in Dazhou, what qualifications do you have to tell me?"

Guo Lingxi smiled coldly: "No matter what I do, I have never had skin-to-skin contact with a man, not to mention you said that it was in the Great Zhou Dynasty. After I came to the Western Jin Dynasty, I devoted myself to being my concubine and never had any relationship with any man." Secretive son! Oh, I don’t know how His Majesty will deal with you when he finds out.”

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty was a ruthless monarch. If he found out that his concubine was having an affair with a foreigner, the fate of the two of them would definitely be worse than death.

Concubine Jing's face paled a little, and her attitude softened: "Sister Guo, everyone is suffering from the same disease, why bother?"

Guo Lingxi hehe said: "You are wrong, you are sick, I am not."

Concubine Jing smiled: "Don't you want to get Wei Ting? Yes, you and Wei Ting have no chance, but are you really willing to let him be snatched by other women? Are you jealous of Mrs. Wei? That day At the palace banquet, you looked at her more than Wei Ting. I guess, you wished to cut her into pieces. Although I can't help you get Ruyi Langjun, I can help you get rid of her. A thorn in the side, do you think this deal is a good deal?"

Guo Lingxi said coldly, "She's not that easy to deal with."

Concubine Jing knew that her heart was moved, and her smile deepened: "In fact, some things are not as complicated as imagined. As long as you agree, I will definitely have a way to help you deal with her, and I will make Wei Ting hate you forever." she!"

"What method?" Guo Lingxi asked.

Concubine Jing looked at the man beside her: "You heard it just now, he is an aide in the third prince's residence, and he has won Yu Wenlin's trust. After a while, he will go to attract Yu Wenlin, and you, go and attract that Mrs. Wei." Come."

Guo Lingxi was taken aback: "You want to frame her and Yu Wenlin..."

Concubine Jing smiled wantonly: "She was the one who seduced Yu Wenlin."


Inside the Chongming Hall, Su Xiaoxiao was listening to the princess Xiaojun talk about some interesting things about the Western Capital.

Suddenly, the female officer next to Guo Lingxi stepped over, bowed to Su Xiaoxiao, and whispered: "My mother is waiting for my wife in the imperial garden, and I have important matters to discuss with my wife."

What important matter can Guo Lingxi discuss with her?

Su Xiaoxiao thought for a while, then put down her wine glass and went with the female officer.

In the imperial garden, Guo Lingxi walked back and forth nervously.

"What do you want me for?"

The sudden sound startled Guo Lingxi, she turned around, looked at Su Xiaoxiao who was brought over by the female officer, suppressed the panic in her heart, and said, "I seem to have found someone just now, who is Beiyan's spy. "

Su Xiaoxiao said lightly: "You found Beiyan's spies, just tell His Majesty the Western Jin Dynasty, what do you want to tell me?"

Guo Lingxi's eyes flashed: "Aren't I without proof? What if I make a mistake and falsely accuse Bei Yan?"

Su Xiaoxiao embraced her arms and looked at her leisurely: "You Guo Lingxi are also afraid sometimes?"

Guo Lingxi said angrily: "Are you going to see it? If you don't go, forget it."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled faintly: "Go, Da Zhou and Bei Yan are mortal enemies. Since Bei Yan's spies are here, you have to go and take a look. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of your heart?"

Guo Lingxi led Su Xiaoxiao towards a desolate firewood house, and the female officer silently followed behind them.

"It's the firewood room in front." Guo Lingxi told Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao walked forward without saying a word, and didn't care whether Guo Lingxi followed or not.

Guo Lingxi opened her mouth: "Wait!"

Su Xiaoxiao paused and looked back at her.

"You..." Guo Lingxi hesitated to speak.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "If you want to say something, say it quickly, it will be too late, and the Beiyan spy may not be here."

"I..." Guo Lingxi hesitated, and she squeezed the veil tightly.

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed: "Guo Lingxi, you look like you can't fight me, no wonder you can't beat Zhao Kangjing."

Guo Lingxi's pupils shrank.

Su Xiaoxiao smiled faintly: "But it's not a bad thing, it means my threat yesterday was very successful."

Humiliation flashed across Guo Lingxi's eyes.

She realized something, and suddenly turned her head to look at the female officer behind her.

The female officer bowed her head deeply.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Don't embarrass her, she's just a female officer."

The female official from the Great Zhou, Guo Lingxi may be blinded by hatred for a while, but the female official will not lose her mind. She is here on behalf of the Great Zhou. She has to take care of the overall situation. calculating.

Of course, she didn't know Concubine Jing's plan, she just told Su Xiaoxiao the truth, she saw Concubine Jing talking with Guo Lingxi, and there was a strange man by her side.

That's enough, what kind of brain is Su Xiaoxiao, how can she not guess that Guo Lingxi is being used by others?

If Guo Lingxi hadn't hesitated for a moment, Su Xiaoxiao would have thrown her into the woodshed.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Do you want to know what Concubine Jing's real purpose is?"

Guo Lingxi frowned: "What do you mean?"

Su Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows: "Here, here we come."

Several people retreated behind the big tree.

A young eunuch walked over with a tall man who was as tall as a pine.

Guo Lingxi recognized the other party at a glance: "Wei Ting?"

Wait, why is Wei Ting here?

Didn't it say it would be Yu Wenlin?

