"Should we rob it? Or trade it?"

Xu Yang thought for a moment.

Both ways seemed to be unsuccessful.

Since this person was willing to use his driving energy to trade for the Gengar Evolution Stone, it meant that the Gengar Evolution Stone was useful to him or the person behind him.

It was impossible to trade it away casually.

Unless? He took out an item of equal or even greater value to trade.

And Xu Yang only had the Banguilas Evolution Stone in his hand.

But Xu Yang didn't want to trade it away just like that.

What's more, the Evolution Stone of the Quasi-God Pokémon was different in value from the Evolution Stone of the Ordinary Pokémon.

If he robbed it by force , it would be worth more than the Evolution Stone of the Ordinary Pokémon.

...Xu Yang was not sure about the strength of the man in front of him.

He was able to trade with the man in black.

He must be quite strong, right? However, while

Xu Yang was still trying to figure out a solution, the two parties who had completed the transaction did not leave. The leader of the men in black suddenly made a gesture. One of the men in black directly sent out a canine spirit. Xu Yang recognized it at a glance. Is it a Houndoom? Suddenly, a group of information appeared on Xu Yang's data panel.

【Elf: Houndoom♂)】

【Level: Level 48 (Late Senior)】

【Attributes: Darkness, Fire】

【Features: Early wake-up (even if in sleep mode, you can wake up twice as early)】

【Individual stats: HP (22), Attack (21), Defense (18), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (19), Speed (25)】

【Skills: Spark, Mist, Lightning Fang, Howl, Trick, Bite, Burn, Flame Fang, Siege, Deception, Troublemaking, Revenge...】

【Carrying things: None】

【Potential: Elite】


"I didn't expect it to be a veteran, late-stage Houndoom?!"

"It's just elite potential, but it can actually improve its strength to senior level....You have put in a lot of effort, right?!"

Just as Xu Yang was judging the Houndoom, he saw the Houndoom attacking the fluffy-haired man in front of him.

However, the fluffy-haired man reacted quickly and directly avoided the Houndoom's attack.

"What do you mean by this?

The man with fluffy hair suddenly woke up from his sleepy state.

He stared at the black-clad people in front of him.

His eyes were full of anger.

"What do you mean?! You are asking even though you already know the answer!"

"Houndoom, kill him!"

After hearing the words of the man in black, the man with fluffy hair also got angry.

""Destroyer Team! You want to kill me, right?! Humph! I knew you were an untrustworthy organization!" After that, the man took out a Poké Ball and released the Pokémon inside.

Then, he rolled up the clothes on his wrist and showed the wristband.

Even though they were far apart, Xu Yang could see clearly that this was a key stone? Could it be that......

""You bastards of the Annihilation Team! Let me show you what Mega Evolution is! Thank me! I will let you see such a magnificent scene at the end of your life!"

After the man finished speaking, he threw the Gengar Evolution Stone in his hand into the air.

Suddenly, a purple hand grasped the Gengar Evolution Stone.

When it came out of the Poké Ball just now, it disappeared into the darkness. Only then did it truly appear.

Xu Yang finally saw it....It was actually a Gengar?!

When Gengar held the super stone, the key stone in the man's hand and the super stone in Gengar's hand directly reflected each other.

Two bright white lights lit up.

In the dark night,

Gengar's body began to change.

When the white light completely dissipated,

Gengar had evolved into Mega Gengar.

Seeing the handsome Gengar in front of him,

Xu Yang's data panel suddenly showed a new set of data.

【Pokémon: Gengar (Mega Evolution)♂)】

【Level: 55 (Mid-Gym)】

【Attributes: Ghost, Poison】

【Features: Step on the shadow (Step on the opponent's shadow so that it cannot escape or replace)】

【Individual stats: HP (21), Attack (25), Defense (29), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (29), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Black Eyes, Shadow Fist, Shadow Ball, Mirror Attribute, Song of the End, Strange Light, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Tooth for Tooth, Hatred, Curse, Misfortunes never come alone, Dark Shadow, Raid, Wave of Evil, Same Fate, Acid Bomb, Sludge Bomb...】

【Carrying items: Gengar Evolution Stone】

【Potential: Gym Level】


After seeing Mega Gengar's information,

Xu Yang's eyebrows moved slightly.

"The strength of the mid-level gym..."

Originally Xu Yang was still thinking about snatching Geng Gui's evolution stone.

But the strength of the mid-level gym...This is definitely not something Xu Yang can get involved in.

"What?! I didn't expect you to carry Gengar with you?!...We underestimated you!"

The leader of the men in black saw that the Gengar sent by the man in front of him had turned into Mega Gengar.

His eyes lit up.

Suddenly, he waved his hand, and several men in black sent out their own spirits.

The wolfhound, the dragon king scorpion, the rice spoon snake, the cross bat...

Through the eyes of appreciation,

Xu Yang saw on the data panel that the strength of this group of elves was all in the 40s, which was the senior level.

"No one is a match for Geng Gui....What's more, it's Mega Gengar?!"

Xu Yang hid in the bushes and whispered.

In an instant, a fierce battle broke out in front of him.

Mega Gengar fought against so many Pokémons by himself.

He was not at a disadvantage at all, and even felt a little playful?

"Mega Evolution...It really can bring great changes to the elves!"

Xu Yang's eyes moved slightly.

He watched the battle carefully.

After about a quarter of an hour, the winner was finally decided.

The elves on the black-clothed man's side were completely wiped out.


Gengar didn't look good either.

After such a fierce battle, it was seriously injured.

The black-clothed man smiled and said,"At this point, what else can you use to compete with me?"

After that, he sent out the elves he carried with him.

A double-bullet gas and an Arbok.

In terms of level...They were all at level 50.

After facing the Mega Gengar in front of them, another fierce battle ensued.

At the same time, the smoke released by the double-bullet gas made the surroundings dark.

Seeing this scene,

Xu Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.


It’s here! The good time I’ve been waiting for for so long! It’s finally here!...Including poisonous gas...If it is hit by a strong lightning, it is very likely to explode.

At this time, Gengar, Gastly, and Arbok are fighting fiercely in the smoke. If it is attacked from the outside at this time,


Xu Yang's eyebrows moved slightly, revealing an evil smile

"Two dogs fight, play off!"


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