General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 746 Brothers and sisters join the battle

There have been too many rumors in the capital recently, saying that Cheng Sang has woken up, that Cheng Lian has fallen out of favor, and what's more, some say that Cheng Lian will be expelled from the Cheng family.

However, in the end, I didn't see it with my own eyes, and the big guys just listened to it, I didn't really dare to believe it.

See you today, the rumors are true.

The first room really broke up with the second room.


Didn't you hear what that girl called Cheng Lian just now?

Tongfang maid!

What kind of second wife is a servant girl?

A lot of people came to the holy election today. In addition to the candidates, the four major families, the eight major tribes, and even the southern border royal family all came.

Cheng Lian's original plan was to regain her face in public, but she never wanted to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway and directly let her lose face.

If Su Xiaoxiao and Cheng Qingxue's petty fight could barely be regarded as a tit-for-tat confrontation between the youngest daughter's family, then Su Xiaoxiao didn't give Xie Yunhe and Cheng Lian any favor at this time, it was tearing the last fig leaf.

The so-called family ugliness should not be publicized, it depends on what kind of family ugliness it is.

Cheng Sang's insanity has been coldly looked at, ridiculed and cast aside for many years, it's time for some people to experience the humiliation Cheng Sang has experienced.

Cheng Lian firmly grasped the handkerchief in her hand, her face turning blue and red.

Xie Yunhe raised his foot and walked in: "Stop making trouble, it's time to go in."

Su Xiaoxiao blocked his way: "I should go in, but you should go back first, Grandpa. As I said, no Cheng family is allowed in except me. Unless you are not the son-in-law of the Cheng family."

A housemaid is already shocking enough, but she actually said something about her son-in-law.

Xie Yunhe tightly clenched his fists: "I am your grandfather!"

Su Xiaoxiao smiled faintly: "If you weren't my grandfather, you wouldn't even be able to enter the gate of the Holy Maiden Hall!"

Cheng Lian said sadly: "How can you talk to the elders in your family like this?"

Su Xiaoxiao took a look at her: "I'm talking to my grandfather, what's the point of me talking!"

The onlookers collectively sprayed.

This girl is too poisonous.

Shengxuan was the highlight, but everyone vaguely felt that the Cheng family's trouble was even more exciting than Shengxuan.

Seeing her parents being humiliated, Cheng Qingxue was so angry that she pointed at Su Xiaoxiao's nose and said, "Don't go too far!"

Su Xiaoxiao said lightly: "If I really want to go too far, I should keep you out, do you want to try?"

Cheng Qingxue choked.

She didn't believe that Su Xiaoxiao could stop her, but Cheng Lian no longer dared to gamble with her daughter's future.

She tugged at Cheng Qingxue's sleeve, and Cheng Qingxue shook her head.

The most important thing is to be a saint.

The rest doesn't matter, these insults are only temporary.

When the position of saintess is obtained, the Patriarch Ling of the Cheng family will sooner or later be in the pockets of their mother and daughter.

Cheng Qingxue understood what her mother meant, gave Su Xiaoxiao a hard look, and stormed in.

No one can compete with her for the position of saint today!

Cheng Lian and Xie Yunhe's faces were slapped, but they didn't get their wish in the end.

In the southeast of the Holy Maiden Hall, there is an altar covered with bricks and stones, which needs to be climbed up. The base is square, and the altar surface on the steps is round, which means that the sky is round and the earth is round.

On the north and south sides of the altar, pergolas and seats were set up.

To the south are the seats of the southern border royal family, the four major families, and the eight major tribes, and to the north are the seats of the elders and envoys of the Saintess Hall.

Twenty candidates waited in line under the altar, at the entrance of the steps, according to their scores.

Standing first is Yin Xiaodie.

Su Xiaoxiao ranked eleventh in the second round.

As for Cheng Qingxue, Ji Roushu and Yue Qinghuan are the second, fourth and sixth place respectively.

Ranked third and fifth are daughters from the eight major tribes.

Su Xiaoxiao followed Uncle Quan to learn a lot about the situation in southern Xinjiang in the past few days. Southern Xinjiang was originally a small country composed of dozens of tribes. The big tribes annexed the small tribes, and finally formed eight powerful forces.

Most of the military power in southern Xinjiang is in the hands of the eight major tribes.

And the four major families are the gold masters behind the eight major tribes.

It sounds unbelievable, but it is the most authentic southern Xinjiang.

If the king of Southern Xinjiang wanted to send troops, he had to get the support of the eight major tribes.

And if the eight major tribes want to fight, they have to point to the four major families to provide military salaries.

From this point of view, if you want to stop the ambition of the King of Southern Border, perhaps you can start with the four major families.

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at the seats to the south.

There is a curtain behind it, so you can't see the people inside clearly. You can only tell which one is the Yin family, which is the Ji family, and which one is the Yue family from the signs hanging on the arbor.

The Cheng family's seat was empty.

In addition, there is an extremely luxurious curtain of broken jade beads in the center, which should be the seat of the southern Xinjiang royal family.

I heard from Princess Hui'an that the envoys from Southern Xinjiang proposed marriage to Da Zhou, and they didn't know whether it was for that prince, the eldest prince who was born directly, or the prince who was born by several favorite concubines.

On the other side, Elder Lou also took a young man with a jade face to sit in the north seat.

The gazes of several elders fell on Su Xuan's handsome face, and they were stunned for a moment.

Elder Ji murmured: "Elder Lou, this is..."

Elder Lou said oldly: "Ah, one of my grandnephews, the one behind him is his little book boy."

Su Xuan has a scholarly temperament, elegant and gentle, as for the little book boy, his appearance is ordinary, with a pair of lively eyes.

Elder Ji couldn't help but joked: "When did you have such a handsome grandnephew? I've never heard of it from you, and I've been hiding it all the time. You are afraid that when he comes, the king will be snatched back by the daughters to be his son-in-law." No?"

Elder Lou smiled and glanced at Su Xuan: It would be great if he really snatched it away, so as to save the old man from being stabbed all day long.

"I've seen a few elders." Su Xuan bowed his hands.

Although the Saintess Hall is not close to masculinity, but who would not like such a gentle and well-educated junior?

Several people nodded kindly.

"Sit down." Elder Lou said.

Princess Hui'an sat down without hesitation.

Elder Lou: "..."

Su Xuan smiled: "He is my cousin, he became a bookboy for me only when his family was in trouble, and made all the elders laugh at him."

It turned out to be my cousin, no wonder I got a little spoiled.

It just so happened that the last round of competition was about to begin, and everyone's attention was focused on the altar.

There is a time limit for the holy bird to choose the owner, and there is only half a stick of incense time, so that the holy bird voluntarily flies down and stays on his arm.

Going around the altar for a week means that the selection of the Lord is complete.

Sacred birds are not to be fed during this period.

Su Xiaoxiao has confidence in Yin Xiaodie.

However, just when Yin Xiaodie was about to appear on the stage, a sudden change occurred.

Yin Xiaodie suddenly covered her throat and fell to the ground in pain.

The scene was shocked.

Mr. Yin and Yin Chongshan stood up immediately!

Yin Chongshan lifted the curtain, and flew down to the altar with light work.

He knelt on the ground and picked up his daughter: "Xiaodie!"

Yin Xiaodie's face was cyanotic, her lips were black, and she was almost out of breath.

Su Xuan smiled quietly: The double is in progress, can I vote for A Xuan? Remember to clear the ticket, don't waste it.

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