These men in black were sneaking around.

No one knew what they were doing. After Xu Yang saw them, he walked to the side, pretending that he didn't notice them.

And these men also left here and walked towards the black market exit on the east side.

Seeing this, Xu Yang followed behind.

Until the exit,

Xu Yang actually saw familiar people again.

A Zu, the young man

, and his little followers were actually waiting for him here?


When Xu Yang passed by A Zu,

A Zu shouted at Xu Yang.

"Did you see a man with a Reshiram mask?"

"cough cough..."No!"

Xu Yang deliberately strained his throat to make his voice sound a little different.

A Zu waved his hand and said,"Let's go."

He didn't even look at Xu Yang.

Obviously, he didn't notice Xu Yang.

Xu Yang ignored him and walked straight ahead.

The group of men in black entered a small path at this time.

Xu Yang hurriedly followed behind.

His movements were very cautious.

The group of people didn't notice him at all.

When the group walked from the path to a rocky mountain, they finally stopped.

Xu Yang hurriedly hid in the bushes next to him.

In his hand, he always held the Poké Balls of Pikachu and Onion Ranger.

Once he found something wrong,

Xu Yang would immediately send these two Pokémon to

"What are they doing?"

Xu Yang was puzzled.

At this time,

Xu Yang found that one of the men in black was carrying a black suitcase. Xu Yang was curious about the suitcase and immediately opened his eyes to see what was inside.

【Super Stone: Gengar's Evolution Stone.

When Gengar carries it, it can undergo super evolution in battle.

】Xu Yang's eyes lit up when he saw the information on the data panel.


It's Gengar's Evolution Stone?!

You know, Xu Yang has a Shiny Gastly egg.

In the future, it will definitely evolve into Gengar.

At that time, Xu Yang will have to worry about how to get Gengar's Evolution Stone.

After all, Super Stone is a relatively expensive product in this world , just like the Devil Fruit in the One Piece world.

Each Super Stone is priced at a sky-high price and is even more priceless.

If you want to get Gengar's Evolution Stone, unless

...Xu Yang's future status or wealth can stand at the top of the Huaxia Alliance.

Otherwise, it will be very difficult.

But now,

Geng Gui's evolution stone actually appeared in front of him?

Isn't this sending warmth to Xu Yang?

"No, I must get this super stone!"

Xu Yang's eyes were firm.���Suddenly

, on the other side of the rock, another person suddenly walked out.

This person had fluffy hair and looked like he hadn't woken up yet.

When he met the men in black, they looked alert and surrounded him.

One of them even lowered his voice and asked,"Who are you? Where is Dr. Di Jie?!""

"Ouch...I just said I don't want to do this troublesome thing...."

The guy with fluffy hair scratched his head and said,"Can you guys relax a little? Since we have an appointment with the doctor here,...The people who can come here must be people that the doctor trusts. What a bunch of idiots!"

"What did you say?!" The men in black were obviously a little unhappy after being scolded by the guy in front of them. However, the guy with fluffy hair took out an orange package from behind.

"Here, this is what the doctor entrusted me to give to you....Where is what the doctor wants?"

The guy with fluffy hair opened his eyes for the first time and looked at the group of men in black.

The men in black looked at each other.

One of them, who looked like the leader, said,"Here!" As he spoke, the man in black took the initiative to open his briefcase and showed the super stone inside.

It was Gengar's evolution stone. After seeing the Gengar evolution stone glowing in the dark, Xu Yang 's eyes flashed with greed.

"Gengar Evolution Stone! Guaranteed authenticity!"

At the same time, the guy with fluffy hair also showed what he brought.

When the package was opened, a data line flashed on the data panel.

【Drive Energy: A capsule filled with energy. When a Pokémon with certain characteristics carries it, its ability will be enhanced.】...


After seeing this thing, Xu Yang slowly asked a question in his mind.

Driving energy?

Isn't this a prop for the paradox spirits?

After carrying it, it can activate the ancient activity or quark charging characteristics of the paradox spirits, increasing their highest value ability by 30%, and if it is speed, it will increase by 50%.


In this world, there are no paradox spirits?

Xu Yang has been in this world for more than ten years.

After so many years of study, Xu Yang has basically recognized all the spirit species that have been discovered in this world.

Among them, some spirit species such as those discovered in the Padiya region have indeed been published.

But the paradox spirit...But it is an undiscovered species of spirit.

Then, why are these two groups of people trading driving energy?

And...Where does this driving energy come from?

What is it going to do?

Dr. Di Jie!

This is the name Xu Yang just overheard.

Could it be that...An organization in this world has discovered the paradox spirits and is already conducting research on them?

"That's right!"

Xu Yang suddenly thought.

Something seemed to have gone wrong in the upper secret realm.

A large number of powerful trainers were mobilized there.

Could it be that? It was because of the appearance of the paradox Pokémon?...Paradox spirits.

Whether they are ancient or future, they are indeed powerful spirits.

Compared with ordinary spirits, they are more difficult to deal with.

"Good man! It seems that I discovered some incredible secret tonight!"

Xu Yang thought to himself.

Originally, he just thought that this group of black-clad men were sneaky and had bad intentions, so he wanted to see what they were going to do.

Who would have thought...They were actually trading this thing?!

Xu Yang even inadvertently guessed this.

However, while Xu Yang was still speculating, the two groups of people in front of him traded their things, the driving energy and the Gengar Evolution Stone.

Xu Yang was not very interested in the driving energy.

After all, he didn't have any paradox spirits.

But the Gengar Evolution Stone!

When Xu Yang saw the Gengar Evolution Stone appear in the hands of the fluffy-haired man,

Xu Yang had already started to think about how to get this super stone.

"Should we rob it or trade it?"


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