Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1388: The world is chaos 2

The words of Xiao Er let the innocent people and others feel amazed. ?八一中文网W=W≠W. 81ZW. COM

Are you fighting everywhere?

Before Jun Wuxie went to the end of the world, it can be said that the situation in the Lower Three Realms has stabilized. The first major country, the country of the country, was held in the hands of the innocent, while the second largest country, the country, was divided into the country and the country. The two countries have soared, and the three countries have formed a coalition because of the innocence of the monarchy. It is easy to stabilize the situation in the world with the power of the three countries, and there are many people in other countries who are innocent. Rescued from the Shu Kingdom, in love, this world is not likely to become like this in just one year!

"What is going on? Little brother may wish to say more. I have been hiding in the mountains for a long time. I don't know how the situation is in the world." Fan Zhuo was also nervous. He took a golden ingot and placed it on the table.

The eyes of Xiao Er immediately smashed out, and the nostrils grew up excitedly. He shook hands and took the gold ingot in his hand, and quickly hid it in his sleeve, but the short blink of an eye has already been cited. Come to the other pavers in the tea shop.

"What do the officials want to know? Small must know everything."

Fan Zhuo looked at Jun innocent eyes and asked under the innocence of the monarch: "The younger brother said that there is a big fight everywhere. What does this mean? Is there a certain war?"

Xiao Er shook his head. "Which can be a country. If it is a war of a country, how can it be disturbed by the people of the world? Actually..." The little two looked around and took advantage of the gold ingot in his arms, driving down Voice:

"I have heard that there have been plagues in several countries, causing a large number of deaths and injuries. But what is strange is that those who have got the plague are not dead, but they become powerless, that is, they have no wisdom, only know what it is. The murder was like being possessed by the evil spirits. At first, the plague appeared only in a few small countries. Later, somehow, it suddenly spread. The madmen who had the plague were everywhere, even the army of those countries could not stop. Lived, now those madmen have spread to the whole place, and the whole world has been messed up. I heard that the country of Laos and Laos, which are based on the Yan State, are already fighting together and want to control the situation."

"But I don't know what it is. The situation is getting worse. The madmen are not afraid of pain and are not afraid of death. They are killed on the battlefield, and they don't know who is bringing them together. Now they seem to be cooperating with the Three Kingdoms. The situation has been spreading all over the place. This situation has spread all over the place. Now no country is safe. There are plagues in almost every country, and the scene is chaotic."

"We are far away from this place. It is not common for those madmen. But when we go to the east, it is easy to meet. Those who are mad and eat people are infinitely strong. No matter whether men, women and children are letting go, it is scary." Xiao Er said that the paintings are not as fake.

Joe Chu, they heard a burst of horror, this situation, they have seen it before!

That is not a plague at all, but a poisonous person who has come out of the soul hall! !

The innocent eyes suddenly cooled down. She did not expect that after a year of retreat, they would be such a world!

Xiao Er's face was a bit unsightly, and suddenly he shrank his neck and rolled.

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