【Special Skill 3: Electrotherapy (By absorbing lightning, you can heal your wounds, restore your health, and temporarily increase the power of your electric skills. Increased value: 35%)】

After seeing this skill bar,

Xu Yang looked at the fighting Pikachu with some surprise.

At this time, the golden electric light displayed by the electric beast had reached Pikachu through the gap of the blue and white electric light.

The next moment, the powerful 100,000 volts hit Pikachu's body head-on.


As the electric light flashed, the electric beast seemed more and more excited, and once again increased the power of 100,000 volts.

It seemed that it wanted to use 100,000 volts to completely electrocute Pikachu.

But Pikachu had a completely different reaction.

Bathed in the baptism of thunder and lightning,

Pikachu not only showed no signs of pain, but was enjoying it with a happy face?


Pikachu simply retracted the blue and white electric light and stopped discharging electricity.

Instead, it was actually attacked by the 100,000 volts of the electric beast.

Seeing this scene, the man in black grinned and said,"Are you giving up resistance? Hahaha... Very good! Then be captured obediently!"


Just when he was still happy, he saw Pikachu absorb all the lightning outside his body into his body.

The next moment, it burst out again.

Did it generate something similar to lightning armor? Xu Yang saw a new skill generated on the data panel again.

【Special Skill 4: Lightning Armor (Release the lightning in the body and wrap it around the body to form a lightning armor. It can reduce 35% of special damage. If a melee opponent touches the lightning armor, there is a 35% chance that he will fall into a paralyzed state.)】

"Me?! Isn't this lightning armor a bit too abnormal?!"

Xu Yang was surprised.

Combined with Pikachu's special skill Lightning, isn't it?...Can it cast a physical and magic shield at the same time?

Can it resist two kinds of damage at the same time?

And the lightning armor also has paralysis.

Is it equivalent to Pikachu's static electricity property?

Even better than static electricity?!

"And the electrotherapy just now...Could it be that Pikachu used the lightning released by Electabuzz to stimulate his body, thereby awakening the new ability hidden in Enel's panel?"

This is the only explanation Xu Yang could think of.

Otherwise, how could Pikachu add two new special skills for no reason?

And before this, the system did explain

【[God·Enel] This panel is a growth panel. As Pikachu's strength increases, it will also grow.

And it will gain more new abilities.

And now.

After enduring a huge lightning attack.

Pikachu really awakened a new ability.


"I have to thank this man in black and his Electabuzz!"

Xu Yang said with a bright smile.

At the same time, as new changes occurred on the battlefield between Pikachu and Electabuzz, on the other side,

Farfetch'd fell from the sky.

With the help of the Duel Dance feature,

Farfetch'd's air-breaking slash once again hit Charmeleon's vital point, causing Charmeleon's body to retreat again and again.

"What are you doing? Duck-billed Fire Dragon! You can't even handle the ingredients?! I'll give you another minute. After one minute, I want to eat roast duck!"

The man in black angrily scolded the Duck-billed Fire Dragon.

The Duck-billed Fire Dragon was helpless.

It also wanted to eat roast duck.

But there was no way....

This Onion Duck seemed to know its weakness. It always strikes with precision.

Who can withstand this?

At this moment,

Onion Duck turned its body and launched another onion attack.

Like a sword, it slashed on the back of the duck-billed fire dragon and sent it flying.

It was thrown far away towards the man in black.

"What?!" The man in black panicked when he saw the duck-billed fire dragon flying towards him. But he still shouted to his fellow man in black.

""Get out of the way!"

The man in black who was in charge of the battle against the electric beasts, when he saw the duck-billed fire dragon flying straight at him, seemed to be cursing something and quickly squatted down.

However, the duck-billed fire dragon's tail still knocked him down.

The attack of the flames and the violent collision directly knocked the man down and caused him to suffer serious injuries.

Of course, this was not the worst.

The worst was...The blazing heat of the duck-billed fire dragon also set his clothes on fire?

Fortunately, the duck-billed fire dragon fell on him and put out the flames.

That’s why he didn’t get burned to death.

But the burns on his body and the dizziness after the collision made him faint.

""Damn it!"

The trainer of Charmeleon saw his partner fainted after being hit.

He was indignant. He quickly turned to glare at Farfetch'd.


Farfetch'd had already appeared in front of the man.

At the same time,

Farfetch'd pointed at the chest of the man in black with his onion, signaling him not to move.

"Damn...It's a Pokémon battle, how can you fight a trainer?!"

The man in black was a little upset.

He quickly shouted at Xu Yang.

It seemed like he was asking Xu Yang for an explanation?

Xu Yang smiled and said,"How ridiculous!..."

"Elf battle? That refers to a regular battle, a battle in the wild....Who gives you the restrictions?"

"What's more, the moment you start, you're already doomed!" Xu Yang walked towards the two men. He ignored the battle between Electabuzz and Pikachu on the other side and walked straight to the two men. With Farfetch'd next to him,

Xu Yang was not afraid of Charmeleon's sneak attack.

"I said, now that you have started, be prepared to die!"

"What's more, you were the first to attack!"

Xu Yang's eyes were somewhat cold.

He didn't believe that these two people didn't think of killing him when they let the duck-billed fire dragon and the electric shock beast attack.


They had already planned to kill him.

Then...Xu Yang didn't mind the counterattack.

What's more, the fat man said before that the manager of the E-level secret realm was not here now.

So, even if Xu Yang killed these two people, no one would know.

However, before that,

Xu Yang had one thing to clarify.

"Tell me, who is that person you are chasing? And why are you chasing her? What do you want her to hand over?"

"Humph! Why do you think I would tell you?"

The man in black was still stubborn.

Xu Yang glanced at Onion Duck.

Onion Duck looked indifferent.

Suddenly he put away the onion and suddenly slashed forward.


Accompanied by the miserable pig-like squeals, the man in black in front of him covered his crotch and screamed in pain.

At the same time, blood was flowing from his crotch.

"I'll give you three seconds. After three seconds, there will be blood flowing out of a certain place."

Xu Yang pointed at the black-clothed man's chest.

He was so frightened that he trembled.


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