Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1363: Treasure we have come 1

The nightingale and the night charm are secretly relieved, and the surface is pretending to be a tough look. The makeup is a warning to the night to make him honest. Bayi Chinese Network? W (eight) WW. 81ZW. COM

I was puzzled by the night.

How are these two mixed **** so docile in front of this girl? Honestly, he feels incredible.

And look at the relationship between Shantou and Sir Alex, and write a huge question mark in the head of the night.

This is a formal entry into the mausoleum of the evil spirits. As the door of the fan is opened, countless gold and silver treasures pile up like mountains, and anything that accumulates in a room is comparable to a national treasury, even More rich.

For these golden glory, rich and powerful mausoleum, Qiao Chu did not stop on the way to the saliva, always take a step to see a rub, this has not seen any baby, let him fascinated.

"It's no wonder that the evil emperor was the ruler of the Central Three Kingdoms. Hey, so many treasures, this can be spent in a few lifetimes." Qiao Chu swallowed, how is the gap between people? Big?

Non-smoke also nodded. Before meeting Jun No Evil, the days of several of their small partners could be said to be even worse, that is, the living standard of Vatican is higher, but they are completely incapable of seeing these Jinshan. Silver Mountain is beautiful.

"In the past, the evil emperor led the singularity of the sinister squadron. We have no chance to see it, but this burial thing is enough to prove how strong the evil emperor was, or else the scorpion of the scorpion moth Where can we accommodate someone sitting on so many treasures." Non-smoke exclaimed.

With the **** sea of ​​the Twelve Temples, they have already seen the people of the Twelve Halls as the deadly enemies of this life.

On the contrary, the sects and evil emperors who once suppressed the twelve halls and made the twelve temples abruptly became the idols in their minds. They have heard many things in the evil domain, but when they were born, The evil domain has converged on the front, and no matter what the world is, they can only hear something about the evil emperor and the evil domain from the rumors.

Powerful, mysterious, almost invincible.

Let every teenager be filled with admiration and yearning.

It was also a pity that the evil emperors led the evil circles to unify the three realms of the three realms.

Sometimes they can't help but think, if the evil domain is still there, the twelve halls will be so rampant as they are now?

When the evil emperor was still in the middle three circles, it was forbidden for anyone in the Central Three Kingdoms to go to the next three circles to make trouble. His existence is like a barrier, separating the middle and lower bounds, and cutting off the connection between the two circles. The people in the middle three circles are isolated from the danger of making waves in the lower three circles with special exercises.

In any case, Qiao Chu has already turned to the evil domain in his heart.

This time, if they are not forced to help, they are not willing to disturb the evil spirits to sleep, but unfortunately they have no choice.

"The evil emperor of that year was so strong, what was he in the end..." Qiao Chu’s mind involuntarily emerged such a question.

He really can't think of anyone in the middle three circles who can put the evil emperor to death.

"I don't know. According to rumors, the death of the evil emperor has always been a question. Even the people in the evil domain have never mentioned the cause of the fall of the evil spirits." Fan Zhuo shook his head.

The death of the evil emperor has always been an undiscovered mystery in the Central Three Kingdoms.

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