Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1364: Treasure we have come 2

Why did the evil emperor die? Who was killed?

There has never been an accurate answer. August 1? Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤81ZW. COM

There have been rumors in the Central Three Kingdoms that some of the forces in the Central Three Kingdoms are dissatisfied with the rule of the evil emperor, so they colluded in private and used some sinister means to harm the evil emperor.

However, this rumor does not have much credibility.

If this is the case, with the loyalty of the night to the evil emperors, they will not be able to find out whether they are the hands of the people in the middle three circles. If some of the forces in the middle three circles jointly harm the evil emperor, then don’t say the night. Even the entire evil domain will not let them go, and the evil domain will surely carry out mad revenge.

However, since the fall of the evil spirits, the evil domain began to contract forces, and there seems to be no action of revenge.

It is hard to imagine that people in the evil domain will be forbearing. After all, after the fall of the evil emperor, even those who are arrogant to the evil emperor will squander the roots, not to mention the culprits of the evil emperor.

The evil domain has not acted, which makes people's doubts deeper.

In the mausoleum of the evil spirits, vivid murals can be seen everywhere. The teenagers who have heard about the name of the evil emperor are involuntarily attracted by the contents of the mural. They seem to have seen the station standing long and long ago. The top man in the Three Realms.

Jun No Evil and Jun walked side by side in the mausoleum, and the heavy and amazing stone gate was as light as a duckweed under the hands of Jun.

Jun’s medicinal gaze did not fall on the mausoleum, but more of it fell on the innocent, just like those golden glittering things, not as good as her head, worthy of his attention.

Jun Wuxie looked at the face with a smile, no medicine, the beauty of the face of the beauty is very familiar with him, with him around, everything becomes very simple.

"It's very big here." Jun suddenly opened his mouth.

They walked for an hour in the mausoleum, but they had not yet walked out of the corridors that connected the rooms. One of these corridors was connected, and I didn’t know when it would come to an end, and in every connected room, There are countless wealth piled up, which makes people dazzled.

Even if you pick one out of these rooms and take the things out, you can make a small country go from poverty to prosperity in an instant.

It’s just the tip of the iceberg where the evil emperor’s mausoleum has accumulated so many treasures.

It is conceivable that the value of the entire evil emperor's mausoleum is terrible.

Even without the attraction of those treasures, it is enough that these wealth will be enough for the people in the Central Three Realms to move around.

Here, it covers almost all the wealth of the Three Kingdoms. It uses the mausoleum of the evil spirits, and it is not only the strength but also the incomparable wealth!

Enough to arm any army to the teeth!

"Yeah." Jun nodded with a slight smile.

If you look at him without any evil, you can understand that these things can't enter the eyes of no medicine.

But it is also said that the hundreds of rooms that they have passed through are all the glittering treasures, but the powerful treasures that can really enhance the strength of the people have not seen one. These rooms are not so much buried. Product, it is better to say that it is only the place where the evil emperor accumulates gold and silver after his death.

Although the number is jaw-dropping, the real value is limited to money.

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