Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1389: The world is in chaos 3

Qiao Chu’s face is black and scary. For the present in the emperor’s capital, it has not been forgotten. Bayi? Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≠8≤1≠Z≠W≤. ≈C≈O≈M

"It's a resurrection hall! What are they going to do? What a big mess! Can the other temples be ignored?" Qiao Chu gnashed his teeth, and the division between the middle and lower bounds was clear, even before looking for evil spirits. In the mausoleum, they will also be in the dark, never making such a big mess on the surface of the next three circles.

"But? Do you really think that those poisonous people are doing what the temple of the soul is?" The flower sneer.

"What do you mean?" Joe Chu gave a slight glimpse.

The innocent eyes of the monk stunned slightly. "This time the Twelve Temples are going to be real."

"Ah?" Qiao Chu was a little confused.

"Isn't this a good time? Just let them taste our power! I waited for this moment but waited for a long time." The non-smoke eyes set off the flames, and they were **** and revenge. They were already with the Twelve Temples. Water and fire are not allowed.

"Little evil, what are your plans?" Rong Ruo's eyes fell on the innocent.

Jun has no evil: "Get off the ground."

There is already a general guess in the heart of the innocent.

Twelve temples have never done this before, but suddenly they will attack the next three worlds. It is natural for dogs to jump off the wall.

They should be present. The maps that were originally in several temples have disappeared. Now they can’t sit still, and they will make a big fuss in the Three Realms. What is their purpose? Nothing can be confirmed now. The next three circles are mixing this look, what is their purpose? What are the benefits of doing so?

The heart of the innocent has quietly smashed up, and the world is in chaos. Between the words of the young and the second, it’s not hard to hear that the main and the poisonous people are fighting against the country, the country, the country and the other countries. No matter which country is of great significance to Jun.

If the Twelve Halls dare to hurt the people she cares about this time, even if she is chasing the ends of the earth, she will destroy the twelve halls!

At this moment, Jun couldn't sit still. She got up and immediately returned to the carriage. They also immediately got up and followed the past. It was not even enough to drink.

Jun no medicine to accompany the king innocently returned to the carriage, watching the innocent and dignified side face, quietly holding her little hand.

"They are stronger than you think. Don't worry." Jun has no medicine to know what is worried about innocent heart. The disparity between the next three circles and the middle three circles is too great. Now the twelve halls are blatantly facing the next three circles. How can I not worry if I have no evil?

Jun no evil took a deep breath, "I haven't looked for them yet, they sent them to the door."

Regardless of this time, there are several temples, and she will not let go. She doesn’t care how powerful the Three Realms are. She only knows that her body is born in the lower three worlds and is longer than the lower three worlds. The companions are here, she will never allow, the group of garbage in the middle three circles, so trampled on the lives of the three realms!

"Why do the little evil children need to be angry, since it is a bed bug that is irritating, then it will be crushed to death." Jun laughed with no cure.

Jun innocent eyes slightly picked up.

"Yeah, it’s fine to die."

When the sun was shining, the innocent people boarded the carriage and rushed to the east, the land covered by war, chaotic and disorderly.

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