When he thought of this,

Xu Yang's expression changed slightly.


He was too high-profile on the stage just now.

If someone really remembered him,

Xu Yang would be in danger.

At least...During the time before returning to the city,

Xu Yang might be in danger.

"Really..."I'm not afraid of thieves stealing, I'm afraid of thieves thinking about it!"

Xu Yang said to himself.

He quickly moved away from the ring area.


Xu Yang took out a mask and put it on his face.

At the same time, he changed all the clothes he was wearing....He also took out the mountaineering hat he had prepared in advance from his backpack and put it on.

Basically, after changing his clothes, Xu Yang was completely different from his original appearance on the ring, except for his height.

"No one should be able to recognize me, right?"

Xu Yang said to himself.

At least...

There was no one else in this area.


Xu Yang walked towards the distance.

"A total of 32 Iron Shells have been collected so far....There are still 18 more to go to complete 50 C-level tasks."

Xu Yang's mouth trembled for a while.

Then he thought about looking for 18 more iron shells.

Or...Find Paras.

Paras' mushrooms can also be used to complete C-rank tasks.

"I just don't know where the existence of Pallas is here?"

Xu Yang stroked his chin with his hand.

Before entering the secret realm,

Xu Yang had roughly checked the general situation of this secret realm.

It was basically a forest area.

There was a small river running from the east to the west.

There were no mountains or hills.

After all, this was just an E-level secret realm. It was equivalent to the size of a city. As for the specific types of elves, insect elves were the main ones, followed by grass elves.

The specific distribution...There is no summary at the entrance to the secret realm.

I think the alliance hopes that new trainers will explore and discover on their own.

""It's really troublesome, isn't it?"

Xu Yang scratched his head.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky, he felt a little embarrassed.

"We have to find a better place to camp."

At this time, Xu Yang suddenly heard some sound coming from a distance. At the same time

, a figure was running towards Xu Yang quickly.

When he got closer, the man said directly:"Brother, can you help me?"


Xu Yang was a little curious.

What was this person like?

She was wearing men's clothes, but her voice was that of a woman?

Was she a woman dressed as a man?

Xu Yang guessed subconsciously.


When this person came to Xu Yang, he saw two men running over from a distance.

""Stop! Hand over your things!"

One of the two men said in a rough voice.

He threatened the man dressed as a man next to Xu Yang.

"Big Brother...It's them. They keep asking us to hand over the things. Big brother, please take care of it!"

The man stroked Xu Yang's arm and shook it.

He begged Xu Yang like a spoiled child. Just when Xu Yang was confused, the two men opposite him said maliciously:"So you are in the same group?"

"Huh? Oh...I'm not..."

Xu Yang opened his mouth to refute.

He only heard the woman dressed as a man beside him shouting:"My elder brother will not hand over the things!"

Hearing this,

Xu Yang was even more speechless.


Who is your elder brother?

Are you trying to scam me?

And...What on earth is this?!

"You won't hand it over, right? Okay! Then we won't be polite!"

After that, the two people in front of him took out a Poké Ball and sent out the Pokémon inside.

Xu Yang took a look.

It was a duck-billed Charmeleon and an electric beast.

"Hmm?" Seeing these two elves, Xu Yang's eyebrows moved slightly....This is not something that a rookie trainer can have.

You know, the reason why the E-level secret realm is called the Novice Village is because the levels of the Pokémon in the E-level secret realm are all below level 30.

And it is only available to novice trainers who have just become trainers for less than 6 months.

When the trainer's strength exceeds this level, he will be banned from entering the E-level secret realm and will enter the D-level secret realm instead.

This is also a protection measure of the alliance. It not only protects the Pokémon in the wild from being abused for no reason, but also protects those rookie trainers from encountering those powerful trainers in the E-level secret realm.

But the two people in front of him.

Charmeleon and Electabuzz were sent out....Aren't these all level 30 evolved elves?

They've long exceeded the level range of the E-level secret realm?!

"Humph! What? Are you dumbfounded? If you hand over your things now, I can still spare your life! Otherwise?! Humph!"

The rough-voiced man in front of him threatened.

Xu Yang glanced at the woman next to him.

"What did you take from them?"

Faced with Xu Yang's questioning, the woman dressed as a man made an innocent face.

"Big Brother...I...I'll go first!" The woman made a face at Xu Yang and shouted at the two men,"If you can't even beat my eldest brother, don't even think about catching up with me!"

Hearing this, the two men got angry instantly and ordered the duck-billed fire dragon and the electric beast to attack Xu Yang. Seeing this, Xu Yang's eyes turned cold, and an invisible murderous intent was released from his body.

"Since you've already started, be prepared to die!"

After that,

Xu Yang took out two Poké Balls at the same time.

He sent Pikachu and Farfetch'd out at the same time.

"Pickup truck!"



Xu Yang used his eyes of appreciation to scan the duck-billed fire dragon and the electric beast in front of him.

Two sets of data soon appeared on Xu Yang's data panel.

【Elf: Duck-billed Fire Dragon (♂)】

【Level: 30 (Normal Peak)】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Features: Fire Body (sometimes it will burn the opponent who touches it)】

【Individual stats: HP (21), Attack (25), Defense (22), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (21), Speed (25)】

【Skills: Mist, Glare, Sparks, Smoke Screen, Clearing Smoke, Flame Wheel, Strange Light, Scary Face, Flame Fist, Jet Flame, Scream...】

【Carrying items: Charcoal (low quality) (fuel for burning. After carrying it, the power of fire-attribute moves will increase)】

【Potential: Gym Level】


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