"In my opinion, even a human can withstand a ten-volt attack, let alone an elf?"

"You shouldn't spoil her like this, you should let her learn to feel pain and fight on her own."

Xu Yang's words were said quite decisively.

Ning Qianyu didn't know how to refute for a moment.

Thinking carefully, it was true. Ning Qianyu had loved this Miblim since she got her. How could she bear to let her feel pain? Before, when she was in the Pokémon Battle Club, Ning Qianyu also tried to let Miblim fight against the Pokémons of the new trainers in the club. But in the end, she didn't win a single game and lost all of them! She couldn't even beat Pokémons like Caterpillar, Rattata, and Odachi. This also led to

...Ning Qianyu, a top student at Linhai No. 1 Middle School, didn't dare to go to the Elf Battle Club.

She had to secretly invite Elf Battlers to her backyard for extra training.

But she didn't expect...It was actually her own fault?

"Xu Yang...So , is it really my fault?"

Ning Qianyu looked very aggrieved....Xu Yang is not the kind of dog who would comfort a girl.

He said bluntly:"It's your problem! You spoiled her like this."

"That...So what should I do now?...I still want to participate in the competition in a week."

Ning Qianyu was taught this by Xu Yang.

She felt so wronged that she wanted to cry.


"What competition?"

Xu Yang didn't care about Ning Qianyu's emotions.

Instead, he caught the key point in her words.

"Hmm? Xu Yang...Don't you know?"

"Should I know?"

"Of course! This is a very important event in our Linhai Province every year!"


Xu Yang scratched his head.

He was confused.

He really didn't know...What important things?

In previous years,

Xu Yang worked part-time to earn tuition during the winter and summer vacations. He really had no time to understand social current affairs and pay attention to anything....The so-called important things.

For him, making money is the most important thing.

Ning Qianyu saw that Xu Yang really seemed to know nothing.

So he said:"Our Linhai Province is a coastal province. Every year, there are a lot of people going out to sea. In order to protect the people who go out to sea and return safely, Linhai Province listed the sea god Kyogre as a protected beast."

"Every summer, Linhai Province holds an annual Poseidon Festival, which is a large-scale celebration to thank Kyogre for protecting Linhai Province. During the Poseidon Festival, a Poseidon Cup competition is also held."

"Every year, all participants in the Poseidon Cup must be rookie trainers, that is, trainers who have been trainers for less than six months."

"The trainer who finally wins the Poseidon Cup will not only receive a high bonus from the provincial alliance, but will also be promoted to join the provincial alliance's elite team and be trained by the provincial alliance."

"so...Not only me, but our other classmates also attach great importance to this competition. Everyone is actively preparing for the Poseidon Cup Competition."

After hearing Ning Qianyu's words,

Xu Yang realized...There is such a competition?

But isn't the Sea God Lugia?

How did he become Kyogre?

And...Linhai Province's patron saint beast, turned out to be Kyogre?

Xu Yang only found out today.


Is it because I can't fly and I'm not proud enough?

Quickly change it to Groudon Cup!

Of course.

Xu Yang just complained in his heart.

On the surface.

He still smiled and said,"Then this competition...Can I participate too?"

"Of course! Xu Yang, you are a top student in Linhai No. 1 Middle School, so of course you can attend....And I also hope you will participate. I think with your ability, you will definitely achieve good results in this Poseidon Cup."

"Let me tell you! This year is different from previous years!"

When talking about the Poseidon Cup, Ning Qianyu suddenly felt less sleepy.

"How is it different?"

Xu Yang asked puzzled

"This year's Poseidon Cup, I heard that the top leaders of the provincial alliance will personally supervise the battle, which is considered a...Elite Trials. Not only the champion of the Poseidon Cup, but also any trainer who has achieved excellent results and outstanding performance in the Poseidon Cup may be selected into the elite team of the provincial alliance."

"Moreover! This year's rewards are not just the same as in previous years. I heard that there is also a new Elf Egg with King-level potential!"

"A spirit egg with the potential of a king?!"

Xu Yang was a little confused.

He asked in confusion:"But...Isn't it impossible to test the qualifications of elves in eggs?" Xu Yang had learned about this in his textbooks before. It is impossible to test the qualifications of elves in eggs. Even though the current technology is not bad, it has not been able to do so. In other words, in this world, only Xu Yang can see the potential of the elves that have been formed in elves eggs. Others

...You can only wait until the elves are hatched before you can use the elf qualification detection instrument to test the elves' qualifications.

"There is no way to detect the potential of the Pokémon Egg....The parents of the rewarded elf egg are both elves with king-level potential and king-level strength, so how can the elf egg they lay have poor qualifications?"

Ning Qianyu said with a smile

""Ah? How did you know that?"

Xu Yang asked puzzledly.

"The official announcement has been made! In addition to the provincial alliance's top leaders personally supervising the competition, the strongest gym owner from Linhai Province was also invited to serve as a guest. The Pokémon egg with the potential of the King level was provided by this gym owner."

"Ah? So that's how it is."

Xu Yang nodded.

He finally understood what was going on.

As for the fact that the gym leader had a Pokemon with the strength of a king,

Xu Yang was not surprised at all.

Basically, any trainer who could become a gym leader was a one-star professional trainer or a two-star professional trainer.

Among the two-star professional trainers, there were also some masters who had the level of a three-star professional trainer, but they did not have the conditions for promotion....The strength of a three-star professional trainer is equivalent to that of a king-level trainer.

Therefore, some gym leaders have king-level Pokémon as their main force.

This is normal.

"Qianyu, this time it's all thanks to you....I am really ignorant!"

Xu Yang expressed his gratitude to Ning Qianyu.

If she hadn't brought him this news,

Xu Yang might have missed such an important event.

Originally, according to Xu Yang's plan, after completing the C-level mission and obtaining the Adventurer Medal, he would take on the B-level mission and go to the new secret realm for training.

Now it seems that the plan has to be changed.

Whether it is the elf egg with the potential of the king level or the opportunity to be promoted to the provincial alliance elite team,

Xu Yang is determined to win!


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