Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1409: Local tyrants seeking support 3

Qiao Chu looked at the look of the Thunder and was completely satisfied. Eight?? One Chinese W≈W=W≤. ≤8≥1≥Z≤W≤. ≤COM

If Thunder knows that what he sees in front of him is just the tip of the iceberg, I don't know what to think?

Before the monarchs went out, the nightingales let the squirrels swallow all the treasures of the evil emperor's mausoleum, and now the mausoleum of the evil emperor has already become a cave, even the coffin of the evil emperor has been The squirrel swallowed it.

At the thought of the people in the Three Kingdoms, they are still blindly searching for the legendary treasures. The former servants followed the heroic righteousness, and Qiao Chu felt extremely sour.

Who can think of the wealth that once the evil emperor was now filled into the belly of a little mouse?

With the wealth of the evil emperor, don't say to save the treasury of the country, even if it is to arm the entire lower three spheres from the toes to the head, it is a breeze!

With the injection of the gold bars of Jun Wuxie, the Thunder finally breathed a sigh of relief and no need to pay for it.

The situation in the country of inflammation is still stable, and Wen Yu reports the current situation of the country and the country to the innocent.

In the previous battles, Laos suffered serious losses. Fortunately, there were also Ruilin troops sitting in the town. In just over a year, the strength of the country has risen tenfold, and the combat effectiveness is no less inferior to that of the country. Enough, but above the training, but not as skilled as the people of Lin Wangfu, Qu Lingyue sent Lei Xi to the country to help, Lei Xi for many years, painstakingly seek revenge opportunities, he is very talented, has a unique in the art of war Insights, and the Laos side also sent Long Qi to the Laos for help. The addition of the two also increased the combat effectiveness of the Laos army several times.

"The number of poisonous people is huge. It is still difficult to clear them all in a short period of time. The most troublesome thing is that we have not been able to find where the poisonous people's lairs are. I believe that behind the poisonous attack, Someone must be secretly instructing. Those poisonous people are the people who are plopping. Because they are poisonous, they lose their humanity and become the jealousy in the hands of others. If they can’t pull out the black hands behind the scenes, even if we fight back again and again. As a poisonous army, as long as the person is still there, he can continue to create more poisonous people when he is in the chaos of the world." Wen Yu sighed softly, and he had speculations about the disaster. It’s just inconvenient to talk to Qu Lingyue, but Jun has no idea what he is saying.

The world is in chaos, and all countries are struggling to support. When the wolf is everywhere, the people everywhere are not happy, and there are people who are escaping everywhere. Those who are displaced will become the targets of some people.

"This thing, I will deal with it." Jun no evil slightly squinted, Wen Yu's meaning she is very clear.

Do not cut off the root cause, after all, it is a cure for the symptoms.

"Two Joe." Jun Wuxie suddenly said.

"In!" Qiao Chu immediately came forward.

"You and Huage stayed in the country, and Yan and Xiaoru went to Laos. Fan Zhuo took you to the country with a small donkey. Once you were born, you immediately shot, and there was any news about the behind-the-scenes. Carefully collected." Jun no evil, smashed the opening.

"Yes!" Qiao Chu and others immediately responded!

With their current strength, even if they are caught in the army of poisonous people, they can safely withdraw.

"Without medicine, you will follow me to explore the strength of the black hand behind the poisonous army." Jun's innocent mouth sneered a sneer, dare to make waves in the next three circles, but don't blame her.

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