【Elf: Fiona (genderless)】

【Features: Not yet formed, unknown features】

【Individual value: Not yet formed, unknown individual value】

【Skills: Not yet formed, unknown skills】

【Potential: Not yet formed, unknown potential】


The sudden appearance of this set of data on the data panel made Xu Yang slightly startled.

He rubbed his eyes subconsciously and then used his eyes of appreciation to conduct a survey.

Still the same?


Xu Yang muttered in his heart.

What the hell? Isn't this a mythical beast elf?...Fiona is indeed an egg-born elf.

She was hatched from an egg laid by Manaphy.



Xu Yang couldn't believe it. He actually saw a Fiona egg in the black market egg gambling market ? This was really shocking.

"No! This egg...I must buy it!"

No matter what the reason was.

Xu Yang was determined to get this elf egg.

"Boss, how much is this Pokémon egg?"

Xu Yang did not ask directly about the Pokémon egg of Fiona.

Instead, he chose the Pokémon egg on the left side of Fiona.

"Hmm? The young man likes this egg. You have good taste. This egg...I'll give you 400,000 Alliance Coins. Anyone here wants to bid? If so, bid now."

"Look at the burning look in this young man's eyes. It's conceivable that he must have discovered that the elf in this elf egg is a quasi-god elf! Don't miss it!"

Hearing the boss's familiar words,

Xu Yang couldn't help but want to laugh.

Sure enough, he guessed that the boss would ask for a high price, so he asked this deliberately.

And the people around him, at first, no one wanted to raise the price.

After listening to the boss's story, suddenly a young man directly shouted 500,000.

At the same time, he glanced at Xu Yang, as if he was arguing with Xu Yang about the price.


Xu Yang said nothing and raised the price directly.

"seven..." Seven hundred thousand!"

The man mustered up his courage and raised the price again.

With this wave of PK in the royal city, many people gathered around for fun.

Xu Yang turned to look at the man.

He pretended to be unhappy and said,"What? Are you going to snatch it from me?"

"Steal it by force? Funny! Isn't it the case that whoever bids the highest gets the prize? I paid more than you, so the egg is mine. What? You don't accept it? If you don't accept it, raise the price!"

The man looked very pretentious.

Xu Yang couldn't stand it.

He simply said,"Okay! I'll offer one million! Do you want it?!"


The man hesitated for a moment.

One million...Buying such an uncertain elf egg is indeed risky.

The person next to him was also pulling at his clothes.

He whispered,"Stop it, A-Zu...."

The voice was not very loud.

But Xu Yang's hearing was enhanced after he got the system.

Of course he heard it.

He couldn't help but laugh and said,"Why? You're scared now? I thought you were so cool, but you turned out to be such a loser."

"What did you say?!"

"I'm so fucking..."

"I'll pay 1,500,000!"

The young man called A Zu slammed the gambler's table hard.

The people around him took a few steps back in fear.

The shop owner was delighted.

Even though he was wearing a mask,

Xu Yang could imagine the smile of a profiteer under his mask.

"Okay! I'll give it to you."

"Shop owner, how much is this egg?"

This time,

Xu Yang pointed at the Fiona's elf egg and asked the shop owner.

This scene made everyone around him confused.

What does this mean?!

This man wearing a Reshiram mask...Could it be that the store owner hired someone to help him?!

"You! You are not going to raise the price any more?!"

The young man called A Zu came to Xu Yang and said unhappily

"No more, you've already offered 1.5 million, what else should I add?! I don't have that much money, I lost."

Xu Yang shrugged, looking relaxed.

This look made this guy even more unhappy.

The little follower behind him quickly grabbed A Zu and whispered to him:"A Zu, forget it, we can't cause trouble here."

"Hum! Good! You...You remember this!"

A-Zu pointed at Xu Yang.

The anger in his eyes was completely dispersed.

""Customer, you bought this elf egg, please pay!"

The shop owner saw A Zu was about to leave and quickly shouted to him.

In the shop owner's shop, there are actually two bodyguards, just to avoid encountering such customers who run away.

""Good! Good!"

A Zu said these two words angrily.

Then he quickly asked the follower beside him to pay.

"You can't mess around in the black market, but you wait!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

After the follower paid the money, he picked up the elf egg and quickly followed behind A Zu.

The shop owner smiled and said,"Welcome to patronize, come again next time~"

Hearing the words of the shop owner,

Xu Yang almost laughed out loud.

It was really a God's finishing blow.

That man must be mad to death.

And the people around him were already used to this kind of situation. This kind of thing often happens in the black market. In the end, they will not really take action. They will only intimidate. Of course, there will also be that kind of

...There really is a situation where there is a blockade at the entrance of the black market.

But there are three entrances and exits to the black market.

Who can guarantee that they will encounter it?

"Dear guest, you want this elf egg, right? I'll give it to you at a lower price, 200,000 Alliance Coins!"

""Oh? Two hundred thousand?"

Xu Yang looked at the shop owner.

The shop owner nodded and said,"Of course, you just gave me a big order, so I'll give you something in return."

The shop owner's actions were seen by others.

It was also a clarification that Xu Yang was his agent.

Xu Yang was naturally happy and at ease.

He simply took out his black card and asked the shop owner to swipe two hundred thousand Alliance coins.

Then he happily accepted the elf egg.

"Thank you very much, boss. I will definitely come back next time."


The shop owner was obviously a smart man.

He took out a new mask from under the table and handed it to Xu Yang.

"I don't know where that person is hiding. I'd better change the mask to be safer."

"Good! Thank you, shop owner!"

Xu Yang didn't expect that the shop owner would be so considerate.

Holding the new mask and the elf egg,

Xu Yang went directly to the toilet of the black market.

After storing the elf egg in the system [backpack],

Xu Yang quickly changed into a new set of clothes.

And put on the new...The mask with the Xerneas pattern.

Then, he came out as if nothing had happened.

At this time,

Xu Yang saw the group of black-clad men he had seen before?!


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