Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1360: Refining soul 2

The people in the Central Three Kingdoms are no strangers to the three characters of the refining souls. They are a mysterious and powerful ethnic group, but because of their power, they have also caused their disasters. I don’t know when it started. The people of the Soul are becoming less and less. After several hundred years, the refining souls have completely disappeared from the Three Realms, and no traces can be found. August 1? Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤81ZW. COM

Everyone thought that the refining souls had completely perished.

But the legend about the refining soul has never disappeared.

"No mistake, this mask is a treasure in the refining soul family, called the soul-locking face." Rong Ruo swallowed and stabilized a little before continuing: "In the rumor, the refining spirit is born to be The two souls are one, the soul is the main, and the one soul is the supplement. The twin souls of the newly born refining babies are the strongest, but as they grow up, the two souls become more and more weak, and the main soul will gradually wear away. With the power of the soul of the auxiliary soul, as they grow up, the auxiliary soul will disappear completely."

The most powerful of the refining souls are not the adult people, but the children who are still young.

The younger the younger, the more stable the power of the two souls, and the powerful strength that the two souls can provide them is unmatched by other races.

But as you get older, this talent will be gradually weakened, until the adulthood, the auxiliary soul will be completely swallowed by the main soul.

And in the soul of the refining souls, it must be a yin and a yang, but the gender is different according to the attributes of the main soul.

"What is the soul of the lock?" Non-smoke is not a good understanding of the soul refining.

If there is no opening, just look at the iron face on the night face.

"Locking the soul, it is the treasure of the refining soul in order to maintain the soul of the two souls." Fan Zhuo's voice sounded loudly, he went to the side of Rong Ruo and non-smoke, watching the nightless.

"If the refining soul wants to retain the most powerful power, it must guarantee that the two souls will not be scattered, and the soul-locking face is the treasure that can fulfill this wish. According to rumors, the earliest refining souls are elected. The elders who come out will bring the lock to the soul when they are young. Once they are worn, they can't be removed. Unless the wearer dies, they will fall off. After wearing the lock, the soul will not be It will dissipate, but in the same way, the appearance and physique of wearing will not grow any more. Their bodies will be locked with the soul of their souls, and they will not be locked in life. Any change."

Every patriarch of the refining soul family, in order to maintain a strong force to protect the tribe, will choose to wear the soul of the lock, to obtain powerful power at the expense of their own, but I do not know when to start, the soul of the soul disappears from the soul refining As the soul of the lock disappeared, the refining souls also went down.

Thus disappeared on the stage of the Central Three Realms.

"At the beginning of the rumor, the last resurrection patriarch who wore the soul-locking face was the one who created the resurrection hall, but with the internal chaos in the resurrection hall, the refining souls were driven out of the resurrection hall, and the patriarch disappeared. I don’t see it. Some people say that he was killed by the incumbent, the lord of the resurrection hall. Others said that he lived in the mountains with the people of the refining spirits, avoiding the chasing of the resurrection hall...” Vaughan paused and looked at it. Night alone, hesitated for a moment:

"But the rumors are not credible. No one knows what happened in the past. If you didn't guess wrong, you should be the patriarch of the refining soul who founded the resurrection hall that year?"

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