General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 745 Recognition, slap in the face

"Don't you even know your cousin?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

Su Xuan said very seriously: "My cousin is like a fish and a wild goose, and the moon is ashamed, the girl's appearance... is really far from my cousin."

"Stop flattering, I don't like this!"

Su Xiaoxiao tried hard to control the smugness in her eyes, and asked seriously, "Why skip class?"

Su Xuan sighed lightly, and spread her hands innocently: "I don't want to either, it's not that you told me to protect Princess Hui'an, and not to do it to others, I can only accompany her on this trip myself."

Su Xiaoxiao put her arms around her arms: "You make it up, you continue to make it up."

Didn't the chief spy secretly deal with it, and Princess Hui'an's little white rabbit escaped from Emperor Jingxuan's clutches?

"The way I see it, it's all about you wanting to come!"

Su Xuan smiled quietly, and changed the topic very cleverly: "Don't you need to participate in the holy election? The time is coming soon."

Su Xiaoxiao was not at all surprised that he knew about his participation in the holy election.

After all, he forged his identity as the daughter of the Cheng family.

Wei Ting and his party's residence was also provided by him.

He probably knows the whereabouts of all of them like the back of his hand.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Since you know, you should understand that I'm not aiming for the position of saintess. I've got the snake bone flower, so it doesn't matter if I go or not."

Su Xuan said softly: "Really? You don't care about that girl from the Yin family? She is no match for the saint."

These words successfully caught Su Xiaoxiao.

She's almost going to feel good about it.

I clearly violated the forbidden area but was not disqualified from running for the election. Most likely, I begged Elder Yin as a child. What did Elder Yin do from it?

She doesn't have to be a saint herself, but the little girl needs it.

Not only for the favor of the little one, but also because the Temple of the Holy Maiden is a force that should not be underestimated, it is best not to fall into the hands of people with evil intentions.

She is optimistic about the little one, and also the Yin family.

She hoped that Xiaobudian would become the next saint.

"You come with me."

Su Xiaoxiao is worried about letting this guy be alone again.

He always had a hundred reasons to skip class, so Su Xiaoxiao decided to send him back to the Imperial College in person after dealing with matters in southern Xinjiang.

Su Xuan said helplessly: "If you insist, it's fine. But that princess, have you thought about how to arrange it?"

Su Xiaoxiao: Why do I feel that you are very happy?

Did he jump into the pit dug by the spy chief again?

A quarter of an hour later, the three got into the carriage.

Su Xiaoxiao changed Hui'an's appearance a little, she was too eye-catching, even if she was dressed as a young man, she was too beautiful to be true.

Her identity is Su Xuan's little book boy.

As for Su Xuan, he is the owner of the rice cake shop, a fellow villager with Su Xiaoxiao, and a survivor of the plague.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the Temple of the Virgin.

Su Xiaoxiao said to the two: "You wait for me in the carriage, I will come out soon."

There were not many people who advanced to the third round, only twenty people, and these people were ranked in order of performance.

The first one is Yin Xiaodie. Once the holy bird chooses her as the master, the holy selection will be over.

As for the follow-up disciple selection, conferring ceremony, etc., Su Xiaoxiao doesn't care and will not participate.

After she went in, Princess Hui'an lay on the window bored.

"Su Xuan, why do you think the little follower is so busy? She is always busy, whether she is in the capital, or in southern Xinjiang, when will she be able to spend time with me?"

Su Xuan smiled quietly: "Does Your Highness want to go in?"

Princess Hui'an raised her head and looked at him with big eyes: "Can I go in?"

Su Xuan looked helpless: "If the princess gives the order, I have no choice but to find a way."

Princess Hui'an immediately said seriously: "I order you, take me in!"

Su Xuan stood up slightly and poked her head out of the car window.

Princess Hui'an was sitting next to the window, and his movement inadvertently made her head rub against his chest.

Princess Hui'an's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was so close to men other than her father and brother——

No, they seem to have slept together last night.

But that is because she is afraid of snakes, so it cannot be generalized.

