Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1417: Great good man 2

The man standing at the front of the team was handsome, temperamental, with a gentle smile on his face, watching the refugees gathered. ?八一?中文?W≈W≥W≠. ≤8≈1≤Z≤W≥. =C≈O≈M≠

"Yeah." The man nodded slightly like a passer.

The hands of the entourage all carried wooden boxes and got the man's instructions. Those who followed the wooden box opened, the box was filled with white hoes, and the steamed buns were hot and looked very delicious.

The refugees on both sides immediately appeared a commotion after seeing the big white hoe. They were temporarily arranged here. Although there is no need to worry about the attack of poisonous people, the life here is not so good. It is just daily eating. The problem is that they are very headaches. Although the Breeze City will send some nests every day, but the weight is not too much.

Everyone has at most two wolf heads per day. The half-slap-sized wolf-heads want to support their day's food. It is really difficult. It is eaten by the breeze. Many people are hungry. .

In the midst of a few days of being under-satisfied, I suddenly saw that some people had taken so much food, and these refugees naturally could not calm down.

They can't wait to immediately rush to grab those hoes, but they have to endure, look forward to those brightly dressed "great good people."

The followers quickly assigned the gimmicks to the incarcerated refugees, one by one, although not too much, but this thing is more than a hard-filled nest.

Thanks to the handsome man who took the **** of the **** and thanked the handsome man, thank you one by one.

The man nodded and smiled at the old and weak women, and the smile was as gentle as the spring breeze.

In addition to the hoe, some simple snacks were placed in the food boxes, which were sent to the children's hands. The snacks were not exquisite, but for the children who were displaced, it was already a very rare good thing, the children. The innocent laughter quickly reverberated in this refugee camp.

"These days are okay?" The man, looking at the nearly two hundred refugees around him, smiled and asked.

"It is already a very good thing to be able to let us enter the city. Where can we say good or bad? We have old arms and legs, and we have a mouthful to eat. It is pitiful for those children, and they are still so young... "Some old women can't help but feel a little sad. They are old and not far from death. But the children of their grandchildren have entered the city with them, because this time all the way, many children are I fell ill on the road.

Now that they have entered the Qingfeng City, they are really ashamed because of their shyness. They are not able to see the children.

The man looked at the sick child, his eyes slightly picked up, a strange sinister flashed through his eyes, and the quick one did not have the opportunity to capture, and then was replaced by his gentle smile.

"These little guys, it seems to be ill?" The man looked like an worried opening.

Several women with young children secretly wiped their tears.

"Yeah, these children are young and have bones and bones. They have been repeatedly scared and afraid of being evil spirits..." The old woman is also unbearable, and she wants to stop and look at the "great good people". ".

The man seemed to perceive the old woman's mind, and he said: "I have some medicine here, it is not a good thing, but it may be helpful for the condition of these children." He said that he would let the entourage, a bag of Dan The medicine was taken out and handed to the old woman's hand.

"The old man, these remedies let the children take the water, should be better." The man smiled.

The old woman was grateful again and again. She didn't have any hope, but she didn't expect the other party to actually respond.

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