"How about it? Xu Yang, I told you such an exciting news, how are you going to thank me?"

Ning Qianyu raised her eyes slightly at Xu Yang and asked for a reward.

Xu Yang scratched his head.

After thinking for a moment, he said:"Rich woman, you are not short of money....Thanks for something...Why don’t we just forget it?"

"No! How can we just let it go like this?!"

Ning Qianyu said righteously, saying no

"So what do you want?...As long as I can do it, I can do it."

Xu Yang was a little helpless.

He had to let Ning Qianyu speak.

"I want you to train with me here for a week! Until the Poseidon Cup starts!"


Xu Yang was slightly startled.

"Isn't this inappropriate?"

"What's inappropriate?...I paid you to help me with special training. You are at the Elf Adventure Tribe...I can give you repeated calculations for C-level tasks."

Hearing this,

Xu Yang's eyes lit up.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem."

"You are such a money-grubber!"

Ning Qianyu pretended to be angry

���But her heart was beating fast.

When she was in school, no matter how Ning Qianyu approached Xu Yang, Xu Yang would just ignore her. Ning

Qianyu was obviously a school beauty, but Xu Yang was unmoved.


Ning Qianyu finally found a way to make Xu Yang stay by her side and pay attention to her.

"But there is one thing I must say in advance."


Ning Qianyu saw Xu Yang's serious look and was a little curious.

"This week, I can give you and Miblim special training, but...You can't indulge Blim anymore."

"Moreover, the special training plan will be formulated by me, and both you and Miblim have to listen to me!"

"Ah? But...I am the employer..."

Ning Qianyu had just said this when she heard Xu Yang say in a serious tone,"If you are going to take this attitude, then I won't waste my time."

"Ah! Don't...Teacher Xu, I will listen to you, isn't that enough?"

Ning Qianyu quickly changed her attitude.

Seeing Ning Qianyu being so obedient,

Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"Then let's start the special training. First, let your MiBlim run 100 laps around the battle field! The time is one hour. If you can't finish it in one hour, add 200 laps!"

"ah...Isn't this too harsh, Teacher Xu?"

"If you think it's too harsh, you can change teachers."

"Blim! Start running!"

""Mi? ? ?"

Mi Brim looked at Ning Qianyu with a wronged look on her face....Why has this master changed? Is he torturing her like this?

"Don't be idle, run with us"

"Why should I run too?"

Ning Qianyu asked puzzledly.

"In the wild, the trainer's physical fitness is equally important. If the trainer's physical strength can't keep up, it will be difficult to even fight against the Pokémon in many cases, not to mention survival in the wild."

"Look at those three-star professional trainers, which one of them doesn't have extremely high physical fitness?"

Hearing Xu Yang's words,

Ning Qianyu couldn't find a reason to refute for a while.

He had to run with Miblim.

After Ning Qianyu and Miblim started special training,

Xu Yang took out his mobile phone and checked the information about the Poseidon Cup.

"Venue...In Linhai City?"

"registration time...As of one week later"

"Number of applicants...Holy shit? Two thousand people have signed up already? Is this competition really that big?" It seems like it's a really big event.

"The entrants must be novice trainers who have been trainers for less than six months....Some trainers have actually been training for almost half a year?"

Xu Yang said to himself.

Although the age for registering trainers stipulated by the alliance is after the college entrance examination, there are still some people who will cultivate elves in advance.

Half a year is enough to cultivate their own elves to be very strong.

When they reach the age, they can register to become trainers.

The alliance can't do anything about these people.

They have money at home, and they raise elves in advance.

You can't stop them, right? Only people like Xu Yang can't cultivate elves in advance.

After all, the alliance has another rule.

The principle of raising elves at home is that there is a trainer at home.

This is to prevent some families from suddenly raising a elf.

This elf wreaks havoc, or

...If someone does something excessive, but is unable to stop it, this is why there is this rule.

"Pikachu, what are you still standing there for? The competition is only a week away, why don't you hurry up and train?!"

"Pika? ? ?"

Pikachu glanced at Xu Yang with a squint.

What happened to the trainer and the Pokémon training together?!

"Am I not preparing for the tactical situation? Searching for the enemy in advance is also an important task for trainers."


Pikachu frowned slightly.

It knew Xu Yang was talking nonsense.

But it couldn't find any excuse to refute it.

It had to start its own special training.

Compared with Miblim's physical training

, Pikachu's special training was more advanced.

Since Xu Yang met this Pikachu, it seemed to be eager to fly.

It kept training its flying ability.

After more than half a year of special training,

Pikachu was finally able to stay in the air for a short time.

And now...Pikachu's special training is the length of time it can stay in the air.

This is very important.

If it can stay in the air for a long time, it is very likely that a flying Pikachu will exist.

"Wait! Starting from the semi-finals...Is it a 2v2 match?"

After Xu Yang learned about the Poseidon Cup from the official website, he suddenly saw the key point.

The previous qualifiers, the round of 16, and the quarterfinals were all one-on-one.���Battle.

But the semi-finals starting from the top four are all two-on-two battles.

In other words, the trainer needs to prepare two Pokémon that can fight?

"This is a bit troublesome. The only Pokémon I can send out right now is Pikachu....The fighting power of the Onion Soldier is very strong, but it is an elf species that has not been discovered yet?"

"If we rashly send the green onion soldiers into battle, it will definitely attract criticism."

After thinking about it, Xu Yang suddenly called Ning Qianyu.

"Qianyu, come here first"

"What's wrong?"

Ning Qianyu heard Xu Yang's call and hurried over.

He panted and wiped the sweat off his body with a tissue.

He had only been running for a short while, but he was already sweating profusely.

The sun at the end of June was indeed very scorching.

"you know...Are you from the elf research community?...Elf researcher?"

"Elf researcher?"


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