She poked with her index finger.


It hurts.

Not a frail scholar?

Why is the chest so hard?

It seems to be tougher than the second brother.

"Ah, here we come."

Su Xuan sat back in her original seat, and saw Princess Hui'an blowing continuously with her fingers pinched, as if she hadn't seen anything.

"I'll go down."

After he finished speaking, he lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage.

At this time, Elder Lou's carriage had just arrived at the Holy Maiden Hall.

The servants set up the car stool.

She walked down with a cane.

Su Xuan said, "Mother-in-law."

As if hearing a thunderbolt from the blue sky, Elder Lou trembled, almost stepping on the ground!

Su Xuan reached out to support her in time: "Mother-in-law, be careful."

Elder Lou looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

That look seemed to be saying, what kind of trouble did you poke the old man again?

The rest of the people didn't take it to heart when they heard him call mother-in-law.

Elder Lou has indeed reached the age when young people call her mother-in-law. If you don't know her, don't you call her that?

The coachman looked at the two of them strangely.

Elder Lou asked calmly, "Young man, what's the matter with you?"

Su Xuan smiled lightly: "Grandmother, I want to go in and see Shengxuan."

Elder Lou: "..."


The holy election was very lively today, among the four masters, except for Cheng Sang who said he was sick at home, the other three——Patriarch Yin, Patriarch Ji, and Patriarch Yue—all came.

Xie Yunhe and Cheng Lian actually came too.

In the past, on such formal occasions, Xie Yunhe always attended with Cheng Lian, who was nominally the head of the Cheng family.

This year's situation is somewhat special.

Cheng Sang got better, and the "lost" Patriarch Ling also reappeared in the world. If they want to replace Cheng Sang, they have to reveal the Patriarch Ling.

The two were blocked at the entrance to the altar of the Saintess Hall.

"I have entered every year, why not let my parents enter this year?"

It was Cheng Qingxue who asked the question.

She is going to become a saint today, so at such a glorious moment, she naturally hopes that her parents can witness it with her own eyes.

In addition, there have been some unpopular rumors recently.

If the father and mother attend the holy election as the head of the family, those rumors will be self-defeating.

This is a great opportunity to save face.

The female disciple of the Saintess Hall at the entrance said: "Sorry, this is the rule of the Saintess Hall."

Cheng Qingxue asked dissatisfiedly: "Why didn't you have this rule in previous years?"

The attitude of the female disciple is quite modest: "In the past, the Cheng family's Patriarch's Order was lost, so we can only follow the lost rules. But now, since the Cheng's Patriarch's Order has been found, I invite you two to reveal the Patriarch's Order."

Cheng Qingxue frowned: "Where's my sister? Didn't she tell you not to stop my parents?"

She knew her sister was fined.

Not being allowed to intervene in the holy election means that the elder sister cannot exercise any privileges of the saint, and it does not mean that her people cannot come.

Today, the holy bird chooses the master, and the saint must be present.

"What happened?" Su Xiaoxiao walked over slowly.

When the family of three saw her, they had different expressions.

Cheng Qingxue hated her to death, if she hadn't stepped in and snatched away the holy bird, how could she have let Yin Xiaodie take advantage of it?

But it doesn't matter, the holy bird will only recognize itself as the master today!

Thinking of it this way, she felt much more at ease.

She looked at Su Xiaoxiao arrogantly: "You came just in time, quickly hand over the patriarch's order and let my parents in!"

Su Xiaoxiao turned around and looked at the female disciple beside her: "Do my grandfather and his housemaid need the Patriarch's order to enter?"

Cheng Lian's face instantly turned pale with a word from the servant girl.

The female disciple said awkwardly: "People other than candidates... yes.""

Su Xiaoxiao took out the Patriarch's Order and smiled faintly: "Well, no one from the Cheng family is allowed in except me!"

At the third watch, let's see if there are any double monthly tickets, and if so, vote them out quickly.

As soon as the event ended, the upper limit was restored again. It's a pity that many readers' votes could not be voted out last month.

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