Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1361: Refining soul family 3

Looking at Van Gogh at night, he became very silent, his eyes slightly picked up. Eight? One Chinese network W = W ≈ W ≤. ≥8≥1ZW. COM

Vatican tentatively looked at the night alone.

The night alone suddenly caught the lips, "Ah! hurt! hurts!"

The sudden mourning came from the mouth of the night, and he fell on his face with a painful face in his stomach.

Van Gogh made a slight glimpse and looked up at the night charm.

The night charm also stunned, and suddenly understood the purpose of the night alone.

This item is in stock!

However, the words of Vatican’s talents are also really strange to the night charm. The night is not wrong with the soul refining family. The face on his face is indeed the soul-locking face. The night charm does not think that Rong Ruo can actually see the night alone. The identity, I did not expect Vatican to understand this thing about the soul refining.

In order to help the night to cover up the past, the night charm and the nightingale exchanged a look at the moment, and fell to the ground to wear a weak night orphan, and a face of righteous words: "There is no danger in the tomb of the evil spirits." This person can wear it first and get the information here."

The charm of the night charm interrupted the curiosity of Rong Ruo and Fan Zhuo. After all, the purpose of their trip was to find the mausoleum of the evil spirits. The refining souls were not the main targets they sought.

"Forget it, if you are interested in the refining soul, if we are familiar with the situation here, then ask him slowly." Fan Zhuo smiled.

Rong Ruo nodded, but his face was a little absent-minded.

Non-smoke looks at Rong Ruo’s look, and I can’t help but worry about it, but I don’t know what to say.

Jun has no medicine to hold Jun innocent and walks in front. Jun no evil has slightly revealed his head and looked back.

The nightless night and the nightingale add up to the night, the unrequited love, but also noticed the little black cat who poked out from the arm of the drugless arm. This is the first time he saw the grandson. The Lord is so petting to treat a creature, is that black cat, is it the spirit of the evil emperor?

But not like it?

The strange thoughts in my mind, the grief and indignation on the night of the lonely face is also a lot faded, the night charm is looking at the innocent to them.

That is an unusually witty Lord!

If you are a little careless, you may be abnormal!

The night charm immediately stunned a night, whispered: "Don't give it to people."

"Ghosts can now? Look at me now, out of your two silly forks, that cat." Night whispered.

The nightingale sighed helplessly, and the night charm bite his teeth: "The cat is living in an inexhaustible soul. The soul is now on the tip of our prince. If you expose it, you will think about it." ”

With the warning of the night charm, when the night is lonely, it converges a lot, and continues to pretend to be a bitter and deep, but the more doubts in my heart.

Jun No Evil uses his claws to point the way, and he will receive the drunken lotus where they are.

Under the guardianship of Jun, she exchanged her soul with the black cat.

Poppies and drunken lotuses saw the emergence of no medicine, and suddenly they were more like two stones, motionless.

After the immortality and the black cat changed back to the body, it was completely dumbfounded to see the night of the whole process.

He was the first to see someone who could exchange souls with the spirits. He had thought that the soul of the black cat was very weird, but he did not expect that it would be strange to this point.

It is a mystery that the soul and the spirit of the human being can be exchanged.

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