However, the cost of testing the elves' qualifications, including the elves' various numerical information, is not cheap.

Even if you buy elves insurance, it cannot be fully reimbursed, only 40% can be reimbursed.

Therefore, many trainers may not know what potential elves they have cultivated in their entire lives.

"These are the two Pokémons I want to sell."

Xu Yang took out the two Poké Balls and handed them to the boss in front of him.

After the masked boss took the two Poké Balls, he put them into the instrument one by one.

The instrument automatically detects the various values of the Pokémons in the Poké Balls.

It is very convenient.

About five minutes later, the values of the two Pokémons all appeared on the instrument. After seeing the value information of the two Pokémons, the shop owner glanced at Xu Yang again.

"Two Pokémon with gym-level potential?"


Xu Yang's voice was deliberately rough.

He disguised himself as a middle-aged man.

The shop owner didn't care about it. He just said seriously:"I have read the information about these two elves."

"Electabuzz and Charmeleon, these two Pokémon have great potential....Just evolved"

"I can take these two elves, regardless of where they came from."

"However, in terms of price, I can only give you 800,000 Alliance coins."

Hearing the price offered by the shop owner,

Xu Yang was slightly stunned.

800,000 Alliance coins...To be honest, it's a bit low.

You know,

Charmeleon and Electabuzz can both evolve once more. Their racial values are not low.

Moreover, they both have gym-level potential.

This price

, perhaps because he saw Xu Yang's hesitation, the shop owner added:"This is a black market. You need to pay a commission for buying and selling goods. At the same time,...You will also take certain risks. That is, the risk of your two elves' origins."

"If you don't sell it to me, you can go to other places to ask, it's possible that you can get a lower price than me."

Hearing this,

Xu Yang roughly understood what the store owner meant.

Indeed, when purchasing goods, each black market will deliberately lower the price because they need to pay a part of the commission and bear risks.

As a seller, Xu Yang will not leave any records.

Naturally, he does not have to bear any risks.

Thinking of the source of these two elves and the two dead men in black,

Xu Yang nodded and said,"Okay, I can sell two elves for a total of 1.6 million Alliance coins!"

"make a deal"

"Do you have a black market card?" the shop owner asked again.

"Black market card?"

"Is this your first time in the black market?"

The shop owner glanced at Xu Yang, and seeing that Xu Yang did not respond, he continued:"When trading in the black market, you must use a black market card, so that you will not reveal your identity. Go over there and apply for a black market card before coming here."

As he said that, the shop owner handed both Poké Balls back to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang hurried to the house opposite and applied for a black market card.

Then he came back to trade.

One million six hundred thousand Alliance coins were credited to his account.

Xu Yang hurriedly left the store.

The shop owner glanced at Xu Yang's departing back.

He could not help but say,"He is a ruthless man...."

"The two elves that were bought from me actually returned to me....Changed a person"...

Xu Yang didn't know what the shop owner was thinking....

After leaving the store, Xu

Yang left as soon as possible.

With a large sum of money in hand, he made a deal in the black market.

In fact, it would be better to change a mask and pretend to be one, so as not to be persecuted by those with ulterior motives.

Xu Yang wanted to leave the black market as soon as possible.

Anyway, his purpose of coming to the black market had been achieved.

However, when he was near the door at the other end of the black market, he saw gamblers here?

Xu Yang subconsciously stopped.

If it was something else, Xu Yang might not pay attention to it.

But gamblers...

Xu Yang was good at this.

In the afternoon,

Xu Yang won a Shiny Gastly Pokémon egg in the Pokémon Breeding House.

There was also a Fire Chick Pokémon egg whose potential was unknown.

Now, it was another egg betting game.

Xu Yang thought...You have to take a look, right?

And around.

Apparently, there are many people following suit.

One by one.

They all want to get a high-potential elf egg in the egg gambling market.

Looking at the group of people gambling on eggs in front of him,

Xu Yang subconsciously opened his eyes of appreciation.

【Elf: Night Salamander♀)】

【Features: Not yet formed, unknown features】

【Individual value: Not yet formed, unknown individual value】

【Skills: Not yet formed, unknown skills】

【Potential: Not yet formed, unknown potential】


"Oh? It's a night salamander, and a female one at that? It's a rare species...."

You should know that only female Salamanders can evolve into Flame Queens.

As a Poison + Fire Pokémon, Flame Queens have corrosive properties, which makes them very useful in battle.


It is indeed a bit ugly.

Xu Yang is not interested in this elf.

"This brother wants this egg, right? The starting price is 300,000 Alliance coins. Does anyone else want one? I'll give you one minute to bid. If you don't have one, you'll have to buy it! The elves inside...It is very likely to be a quasi-god elf~ If you miss this village, you will miss this shop, so hurry up~"

The shop owner seems to be very good at doing business.

It is obviously a gambler.

But he turned it into an auction?

However, the starting price is 300,000 Alliance Coins...As for this night thief fire lizard, if you don't know its potential, it's actually not worth it.

What if it has mass-market potential?...

That would be a huge loss to spend 300,000 Alliance coins.

But if...If you are above the elite level, then you will not lose money at the bottom, and you will make a lot of money even if you are at a higher level.

"It's a pity that it hasn't taken shape yet, otherwise I can see what potential it has."

After the elf egg was bought, the masked man took the elf egg away after paying with the black card. Then, another masked man was picking and choosing elf eggs. Xu Yang also glanced at the remaining elf eggs.

【Elf: Mosquito Repellent Tadpole (♀)】

【Features: Not yet formed, unknown features】

【Individual value: Not yet formed, unknown individual value】

【Skills: Not yet formed, unknown skills】

【Potential: Not yet formed, unknown potential】...

【Elf: Little Arrow Bird (♂)】

【Features: Not yet formed, unknown features】

【Individual value: Not yet formed, unknown individual value】

【Skills: Not yet formed, unknown skills】

【Potential: Not yet formed, unknown potential】......

"Are they all elves that have not yet taken shape?"

Xu Yang said to himself.

At this moment, he suddenly saw...


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