"Where is my wife?" Wei Ting asked.

The little eunuch said: "Madam Wei suddenly suffers from abdominal pain, and it's freezing outside, so wait in the front room."

Guo Lingxi was puzzled, "They didn't go to the firewood house, they went to the other courtyard over there."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Concubine Jing and I have nothing to do with each other. Do you really think Concubine Jing will plot against me? Believe it or not, you took me into the firewood room and locked me up. As soon as you came out, you would be knocked out and thrown into that There is smoke in the other courtyard. When Wei Ting is fascinated, put the two of you on the same bed and let the Western Jin Emperor catch the adulterer on the bed.

"No one in Da Zhou doesn't know your thoughts on Wei Ting. They also know that Wei Ting has always rejected you clearly. If something happens, people will not think that Wei Ting kidnapped you. They will only think that you used drugs to plot against Wei Ting. Ting."

Guo Lingxi broke out in a cold sweat.

Su Xiaoxiao continued: "Of course, Concubine Jing also underestimated Wei Ting, Wei Ting will not be fooled."

Sure enough, the little eunuch let Wei Ting in, but Wei Ting refused to go in.

Then Wei Ting threw the little eunuch into it.

Guo Lingxi murmured: "So... it still won't work."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Switching to another man will work. Anyway, according to the original plan, if you are unconscious inside and Wei Ting is gone, Concubine Jing can find another man to come over."

Guo Lingxi gritted her teeth: "Damn it! I want to tell about her affair!"

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at her: "It turns out that you believed her proposal because you ran into her tricks? Wake up, there is no adulterer at all, just for you! You go to the imperial court to file a complaint, and his back foot You can take off your pants to prove that you are a eunuch!"

Guo Lingxi was stunned.

Concubine Jing grew up in the Beiyan Palace. With opponents like Zhao Kangning, she intrigues all day long. Her rank is much higher than Guo Lingxi.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't go to see Guo Lingxi who was hit hard. What she really cared about was, is Concubine Jing really just targeting Guo Lingxi?

Su Xiaoxiao went out to meet Wei Ting: "I'll talk to you later."

Wei Ting glanced at Guo Lingxi's master and servant behind her: "Okay."

The group returned to Chongming Hall.

The Western Jin Emperor had arrived, and Concubine Jing was sitting on the seat slightly below his side.

In the hall, there are singing and dancing, and there are intertwined cups of wine.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao, Wei Ting, and Guo Lingxi coming in safe and sound, Concubine Jing's eyes flashed a trace of surprise and disappointment, and she quickly lowered her eyes to cover up the flash of emotion.

Guo Lingxi gave her a cold look, and sat down on the other side of the Western Jin Emperor.

Everyone felt Guo Lingxi's hatred for Concubine Jing, but no one suspected anything. After all, the relationship between Da Zhou and Bei Yan was already at the same level, and the two were both competing for favor with the pro-prince.

The banquet continues.

After the swaying dancers finished dancing, all the candles in the hall were suddenly extinguished, and a group of men wearing ghost masks, red robes and holding torches rushed in.

This is a blessing dance performed by men.

Darkness, torches, ghost faces, robes like blood...full of mystery and taboo.

Everyone was attracted, including the three little ones who were eating candied haws.


They had never seen such a ghostly dance, they watched so intently that they even forgot to eat the candied haws.

Everyone was appreciating it attentively, and when they gave up dancing, everyone's hearts were deeply shocked, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

The figure of the leading dancer seemed familiar. After the Western Jin Emperor said hello, he bowed and took off the mask on his face.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Feng Xiaoran?

Everyone looked at Yu Wenxi in shock.

Yu Wenxi frowned: "I didn't arrange it."

In fact, since she abandoned Feng Xiao in the imperial study last time, Feng Xiaoran has no contact with her anymore.

Feng Xiaoran clasped his fists and bowed: "Just now is the blessing dance presented to His Majesty and the Western Jin Dynasty. In addition, the Caomin will also present an elixir of immortality to His Majesty."

"Oh?" The Western Jin Emperor became interested.

He and his father-in-law walked down the steps in person.

Feng Xiaoran handed a big pill in a brocade box to He Gonggong.

The Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty also thought it was arranged by Yu Wenxi, and gave Yu Wenxi an appreciative glance, and Yu Wenxi frowned.

Feng Xiaoran smiled and said: "Now, please allow me to present the last big gift to His Majesty."

"Anything else?" For the sake of the elixir of immortality, the Western Jin Emperor treated Feng Xiaoran a little more pleasantly.

Feng Xiaoran took out a portrait from his wide sleeve and opened it in public.

Everyone took a closer look.

Wei Ting's eyes darkened.

Yu Wenlin curled his lips and said, "What? Isn't this the portrait of Mr. Zhuge? But you seem to have made him a little fatter."

Feng Xiaoran smiled coldly, and glanced at Zhuge Qing in the wheelchair: "Third Highness, the person in the portrait is not Zhuge Qing, but the second son of the Wei family... Wei Qing!"

My update is really not too much, I can't beat those update bosses, but don't say that I haven't added updates, and I am not qualified to ask for a monthly ticket. Let's not talk about whether asking for a monthly ticket and adding updates can be equated. Thousands, seven thousand yesterday, and nearly eight thousand today, adding changes every day, but there are no chapters.

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