Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1408: Local tyrants ask for support 2

The nightingale coughed aside, indicating that the nightingale had gone, not so good at the nighttime contact with the other people, with half a small face, stepping on the little ankle with a bell, and Ding was stunned to the front of the innocent. Bayi Chinese Network W? W (a) W?. 81ZW. COM

"The night is in..." The weak response.

"Give me the mouse." Jun innocently reached out to the nightingale, and the nightingale almost did not hesitate to hand the mouse to the hands of the innocent.

The squirrel, who was still holding a chestnut and slumbering, was awakened by the innocent fingertips. He stumbled from the palm of the innocent, and the two front paws were still holding the chestnut. .

It was that it was hard to grab from the mouth of the big man and the **** rabbit!

"Hey?" The squirrel looked puzzled at the innocent.

Jun has no evil to lick its small belly, and the soft touch under the abdomen makes people want to stop.

"Spit." Jun has no evil.

The squirrel licked his eyes and looked at the nightingale. He saw the nightingale nod to it. It loosened the chestnuts and carefully placed them on the palm of the innocent, then opened the small mouth and the small paws. A touch of your mouth!

Then, the Thunder looked at the little mouse with a stunned look and pulled out an egg-sized night pearl from his mouth!

"Hey!" The squirrel stretched the night pearl toward the innocent eyes.

Jun no evil but shook his head.

The squirrel stuffed the night pearl back, and took out a piece of jade from his mouth. The little squinting eyes standing on the side lit up instantly!


Shake his head.



Shake his head.

Even as the things that look at the squirrels are getting more and more embarrassing, Jun is no evil and simply refers to the golden dragon chair under his body.

The squirrel immediately understood the innocence of the innocent, and it smashed a gold bar from his mouth!

Jun Wuxie finally nodded with satisfaction.

"carry on."

Ever since, the squirrel jumped from the palm of the innocent, standing on the edge of the dragon chair and began to continually lick the gold bars from his mouth...

However, in the blink of an eye, the gold bars piled up by the innocent feet have already touched her feet.

The Thunder looked at this scene in front of him and was already stunned.


That fat mouse is the legendary cornucopia! !

The sound of the Dangdang keeps ringing, and the squirrel pours out the gold bars from the mouth, and the ground of the entire hall is filled with the slipped gold bars.

Such a huge amount of gold bars is really unbelievable.

The squirrel did not stop at all.

Until the gold bars were covered with every corner of the main hall, the threshold was about to come out, and the king said, "Well, let's spit this for the time being."

The squirrel immediately closed his mouth, and the fart was slammed into the hands of the innocent, and the shabby chestnuts happily returned to the shoulders of the nightingale.

just like……

The countless gold bars are not as valuable as the broken chestnuts that have been bitten.

"First take these to the emergency, if it is, although it is enough to find a nightingale, it is enough."

The Thunder has been flashed by the golden eyes in front of him, and his mouth has been unable to return to his heart for a long time.

For the first time, he is now, his own family, actually... so rich!

That fat mouse, isn't it really a cornucopia?

Qu Lingyue smiled and looked at Jun innocent, and his eyes were full of admiration. It seems that no matter what the earth-shattering things are done, it should be in her eyes, because...innocent in her mind, this is nothing. Can't.

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